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Everything posted by yuzuuu

  1. I searched kiss and cry. turns out there's another FS manga in 2007 with this name XD (but I cant find the current one, is it not yet released or something?)
  2. one shirt is $30+ for me... not to mention shipping... I'm still contemplating
  3. am I the only one that loves his long-ish hair?
  4. i got H&L again haha really wanted chopin~~ but these two are my faves so XD
  5. not sure what's happening but I just wanna say that nowadays hate just amuses me, I'm not even angry anymore. I'll just focus my energy on supporting yuzu.
  6. I've posted some long long ago here XD
  7. I entered an art competition with submissions of yuzu fanart and I got into the final round (but well I don't think I'll proceed anymore haha, just realised it's another country)
  8. XDDDD there's a pooh luggage tag too
  9. If I rmb correctly, Japanese commentators mentioned world standings in Sochi and a couple other competitions. and thing is with Japanese love of the yuzu uno rival thing. there's likely gonna be quite some talk from them. and even without the rival thing, a lot of news introduce skaters with world rankings too (not just reporting about it). Mostly, it's used among casual fans especially. but regardless, I don't care about world standings too, just saying that are quite a lot out there who uses it to describe skaters. in response to Erin, yeah they say it quite often. they seem quite obsessed with the standings imo. when yuzu got to no.1 back then, media etc. mentions it almost all the time.
  10. actually they kinda do. Mainly just Japanese media/commentators tho. Ive seen on newspapers, the talk about the skaters in terms of their ranking. and in commentaries, they'll be like let's see what the world rank no.1 can do/as expected of world ranking no.1 etc...
  11. well uhm at least you have some good genes... what ever happened to mine
  12. who's that rich... omg. can they just like take over the skating federation and award yuzu more hahaha
  13. wait if it goes above 10mil, it'll be more than what yuzu earns from winning the ogm right..... looks like there's fans whos richer than the federation and committee and....
  14. he can keep skating for as long as he likes or stop whenever, and I'll love and support in what he does nonetheless. period.
  15. can we just end this talk about whoever surpassing Yuzu. regardless of anything, we all know that yuzu will forever be remembered as one if not the best skater ever.
  16. It truly sucks having your immense hard work and "betting my life" being belittled and put off with a few sentences of random speculations and nonsense.
  17. those who love him are a 100000000000000000000000000000000x more XD I gotta admit tho, even I haven't seen much hate stuff, I've been drowning in bliss this few weeks lol (well sometimes not knowing is better for my heart)
  18. exactly!! when people dare touch yuzu: but I'm just a lil sad he seems to be talking about the 'hater' stuff a lot recently, he must have seen quite some stuff....
  19. I think he said something like if he were to start a family, its like betraying the fans who support him. then he said, but then again, I'm not an idol. (relying on my limited Japanese from hearing too much Japanese)
  20. why don't they ask what if he didn't make mistakes in his free
  21. i have a final term on Monday...... help
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