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  1. I am so bad at counting rotations lol. Is that actually a fully rotated 4A or just a 3A? Either way, it looks amazing!
  2. Hey everyone! New member here: I've mostly been lurking around but I'm confused on something- if anyone could help me understand that would be great! I think it's pretty common knowledge here that both the ISU and JSF dislike yuzu and have constantly underscored him in the past few years, but I've always struggled to understand why they dislike him so much to this extent. I really don't understand why the JSF hates yuzu so much. Like, he's their most respected, highest achieving, and popular skater over all of these years. So why are they so cold to him and prefer/push Shoma and Yuma over him? Is it since they want to move on from Yuzu and promote a new generation of Japanese skaters, AKA Yuma? I can't really put my head around this one. And also for the ISU, I guess this directly correlates to the JSF not liking Yuzu. Since the JSF has substaintial power as a federation similar to the Russians and the Americans -- so you would expect that to work to Yuzu's favor, but it really doesn't because his own federation doesn't like him This is just me being really frustrated with all the federations, scoring, etc. At this point it really seems like Yuzu (and Fanyus) vs. the world, and it really makes me sad that it's not going to change. But it really shows how committed Yuzu is to this sport and how much he loves it. He doesn't care so much for the scores but I'm glad he continues to enjoy the sport and push himself further.
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