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Everything posted by senemgencer

  1. VERY IMPORTANT ! Please read and share ! Most of you may know what a big fan of Yuzuru the author Martina Frammartino is. She has a blog dedicated mainly to FS (and Yuzuru) where she shares her reflections and ideas based on solid statistics. Today she published an article about unfair scoring in ISU and what an ongoing problem it has been throughout the years. It shows clearly that most performances are already "judged" before the skaters finish their performance. https://sportlandiamartina.wordpress.com/2021/04/07/the-second-mark-by-joy-goodwin-and-by-sviatoslav-babenko-and-alfred-koritek/ What beats me more is that I see Yuzuru being drown into a "learned helplessness" pschology which limits his skating and making him feel less relevant. He obviously has lost his will to compete further because of many reasons, unfair scoring being one of them. I wish to be proven wrong, but I doubt it. I suggest we share this article on every platform, tagging ISU and the Olympic commitee. Love Senem
  2. Thank you for this If there is any achievement, it is definitely thanks to the people who supported me and the project. Talking about Yuzuru fans, I must share my dissapointment in some of the "so called" fans who write insults or hate words under some Tweets that critise Yuzuru. This is very unrespectful, immature and shameful. Everyone is entitled to like or dislike a certain skater and can share his feelings. But to attack those thoughts with insults and disgusting comments definitely create a very negative perception about a man who only radiates love and kindness. And this is very very unfair. I will, from now on, interfere if I see any Fanyu comment that haresses someone else in any way and tell the person to either delete it or change the tone. Please let's do this. Let's not be a burden on the man, but a fandom that he is proud of.
  3. He has not made a career, he has made a legend. All the pain that he has been through is contained in the love we have for him. There have been rare sportsmen on the planet who has meant so much to so many people, not because of his success but because of the hope he still continues to give. Don't be heart broken, this guy is a gift to the world. Let's enjoy his presense and his journey, be a part of it. He suffered but that's how he became the great man we love. And he is a happy man, I think. He just finds content in other things than the average person, that's all. The child in him protects him, let's pray that he never has to grow up.
  4. Thank you for the translation. I used Google Translate to understand what was said. I am Turkısh, but it is true that I live in Switzerland. But that is really a tiny detail. Ganbatte Yuzuru fans!
  5. OMG! Can't believe it! I sent a press release to WC Press coordinator and he promised me to spread it. He told me that he would share it with the Japanese media representative in Stockholm, apparently he has done it! What hope that this will bring more donations from Japan to our campaign. Then I will be very happy! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR LETTING ME KNOW. My non-existent Japanese wouldn't help
  6. Hi everyone ! I am so happy now ! I received an email from the Childen's Hospital in which they thank me for the donations. I shared the photo and a very sweet message on campaign's Twitter account. They were delievered some Poohs, a kitten and a painting book today. Those of you who contributed already, A BIG THANK YOU ! Yuzuru's legend is known to more people now. Those who hear about the campaign now, you are not late. The campaign has not and will not end: https://yuzuru4children.blogspot.com/2021/03/let-pooh-sans-and-toys-rain-on.html?showComment=1616066112866#c2016532907617530762 I hope we will celebrate Yuzuru's 3rd time victory in perfect health Love to you all ! Senem
  7. Nathan is like Adele: technically very strong, a great performer, fun to watch, lots to appreciate. Yuzuru is Amy Winehouse and Beyonce combined: you think of what he has been through, so he moves you when he skates in a way noone can, but he also has this star element. You can't take our eyes off of him. You may not like him, but you can never ignore him. He owns the crowds.
  8. I have the same hunch. I hope I won't be proven wrong
  9. I have read 2 statistical studies about ISUs biased scoring recently. Apparently American, Russian and Korean judges are almost systematically biased. Canadians are not falling behind either. So keeping wishes and good thinking aside and scientifically speaking, it is highly possible that even if Yuzuru performs both of his programmes perfectly, Nathan will be overscored. If NC does 5/6 quads, skates clean (he skates clean more often than Yuzuru, to be honest) and wins over Yuzuru, I will be the first to applause him. But all things being equal, he would be winning over him because of ISU's unfairness. So, I am leaving it to the universe to set the balance. Yuzuru is one of the greatest skaters ever, with or without a gold medal.
  10. I like NC as a nice, well educated, hard working athlete who always shows outmost respect for Yuzuru. Imo, he is one person we should thank for pushing Yuzuru skate in competitions after PyangCheong. BUT I despise how he is being overscored by ISU. This is very unfair on not only Yuzuru but other competitors as well. This is not his fault, yes, but we are human. Under the current biased and corrupt ISU scoring, there is only one way that he will not be "gifted" the 1st place even if Yuzuru skates perfectly clean: if he commits a serious mistake or falls. Let's not be naive, because ISU is NOT. They have proven that they are corrupt (2002 Winter Olympics couples scandal) and they have proven that they are biased (2018 PyeongChang Ladies Scandal). Now they are polishing Nathan as their new pet to fill the stadiums after Yuzuru, trying to "create" a new legend, a new idol who will make thousands follow ice skating. They couldn't care less about just and fair. [admin edit]
  11. Hello everyone, As you may remember, I started a donation campaign in Yuzuru's honor with the sole aim to help children in need and to make them smile. With almost one week to go to the World Championship, I wanted to remind you that the campaign is still on and the children are waiting for your contributions.Good news : I learned from Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital in Stockholm that they started to receive some (minor) cash donations and some Pooh bears already, all being sent as "From Yuzuru Hanyu for children", so that's great! A big "Thank you" to everyone who contributed and let's make it even bigger! In addition to cash donations there is now a new option which will allow you to contribute to the cause TWICE by making only ONE online purchase: you will buy a bear, get it delievered to a child at a women & children's shelter and %100 of the money you spend will be used for the benefit of children while the bear you ordered will make a traumatised child smile. All details in the link below, with detailed instructions for how to order online. LET'S PROVE TO THE WORLD THAT YUZURU FANS ARE THE KINDEST AND THE MOST GENEROUS ! https://yuzuru4children.blogspot.com/.../let-pooh-sans...
  12. That's the Twitter account by which I am promoting the donation campaign for children's hospital in Yuzuru's name! Thanks for bringing it here. For those who haven't heard about the campaign yet: https://yuzuru4children.blogspot.com/2021/03/let-pooh-sans-and-toys-rain-on.html
  13. Thank you very much, that would be great
  14. Hi everyone ! Does anyone have Weibo account? I can't open an account since I don't live in any of the countries listed on Weibo to open one (Switzerland). I will ask a favor from you to forward our campaign info to one of the fan accounts on Weibo please. Yuzuru has a huge fan base there. Thanks Senem
  15. Hello IceWings ! As I also said to Pammi, "The adress provided belongs to the Foundation and they know who Yuzuru Hanyu is and what this madness is about :)) I exchanged several emails with the Manager. She even raised it with the Board Members, so they all know about little Japanese cutie pie by now "
  16. Don't worry. The adress provided belongs to the Foundation and they know who Yuzuru Hanyu is and what this madness is about :)) I exchanged several emails with the Manager. She even raised it with the Board Members, so they all know about little Japanese cutie pie by now
  17. Good idea. There is one actually. My original (bad) idea was to send the Pooh's to Ericon Globe Arena where the WC will be held and I took this account. Then I changed my mind by sice I already opened the account, I decided to reuse it. Here it is:
  18. Perfect ! I am aware of at least 5 Poohs (mine not included) are on their way to Stockholm, wth yours it made 7. Even if it is not going to be a "present rain" but a "shower" it is better than nothing. I feel extremely happy
  19. Big respect and love to YOU. Love triumps hate, this group is an example Pooh hugs Senem
  20. Shit happens everywhere. If you avoid doing good because of fear of the evil or hate, nothing can be done. If the foundation receives hate stuff, they can destroy or ignore. Nothing will go children before it reaches the Foundation. Do you know the amount of time I spend for this campaign? Create a blog, contact the foundation by phone, try to reach every Hanyu online fan club, even newspapers in Japan etc. I do all this because I think it is not fair to deprive children of the smile when they get a present. My ONLY expectation is have hundreds of goodness arriving to Stockholm. It's easy to find a reason not to act on anything, but people who make a difference are those who find the motivation to act. This is something a genuine Yuzuru fan already mst know. There was a devistating earthquake in Turkey 5 years ago and there were many campaigns for the effected areas. Some idiots have sent STONES, used underwear and other embarrasing stuff for hate (it was a town where there is a big a Kurdish population). I was working at one of the help centers where aid was being collected, so I know at first hand. I felt rage when I that happened. But I also saw loads of dry food, new baby clothes, huge packages of sanitary goods sent by the good people. Then felt very happy. Happy times were uncountably more than the angry times, so at the end of the day I was always feeling content. Let's stop focusing on the bad. Let's focus on the good we can do. Love,Senem
  21. I am blessed to have found out Yuzuru and this group. So let's get together and prove the rest of the world how powerfull we Fanyus are !
  22. Dear Yuzuru Hanyu fans all over the world, If we can't travel to Stockholm to see and support Yuzuru, let's twist the reality and be there in spirit while making children happy, let's provide hundreds of Pooh-sans, toys for the sick children. The idea is simple: there is Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital in Stockholm where the most seriously ill children from all over the country are treated. They care for children with chronic diseases, acute conditions and premature babies. So let Winnie the Poohs, toys or other gifts from all over the world rain on this hospital! They have a Foundation which I contacted personally and they are waiting for us, Yuzuru fans! SO LET'S MAKE A DIFFERENCE ! We can either send presents (a Winnie the Pooh or another toy or anything else you can afford to make a child happy) to the Astrid Lindgren Foundation whose address is: The Foundation for the Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital c/o Karolinska University Hospital A1:05 171 76 Stockholm SWEDEN with a note saying that the present is from Yuzuru Hanyu or donate to the Foudation's bank account directly. Their bank details are on their webpage here. Every dollar/euro that you send will be used for the benefit of children OR do both Let's prove that Yuzuru fans are the best and they are always there to support him. Let him and ill children feel our love, under any circumstance. Love to you all and thank you in advance Senem Gencer
  23. Hello Geo1, What a nice message! I was smiling while reading, but at the same time missing my dad terribly who passed away 4 years ago. Enjoy and appreciate every minute of your time with dad, they don't last forever Some news for dad and you then, I started a campaign in Yuzuru's name in order not to deprive children in Stockholm (World Championship this month) of Winnie the Poohs and presents that are thrown on the ice rink. it really makes me sad to know that we won't be able to witness the Pooh rain because of COVID restrictions and no-audience rule. As a mother of 2 children myself, seeing so many Pooh-sans and toys waiting for their new owners to make happy, always made me smile. The idea is simple: there is Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital in Stockholm where the most seriously ill children from all over the country are treated. They care for children with chronic diseases, acute conditions and premature babies. So let Winnie the Poohs, toys or other gifts from all over the world rain on this hospital! They have a Foundation which I contacted personally and they are waiting for us, Yuzuru fans! You can donate to the Foundation directly or send presents / Poohs / letters etc (or all of those) to encourage children to fight. Details are here: https://yuzuru4children.blogspot.com/2021/03/let-pooh-sans-and-toys-rain-on.html Love to you and dad, and to everyone ! Senem
  24. I was just joking... I don't know how old you are but after 40, you get a little bit sensitive about "age"
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