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Everything posted by senemgencer

  1. Hello fellow satellites and friends! I have an idea for Yuzuru's coming birthday. I saw that we have 24 people from 19 countries who volunteered for the project and that's a great number and variety. 7 yrs ago I watched a documentary, HUMAN, from the renowned French photographer and journalist Yann Arthus-Bertrand and found it amazing. You can find it on YouTube and I inserted its link at the end of this message: The promo text says: "What is it that makes us human? Is it that we love, that we fight ? That we laugh ? Cry ? Our curiosity? The quest for discovery ? Driven by these questions, filmmaker and artist Yann Arthus-Bertrand spent three years collecting real-life stories from 2,000 women and men in 60 countries. Working with a dedicated team of translators, journalists and cameramen, Yann captures deeply personal and emotional accounts of topics that unite us all; struggles with poverty, war, homophobia, and the future of our planet mixed with moments of love and happiness." Please give yourselves 10-15 mins. to watch a part of it, and you will understand me better. So I thought maybe we can do our own small documentary about "What is it that makes us a Fanyu? The hope he gives? His victories? His dedication? The love he has for his fans? " To me, for example, his love to Sendai is very relatable and dear since I come from a part of Turkey which has been neglected and seen as a region of exile for decades. The regionalism Yuzuru has been subject to, has been my experience for a long time and just like him, I feel indebted to my region and my city. etc etc etc The idea is that participants for the bday project shoot (say) 15-20 sec. video of their country (or share a video we can find online, if they don't want to do it themselves) . I would, for example, shot a scene at a cafe in Diyarbakır (my hometown) and ask random people about Yuzuru. There's a 99,9% chance that they have never heard about him, so I would show them a performance and record their reactions. Maybe just 1 reaction, but it would be from a very distant part of the world from him. Then perhaps a 2-3 min. monologue from participants of the project which they share what they want to share. A personal story? Some statistical data about how he was underscored? Why and how she created an fanart? etc etc etc All in our native languages with English subtitles. Its just an idea which I hope will inspire people to come up with much better and creative ones. Yuzuru is a challenger and he never did something ordinary. So I think he deserves to receive something "never-been-done-before" on his special birthday. What do you say? Love, Senem
  2. Hello there ! Thank you for your warm and enthusiastic reply. I am glad that you raised your questions and concerns. Let me try to answer them: The project will put Fanyus in focus but will be a love letter to Yuzuru since the core of Fanyuism is what he is and what he gives. People who accuse Fanyus of being this or that usually have no idea about the current dynamics of social media or are biased or are unwitting racists. I am a 50 year old woman who is following various actors' / athletes' / singers' (both Turkish and foreign) official and fan accounts. I come from a generation which used to send hand written letters to fan clubs, had to wait for weekly youth magazines to see the faces her idols and get some news. So trust me when I say that most of this "dislike for Fanyus" come from one of these 3 reasons. And while we elaborate on those 3 (or maybe more) reasons, we will also be analysing the greatness of Yuzuru. As for possible financers, I am happy to present - the story board - the research - the outline - the shot list - a very summarised script I am not familiar with the distribution part at all since it is entirely different market but this is where people make money As for your young friends, well as long as they have access to filming equipment and have some experience, I wouldn't think it's a bad idea to get them involved. "The Blair Witch Project" was an entirely an amateur production, but this is why it was very successfull. "Organic" is the new trend, so an independent and fan-made production may appeal to the audience. Anyone who can help the project reach His Excellency's sponsors will get a hug from Yuzuru Hope this answers some of the concerns Senem
  3. Hello everyone ! First of all, English is not my first language, so apologies for mistakes and wording. I am a Turkish Fanyu, living in Zurich. Some of you may remember my name from the Pooh campaign during Stockholm2021. I would like to pass my gratitiude to all Satellites who participated and made it happen. Now I have a bigger project which may be one of its kind in the world. And there is no way that it can be realised without the Satelites. It's a documentary about Yuzuru and us: THE FANyu. I have been discussing it with some people who are already in movie production business, some Fanyus who I trust and yes, it seems like a huge project. I have given a lot of thinking about the content, prepared some mood boards, even visualised each chapter of the documentary sequence by sequence. I didn't envisage it as the life story of Yuzuru, I dreamt of it as a documentary which demonstrates why he is one in a million skating icon, why he can not be replaced and what he means to the Fanyus with some concrete examples; i.e with real life stories of people whose lives were changed because of him. A 60-90 min. documentary with 6-7 sections, a documentary that starts with his announcement of turning pro, analysis of the conditions that made him take this decison, continues with how his fandom continued to grow bigger even when he was losing, why he means so much to people, the power of Fanyus, how he unites fans across the globe. I aim to focus on the good and bad sides of social media and on the concept of "fandom" as well, this is why I thought of the title THE FANyu. Although I have also been victim of some aggresive Fanyus on SNS, I truely believe that this "crazy Fanyus" reputation is all made up. And I want to do my best to change it. I know that we have some insanely talented Fanyus, Fanyus with some good connections, Fanyus who are ready to share their stories, so why not unite for a project like this? I want this to be a project which is led by Fanyus, a project that has a heart. A project that is managed and marketed professionally, though. "How about the finance?" is the main question of course and that's why we need people with connections who can help us reach possible sponsors. This may sound like a crazy idea, but I wholeheartedly believe that it is doable. And I can not think of something better to give our dear Yuzuru as his "turning pro" present. So, fellow Satellites, what do you think?
  4. If you wish to see Yuzuru among the "Most Handsome Faces of 2021", you can go to this channel and nominate him as often as you like. In the description they say (copy-pasted here) : TO NOMINATE: 1. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel. 2. Find the Correct Video (Beautiful or Handsome). 3. Comment with Your Nominations. 4. Nominate as Often as You Like. 5. Follow Us on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/tccandler 6. Check Our Socials to See Who We Accept. DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 30th, 2021
  5. Hello satelites, If any of you can help Henni, you will be doing a big service to us all. I personally can't stand seeing Yuzuru's name below Nathan's in anything Thank you for your help Senem
  6. Sorry, I am totally ignorant to this subject but did JSF say that Yuzuru's performance was because of nervousness??
  7. Wooow, thank you so much for the effort.
  8. Can you pls give the link to her article where she put this table in? I checked the last 3, but couldn't see. Thanks in advance
  9. While we are celebrating the 4th anniversary of the group, I wanted to share some videos from On Ice Perspectives, a YouTube channel which I really like: My favorite video (maybe because it also mentions my Winnie the Pooh campaign) A video where he looks stunning in his UA (as always) while skating to one of my favorite programmes Simple, short, yet I love it Don't let the title mislead you, it is like 60% Yuzuru "The Reign of Pooh" needs special care from Fanyus, it is a clear manifestation of our admiration for this gorgeous human.
  10. "You have not understand it all right" as you say There are different ways of approaching a problem. One way is pointing out the finger at ISU and say "You are wrong and bad. You are treating my favorite skater badly as well and I am not playing with you anymore" which brings noone to nowhere. It just creates more problems for everyone, including me. The other way is saying "Look, there is a problem here which both some skaters and the audience feel uncomfortable with. Here are some suggestions to your consideration, backed with some stats, a feasibility study and some expert views. Please consider them as comments from people who like FS and want it to access to a broader audience." Do you think that it will not solve the problem? I agree, it won't. But it will make people think. Question their status. This is how change starts. Nothing happens when we do nothing but noise in our virtual worlds. FYI, I am a Campaign Manager who has lead many projects against and with the "authorities". My attitude in life is "if you see a problem and you continiously complain about it without doing anything to change the situation or your own situation, then you are a part of the problem". Yuzuru has done his share of work to change the situation at the risk of receiving many controversary and reactions. His thesis is out there, open to public access, therefore nobody needs his permision to use it , this is basic academia practice. All you are obliged to do is to use citations when you use a part of his work. I hope I have been able to answer some of your concerns.
  11. I saw this. I also contacted some people at the department of computer sciences at ETH, Zürich. ETH Zurich is amongst top 10 technical universities in the world. I want to meet with some people at the department of Sports at ETH so that my report/study will reflect more scientific backing. ETH guys confirmed me that given ISU has full access to all data (the scoring mechanism, all perfect and imperfect jumps with recordings from the past God knows how many years and many more digital input), it will take any technical university as short as 3 weeks to put together an almost perfect scoring AI based system. The most difficult part of creating AI, they say, is collecting data which is useful and meaningful. Mind you that ISU already has some digital training schemes in place for judges. So IF they want to change, it is just a matter of months to make it. The key words here are:"want to change". I understand that they lack the vision to understand future generations and how they can access them. They probably think that having a TickTock account will suffice
  12. A big thank you for everyone who has contributed to my idea. My approach is to go the constructive way, just like Yuzuru's: "There is a problem here, it is possibly caused by human error and here is a feasibility study that suggests some good ideas and solutions on the matter." Martina has created some very useful stats which can be used to support my approach. I have no intention to accuse ISU, because it will bore no fruits. 2 weeks ago I had a meeting with a PR agent here about how one could lobby against ISU and he gave me some very valuable advice. Attacking is NOT one of them. I am planing to chat with a retired skater who has participated to European Championships (in top ten) and to some who is at the board of "Art on Ice" Show. I think once I collect these data and different approaches, I can be able to construct a well structured report. "This will change nothing" is what comes to mind and all my efforts may perhaps mean nothing, but even if there is a slight chance to make judges realise that our patience is lacking and if they don't change, FS will change for worse, I want to take this chance. Please keep all your ideas and criticism coming, I appreciate them all Thank you
  13. I am very impatiently waiting for the translation of his work. I will then include some articles from Martina Frammartino where she gives numerical evidence and lots of stats about underscoring. I will then make lots of copies and send them to every ISU board member and judge. ISU HQ is only 2 hours away from where I live
  14. About the Pooh rain: I think this should be one of the most iconic moments in the history of FS. He is adored beyond imagination. And this scares ISU, because they know that it will be impossible to flock so many people into arenas once he retires. They want to create a new superstar in USA with Nathan Chen so that they can increase their audience there, but they know that anywhere else in the world, he (or anyone else) will fail to replace the void. And there is no one else in the horizon that may do this either. From a marketing person's point of view, I can say that Yuzuru has a very powerfull advantage over all his rivals: "brand" loyalty. It is very similar to some football supporters' loyalty: we can liken Pooh rain to the spirit of Liverpool's "You will never walk alone" song. There is also a message of hope and appreciation the Pooh rain has given fans through some tough times - both on and off the rink. Yuzuru fans can connect with him at very different levels: he represents glory, suffering, injustice, frienship, hardwork and failure... everything an ordinary person can relate to and things that an ordinary person can not achieve. When Stephan Lambiel said that Yuzuru is the whole package, he meant the artistic and technical prowess but he ignored the most important component of the Yuzuru saga: he has a very powerful story and he knows how to win against authority. Look how he stole the show from everyone this year, his 4A attempt is the hottest topic. If I was a psychology student in Japan, I would love to write a thesis on him. The Pooh rain, to me, is a very interesting phenomenon.
  15. @Whoopiewoop thanks a lot for the comments. Have you heard of the Gallipoli war? and how the Turkish army (which consisted mainly of minor year old peasants) fought back (and won) against the British Empire and Franced armies combined? We should fight like that. Nothing is a lost case, ISU wins only because they think that noone can stand against them and people keep on coming onto them either individually or in very small groups. Crowded and unity are the key words here. Martina is a good stats person, I love her articles, but she is not the kind of person who likes to lead. So of course she will say that it is a lost cause, because she has never tried. By the way, I am a Campaign Manager by profession, so trust me you can beat any company or an organisation nowadays by implementing correct tactics. We can start with the Italian media, Japanese media, German media, Turkish media, Swiss media, CHINESE media (where Yuzuru is very popular, for instance).... any media you can think of. They would love the story of Don Quixiotes uniting against the windmills and the narrative is simple "We want fair scoring and there is a way" What may come out of this, is exactly what came out of Gallipoli: the enemy will lose power and step back. I am not expacting ISU to adapt AI in the next 3-5 years realistically speaking, but our REAL aim is to create so much noise that they will feel obliged to do their job properly, at least for the next few seasons. Look what happened with European Super League. Look how greedy and evil those super rich bosses look now when spectators refused to be a part of their greedy game. What happened at Sochi is why we have to act NOW. Once the damage is done, you can't take it back (although it also happened once at Salt Lake, if you remember, but it is whole a different story), but we can have an impact with if a PR campaign that starts early. Can we be that powerful? Maybe not. But unless we try, we can never know. They keep saying that Yuzuru has a massive fanbase who follow him everywhere. It is time to prove it then.
  16. Dear Yuzuru fans, To repeat what I thought could be some steps/strategies to put pressure on ISU about the issue of fair scoring: * First step must be to include in Olympic Commitee in every communication made on social media. * Secondly, unfair scoring is not only recent, there is a whole book about it: The Second Mark. Courage, Corruption, and the Battle for Olympic Gold. We can use lots of content from the book to justify that ISU judges have been biased and corrupted especially when it comes to Olympics and that we do not want the history to repeat. And yes, no mention of Yuzuru here, the focus should be demanding that unbaised judges should be removed from judges panels. * How can we define unfair or biased judges? One way is to identify those who have continiously overscored skaters from their own country. We have Martina Frammentino who has done excessive research and statistical analysis on this matter. Those stats can be used. We can question why certain jumps /spins etc have been scored differently for every skater whereas the rules for scoring are very explicit: for example let's ask why a certain female skater's 3F was scored lower when a very similar 3F performed by another skater was scored higher. Or why Jason Brown's that element was scored lower than say Yuzuru's when it was executed almost the same? "It is very difficult to make a 100% fair judgement with human eye, so while understand and appreciate judges' efforts, we suggest the use of AI technologies to minimise such errors" This is a desruptive statement which will frustrate both ISU and judges. We can even go as far as saying that there are studies made on this matter and prove that it is only a matter of months to prepare a very efficient scoring algorithm that will eliminate all questions. * The core of the strategy is to publicly say "Judging in Figure skating has been historically biased and unfair. There are many FS fans who believe that this is still the case. This will be harmful for the future of FS. We want to start a discussion about the ways to implement the best methods for a fairly judged Olympics. " * The hidden message is "Don't you think that we are not aware of what you are doing. We are very frustrated and we will raise our voices louder if you don't change: either the way you score certain skaters or the way you do the scoring." Maybe we can think of other ways. I am prepared to reach some skaters who have competed at international level and someone who is at the Board of Art On Ice which is held in Switzerland for comments
  17. sorry, for some reason the message was sent before I could finish the sentence: "Maya thanks ! Great idea. I suggest to start a new topic as 'PR campaign for fair scoring' and carry on the discussion there. All ideas are welcome. " Please feel free to contribute. Martina Frammartino may also be involved. I am guessing that Massimiliano Ambesi might be one of the first people who would be on our side in media
  18. Maya thanks ! Great idea. I suggest to start a new topic as "PR campaign for scoring
  19. First step must be to include in Olympic Commitee in every communication made on social media. Secondly, unfair scoring is not only recent, there is a whole book about it: The Second Mark. Courage, Corruption, and the Battle for Olympic Gold. We can use lots of content from the book to justify that ISU judges have been biased and corrupted especially when it comes to Olympics and that we do not want the history to repeat. And yes, no mention of Yuzuru here, the focus should be demanding that unbaised judges should be removed from judges panels. How can we define unfair or biased judges? One way is to identify those who have continiously overscored skaters from their own country. We have Martina Frammentino who has done excessive research and statistical analysis on this matter. Those stats can be used. We can question why certain jumps /spins etc have been scored differently for every skater whereas the rules for scoring are very explicit: for example let's ask why a certain female skater's 3F was scored lower when a very similar 3F performed by another skater was scored higher. Or why Jason Brown's that element was scored lower than say Yuzuru's when it was executed almost the same? "It is very difficult to make a 100% fair judgement with human eye, so while understand and appreciate judges' efforts, we suggest the use of AI technologies to minimise such errors" This is a desruptive statement which will frustrate both ISU and judges. We can even go as far as saying that there are studies made on this matter and prove that it is only a matter of months to prepare a very efficient scoring algorithm that will eliminate all questions. The core of the strategy is to publicly say "Judging in Figure skating has been historically biased and unfair. There are many FS fans who believe that this is still the case. This will be harmful for the future of FS. We want to start a discussion about the ways to implement the best methods for a fairly judged Olympics. " The hidden message is "Don't you think that we are not aware of what you are doing. We are very frustrated and we will raise our voices louder if you don't change: either the way you score certain skaters or the way you do the scoring." Maybe we can think of other ways. I am prepared to reach some skaters who have competed at international level and someone who is at the Board of Art On Ice which is held in Switzerland for comments
  20. I watched Yuzuru's performances in SOI yesterday and today. I am getting more and more frustrated by the fact that alltough the quality of his performances keep getting better, the narrative in the past 2 years and the scoring system which continously act against his favor, put him at a different level than he actually his. If he worked with a PR agent (like Nathan Chen and Jason Brown do with IGM), things could have been different. But he choses not to. So we should respect that. Leading the Pooh donation campaign last month, I was thinking if we could jointly do something for this before the Olympics season. I even talked to my neighbour who is one of Switzerland's best PR agents, he gave me lots of good ideas (How I wish I could hire his services, he is a first class international lobbyist). He proposed an approach that would corner ISU without looking aggresive, a strategy that would look professional and efficient. Do you think that we as fans should lead such a campaign? Any past experiences? I am not talking about change.org campaigns though. I mean a joint fan movement for Yuzuru on social media? Thanks for your input and comments
  21. I think he may perform it at the Gala EX programme in Beijing, if he decides to do a piano piece at FP instead.
  22. Since I speak German too, I had the pleasure of hearing the continous praises from the commentator. He said that LMEY was the best FP he ever watched. "Who is going to stop him? He is unstopable" he kept on saying.
  23. There it is https://twitter.com/Iron_Klaus/status/1381171079834705920 This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  24. I read last week that Yuzuru landed 4A successfully in his LUCID dream. The moment I read that, I knew that he is going to land it. Lucid dreams condition the brain, they improve problem solving and make the dreamer more creative towards the problem. When the brain is fully conditioned, the body follows. Coming to you: your brain was possibly overloaded with your worries about Yuzuru, because you care so much. But when something like that happens, you get your answer from your consious immediately. This is not supersitition nor religion. This is pure science that brain works best when relaxed. So when your brain tells you to wait, it is because you need to wait. Trust in your dream and in Yuzuru's too.
  25. He is in a place where the average person fails to understand. I see lots of similarities between him and Elon Musk: vision beyond average imagination, dedication, hard-work to the point of self destruction, refusal of failure. These men have no rivals. they only have followers.
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