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印象中第一场FaOI是在26号 以往参加的时候都是提前一个月公布的 所以这一场感觉参加的可能性不是很高


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8. Please give a proper credit by posting the link to the original source for any photos, fanarts, translations, videos, gifs, news, fan edits etc. And ask permission to use photo/videos taken by fans, fan edits, fan art if to use them for any edit. If it's your work state by putting "created by me" or "edited by me"; and if you are not the original source please also credit by posting the link of original source.


论坛规则现在强调 任何资源(包括你的头像和签名)都尽量加上credit,尤其是非官方的fan-made资源(你懂的)。如果不清楚来源的话,可以说source unknown;如果是个人制作,请注明 “created/edited by me"。现在头像下可以加上image credit一栏 (看我头像) :pbow:

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看了legend呀~~織田前輩真的專業膜牛!!!本來以為節目介紹裡說到的"受歡迎傳說"會是4cc的女童呢... :rofl2:

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