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Everything posted by snowy

  1. Did you notice that now we know his OG programs? Specifically, FS music is the hard-stone evidence that he is going to his third OGs. And, mark my words, no matter what happens between now and then, he is going to win his 3rd OG GOLD.
  2. It's maybe 7, 8, or 9 years for me! I moved to Canada for graduate studies in 2011. I have always loved FS but we never had live FS coverage back at home so in Canada I would stick to the TV whenever I accidentally would stumble on competition. I had zero idea about the rules, competition, or the fact that there is short and long program. So, first year I just saw him in the bunch and funny enough I mostly remember Javi from that time, talking to my husband about this Spanish guy who is so good but never gets a good score. Then, there is this Canadian that falls a lot but gets first place A complete novice I was. I have no recollection where was the first time that I noticed Yuzuru. But I remember that once I was making my husband watch a completion and saying "look for this Japanese kid in white costume". So, it should be the R&J2 in 2013
  3. Just had a glance at Yuma's SP and boy how many people are there in the arena? So what if they sit a bit, much less than 2m, apart or they wear masks? The number of people is too many for an indoor event in low temperature. If that is how the national is supposed to be I pray that Yuzu withdraws.
  4. "Reverence isn't called for" is actually what I was trying to convey when some fans hold Yuzuru to extra high standards. Anyways, I noticed that I missed the point that fans here had a joke about "Schrodinger cat" for a long time. Guess I missed it because I joined this forum recently and not checking it frequently. My apologies for jumping to conclusions!
  5. Can we not do it? As a Theoretical and Computational Chemist, who basically lives in the quantum mechanics world, I just get so offended every time that you call Yuzuru Schrodinger. Schrodinger is not just a name or symbol. The birth of quantum mechanics in the hands of Planck, Schrodinger, Bohr, Heisenberg, Liouville, Bohm, Feynman... is a miracle that can't be explained just based on intelligence. The level of wisdom that was poured into this jaw-dropping science can not be explained by words. As much as I love Yuzuru, his accomplishments can be compared to his own peers not to these giants. I have written this post so many times before then deleted it because I don't want to hurt anyone. I hope this doesn't hurt you, I just ask you if we can keep our admiration to the level that it actually is.
  6. I have seen Yuzu and Nathan live. Yuzu's jumps are huuuuuuuuuuge. Nathan has some sort of similarity to Satako. Especially his 3A is very small and short which heavily relies on fast rotation. I can be biased though
  7. I feel you Cynthia. There is not so much to do in these times and here in the US everything is so so grim. It feels like a dream that there were days we would attend 3-day figure skating competitions. I miss watching competitions live and seeing Yuzuru on the ice among other things. The silver lining is that if we go back to normal by February 2022 and have the Winter Olympics, he will definitely participate. For many reasons, to bring back people to the sport, to elevate the sport and I guess more importantly to give people hope and joy. And mark my word, if Olympic happens, he will win it for the third time
  8. Skate Canada just got cancelled. I am so glad Yuzuru announced his withdrawal from GP long before the beginning of the season and saved himself and his fans from days of agonizing over whether to attend or not, buy the tickets or not,... for an event that finally might ended in cancellation anyways.
  9. Randomly dropping by, I miss him so much That's it, bye.
  10. Carrie Underwood's "Champion" goes so well with our man Thanks to the ones that made this video
  11. I liked your analogy, though I prefer a kami rising up from deep. "Descend" reminds me of his Chopin SP in SC 2015. I was there and he jumped his 3A right in front of us. It was huge and with that whitish costume he was like an angel descending
  12. Sorry for the very late reply, life is hectic. Of course, not all of his costumes are acid-worthy I like PW, Phantom2, the Faoi Phantom is also awesome, Olympic Seimei, Otonal 2 and Origin 1. Also, I like most of his shirt-type costumes without extra frills
  13. Hi, don't ask question you might not like the answer I'm dropping this here just for more heat The people that recognized me from from GS know that I love Yuzu but I hate most of his costumes. I would set fire to that swan costume any moment. The sakura costume can be dissolved in acid and so the blue one that had yellow drapes. Ok, now it's time for
  14. Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I see that it will be so much fun (Sorry for not thanking everyone individually)
  15. Hey, why am I a mushroom? Does it refer to kiddy Yuzu's haircut?
  16. Hi everyone, I came here after closing my account in "Golden Skate" under username "Farnaz". I am not a really super fan but it got to a point there that even having a Yuzu avatar would make you an automatic target. For a long time, I did not want to be part of Hanyu planet since I love FS itself regardless of the athletes. But, this long drought and stressful life demands the ray of hope that Yuzuru is. Kore kara wa yoroshku onegai shimasu (Hope it was correct )
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