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  1. I fell asleep and missed most of the show, does anyone have a full recording ?
  2. Wait how did I not find it? I really didn't search well lol. Thanks a lot! But does anyone have the uncut whole version or does it not exist?
  3. I'm searching for the 2014 olympic winners conference (Yuzuru, Patrick and Denis) but I can't find it anywhere besides extracts in documentaries. I don't know in which sub forum I should ask so I'm doing it in the general chat. If I remember right he talked about the disaster and how he wasn't able to smile despite the medal because he felt like he didn't really change anything.
  4. Thank you so much for making this glossary ! As a baby fanyu a lot of terms in forums are very confusing so this is super helpful !
  5. Will you have to add all the videos on his youtube channel which passed one million or is it only competitive programs ?
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