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Posts posted by Shayuzu

  1. 2 hours ago, sister555 said:


    Thanks a trillion!! :11135030:

    Do you have any idea when and where it was shot?

    Or the URL it belonged to?

    I'm quite sorry for being very curious!! :10636614:


    I think it was after kobe day 1 show(?) it was shared on instagram by momon1007 (the account is private now)

  2. 2 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

    I'm going to post this everywhere because it's so cute and bby i love you:7938863:, from the Edea gallery:


    I love the way yuzu hugs people, he just snuggles himself into their neck and holds them close....all I want in life is a hug from yuzu :13877886::10636614: 

  3. so apparently yuzu's olympic ex is vertigo...can someone comfirm this please

    on another note how do you feel about nathan doing 7 quads in his program?

    Is that because people were making a joke about Twitter trending Vertigo2017? Please don't believe everything you see on twitter! The other day someone took the fake texts as true, like the one where Yuzu dropped a bowl of noodles on the ice....


    Okay that one was too outrageous to be believable. Like who eats noodles at a icerink?

    I just saw the trending and thought it was real... but atleast we wont be seeing the leather (a.ka trash bag) pants again :rofl2:

  4. Is there video of that Worlds 2015 gala practice spiral? Where Misha Ge grabs onto his foot? I've only see it in gif form.


    you can find the video tittled (2015 World Championships Gala Highlights Produced by Misha Ge)

    at the 1:33 mark

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