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Posts posted by Shayuzu

  1. I haven't been posting or visiting lately because of sad yuzu feels. I'm coming out of ninja mode (hopefully yuzu too) to wish you guys a happy new year! HERES TO 2018, A YEAR OF HAPPINESS AND GOOD HEALTH :tumblr_inline_mfy92hO4sm1qid2nw:

  2. 2 hours ago, getsurenka said:

    Hmm... interesting. As far as I know, NHK was the first competition he did in 2010-2011 season, and he didn't do any regional competitions before then. I know he performed in the ice show Carnival before when he displayed his FS of that season, but he fell on the quad toe. Did you seen the footage before, what does it look like?

    Maybe it wasnt the first quad ever landed? But it was definitely the Zigeunerweisen program and a small competition in japan and not like NHK. It was a small rink with glass panels. He won gold and there was a huge gap in scores between 1rst & 2nd. I tried finding it through my history but no luck :( 

  3.  ....why are the skating gods like this??!! First he has a fever, then he gets hurt, and now he cried. All I wanted was a happy and healthy zuzu :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: 

    but if this is what yuzu needs in order to get better for nationals/olympics then by all means WD 

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