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Posts posted by EisElle

  1. I focus mostly on commenting the programs but now gotta say how much I love the narration of the segments after Requiem:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: not that the rest is bad (the part about devouring things? The water dripping down on his chin...that's so unsettling! And all the continue yes yes yes...), but those really are...uplifting. the rain, the light on his face..the light filling his face (because it's his expression that brighten up too!) and then the opening of a wonderful sky... and the music is the same as when on the screen re_play becomes re_pray

    Wonderfully written and acted:tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg:

  2. I'm watching,and camerawork on Fleeting dream was so nice, in Gate of Living..less so,mostly from afar😅 but I noticed some things I didn't notice in other broadcasts, or maybe I just need a full rewatch of all Gate of Living😆 in Dark Messenger jumps didn't collaborate at all, must have been very kuyashii for him but tbh he kinda looked tired throughout? The energy in Yokohama day2 was like x100, I'm happy he could skate triumphantly to the program and I hope the same for next stop!

    Beautiful Fleeting dream reprise... WAIT now I must rewatch all of them too, because how come I hadn't registered till now the change in how he gets in the centre of the springing tree?

  3. I know next to nothing about fashion, but happy for Yuzu!!! A couple years ago certainly I would have not imagined this😆

    I too think Gucci's previous efforts to support local artisans and charity may have played a role in Yuzuru's choice. Of course, there's way more than this at play when signing with a brand (including more prosaic financial considerations) but it may have made Zu take note of the brand all the same, like for many he has collaborated with in these years.

    I'm curious about what this contract will entail...and where it will bring Yuzuru. tho it's more likely Gucci will go to Sendai for Yuzu than the other way around😆

  4. OMG I LOVE ENDING SONG SO MUCH!!!!!!!! from closing chorus with percussion to soft and then singing and choreo start and the refrain and then Yuzu!!!

    ETA: Shae-Lynn always has the most beautiful expression when they do that part where they join hands in 4

    Yuzu is just a wave of unrestrained emotion sweeping you away, he doesn't perform to music, he lives it

    and I think I died on the IB🥺

  5. My stream came back but audio and vid brutally un-synced😅 and some more total freezing...but Yuzuru's way of moving is mesmerising no matter what...love so much that sound of blade is so present in this performance, that twizzling so lovely, the spins...whoa that was one very good camera choice at the end! From above💕💕💕:tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow:

  6. Oh I haven't watched Mao Daichi's solo performance, I was looking forward to it but rn my audio is seriously mismatched plus the freezing

    ..already resigned to the same for Danny Boy but still, better than missing it all by yesterday!

    Eta: I suppose it is not surprising she's so versatile! Every part of her exudes the confidence of who knows how to her control a stage


    Danny Boy! And everything freezes!😭 looks like after all I'm missing it again😢

  7. I managed to get in the qq stream for Keiji (and not for lack of trying! I was about to give up and go to bed😅), stream keeps freezing but still, managed to watch most of Carmina Burana inbetween refreshing!😍😍😍🔥 (Tho first part was kinda out of sync, music didn't freeze together with video.. the puppeteer part was so good instead!). Happy that 3A was magnificent as Zu wanted!

    ETA: Definitely looking forward to a more relaxed viewing experience with the tv broadcast!


  8. So, I spent the past few hours trying to make a stream work and failing across 4 different browsers, while refreshing here and twitter for updates (of everything I was missing out😢of course I did other things inbetween too like having breakfast and such😆), and AT LAST I managed..to see Yuzu giving his bows after Danny Boy:smiley-sad016: but hey I caught the ending song! Which somehow felt even more beautiful than last year:tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg: and the moment Yuzu come out and took the stage(rink) my gosh YES glad I got to watch it:tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg::tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: beautiful beautiful way to start a morning, the sun shines brighter now!:smiley-happy093:

  9. just watched finally the full clips od Danny Boy and Carmina Burana.




    I had watched some snippets already and looked already good, but the WHOLE THING? too many thouughts. The sound of blades., the drama. the softness. the concept. the CHARISTMA. the sensitivity. OMG!


    ETA: thank you so much to everyone sharing clips, given the difficulty of access this time around, I'm especially thankful ;__;


    ETA2: I always thought CarminaBurana would be a good fit for Yuzu, since he has this natural dramatic flare...and it IS! just, not the way I imagined or expected! which makes it even better!

    Mao Daichi san has charistma in spades too, really really loved that collab (if I may be even greedier, just wish camera had always shown both her and Yuzu when they were doing related choreo, even tho, for obvious reasons, it is hard to keep two people very far in the same frame with all the sufficient zoom to see both the big picture and the details all at once. But that's why we should be given multiple camera angles! and I'm looking forward to next two performances and camerawork!)

    while ravining about Carmina Burana, I can't help but be sad that we wont see it outside of this one(x3days) unrepeatable occasion ;__; Danny Boy though, Yuzu, you better skate it in other occasions too! my gosh for once I wasn't mad (not too much, anyway!) when cameraman cut to his feet and shadow in a spin cuz it was a pretty shadow. All the spins from above too, with the costume long flaps opening like a flower, they were beautiful camera choice! even just for "mere" Aestetichs, there would be so much to say about that program...

    my thanks to both Shae and DW for the choreo too (DW really is one to make great use of the InaBauer... tho I felt all Yuzu's IB in NS2024 were especially glorious! Also so interesting to me that Yuzu keeps doing all kind of uncommon spins shapes, very far from those to be done in competition. Really marks how one can always innovate, beyond the need to score points


    jeez I should go to sleep but I'm suddenly so hyped!

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