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Everything posted by snowy

  1. I am happy that he talked about his recovery and the fact that he does not have pain in everyday activities anymore. I think his recovery going much smoother than the previous injuries as he is not forcing himself to attend competitions.
  2. From what I gather, someone who is allegedly connected to JSF (I am not sure about it) repeats the tabloid speculations that Yuzuru's injury was not serious and he just used it as an excuse to avoid going against Shoma. I might be completely off though, we need a good and accurate translation.
  3. I apologize but when I see fans are down, desperate, and sometimes fighting among each other, I feel I need to repeat this post: Everyone, please "be patient" and "have faith"
  4. Everyone please "be patient" and "have faith"
  5. That's awesome. Have fun and give us lots of reports and details
  6. I agree that he made the best decision to stay close to his family, his home (even his room), in this very hard time in general because of global pandemic and specifically because of his professional development. This whole year I have been going through the harshest, most demanding and at the same time most insulting experiences of my professional life. It has been 24/7 work, no rest, and handling so much stress. On top of that it is almost 8 years that I haven't seen my family and I tell you with certainty that it is like going through hell all by yourself. He made absolutely the best decision to stay in Sendai, if there is any possibility of him reaching his professional goals it will happen because of his family's support. He is a wise guy and on top of that he is a good guy. He will reap the reward. Go Yuzu, our ray of hope
  7. Thank you everyone for sharing the ANA video, it became a ray of hope for me because: 1. If you remember my story with a nasty editor about the validity of the results I have reported in one of my papers, I released a software, then wrote an addition/correction file for the paper and send it to the editor. Now I am waiting for her response (it's almost 10 days) which practically should be affirmative and they have to publish the addition/correction file alongside the original paper. But, I keep having all the toxic thoughts that this time they are going to question my software and I have to fight with them and this and that. 2. Last night I had a dream about Yuzuru in Olympics and it was awful. I saw that he popped a 4T, then popped another quad and fell on his face. He hit his shoulder so badly on ice that he couldn't get up for a minute. But then, he got up and finished his routine and got 261 overall and he was the most hurt, sad and disappointed person. I woke up and it was 5:30am and I was very sad too, then I checked my phone and saw this beautiful ANA video. Result: all the bad things and outcomes are happening only in our thoughts and nightmares, reality is unimaginably bright and beautiful.
  8. Of course I believe. Aren't the Japanese judges the ones that reward NC with the highest PC marks? Even if he has more than one major mistake which technically should limit the PC ceiling? Aren't they the same judges that even in Japanese National invalidate Yuzuru's perfectly fine elements? Why should I expect any better from Japanese media? Seriously, what is wrong with them?
  9. Hi guys, do you remember my story about everything in my life and Yuzu's happening at the same time? And, about my challenge for releasing a software at the same time of him challenging 4A? Well, there are good news on my side. An "under development" version of our code is ready to be released as an open source code. There are many more developments required but at this stage it is my own requirements like adding my own state-of-the-art quantum dynamics methods to this software. But, most of the requirements by the journal are met. July was a harsh month which at some point I was thinking it was impossible to finish up this code by the end of September. Now, I am saying that I want to release a beta version, wow. I am sure Yuzu is going to get to 4A, I am sure he is at a stage in practicing that if it were any other athlete they would announce they have landed 4A. Then, they would show it with considerable pre-rotation and under-rotation and would get full credit. I am sure that at this point he has the beta version ready but he is not in a situation like me to be forced to put the beta out. He will show the full glory to us in Hanyu style
  10. Hi, thank you very much for your kind words. I am a newly-minted Professor
  11. Rockstaryuzu, you're so kind. Thank you for these encouraging words
  12. For some weird reason, since I've become knowing Yuzuru, his and my life have gone very similar trajectories. I end up getting jobs or awards at the same time that he wins worlds or OG and fail at the same time he couldn't get gold in competitions. The same goes for all other hardships or challenges. Now that he is facing 4A wall, I am facing this computational package that I have to release by the end of September. I believe I can do it but all the times that I add a new subroutine and run and the result is NaN I loose some hope. I am a Theoretical Chemist not Computer Scientist but some editor-in-chief of a scientific journal questioned all my scientific reputation by ability to release this package. I keep telling myself Yuzu is going to land 4A and I am going to release this package successfully but GOD it is hard.
  13. Thanks for sharing your experience from the both worlds, it is surely interesting to know the differences. While there is definitely "publish or perish" strategy in general but most academia are in the high-quality publish side. The competition does not come from the fear of tenure but the fact that providing funding, including salaries of students, postdocs, equipment, basically everything, solely lies on the PI. Funding can come from numerous sources like Department of Energy, Department of Defense, National Science Foundation,..., so basically the sources and amount that you can get is unlimited. However, you need a very good publication record for your proposal being funded. If you are not able to provide funding mostly in your first two years it is not only you but the livelihood of your whole group that is in jeopardy. Definitely, I agree that Yuzu's field is not as crowded as in Chemistry or Physics so no fear of being scooped there!
  14. Completely off-topic but it interests me how the East Asian countries have a different concept of publication than most other countries. I am a University Professor in the US with a high-speed publication record. My PhD students are Chinese and they were thinking like they should spend a year or two at writing their thesis. They were so surprised when I told them "you focus on your research, publish good-quality papers and two months before your defense combine these papers to make a thesis document". They were like , I bet in their mind they were thinking "do you even know what you are doing?" So, basically we just turn each one of our papers to a chapter of thesis (most of times you don't need to change anything because 6 pages paper in journal format turns to more than 20 pages in thesis format) then only write a general Introduction chapter and one very short Conclusion chapter. Thinking that you can write papers out of your thesis is just beyond my imagination because of the high competitive field and the fact that you get scooped easily if you wait.
  15. [admin edit: rule against calling out other platforms] True, it was the first place I encountered with skating and learned so much through it. But, as Yuzu raised in fame, most of North American and European users start getting irritated even by mentioning his name. [...] It is a shame that it was a site where Yuzu's Fan Fest was so big that the whole site couldn't be uploaded and it made them to cut the thread to each season and archive previous seasons. Now, the Yuzu FF does not get a new post in over weeks. That shows how most of the users migrated from there. When I requested the admin to close my account I told them the reason was that other users attack Hanyu fans but they denied it completely and said it is not the case at all. It's best to let them have their own distorted reality over there. On a lighter note, during Sochi OG, Jim Parsons impersonated JW. It's hilarious and highlights how self-important JW is, he is not commentating or anything, he is just promoting himself at any cost. It starts around 3:20, have a good laugh
  16. With all the talks about GP selections, I think he has to skip GP overall. It gives him extra pressure, stress and as we know so much injuries. With a nice experience he had this year training by himself, which makes him so satisfied that he is questioning going back to Canada, I think it's so probable that he decides to skip GP. He is basically removing any unnecessary burden to focus on his goals.
  17. Watched Hana wa Saku again! You could easily presume it as part of a movie, sth musical Honestly, I think FS is a doomed sport as it is not moving with time. So, I'm happy Yuzu is investing on performing and artistic side of it. Even when he retires he can keep it alive as a performing art.
  18. This was beautiful (though I will keep hating most of his costumes ) This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  19. I read somewhere else that he performed Hana wa Saku at Gala beautifully with enormous jumps
  20. I feel even if he implied wanting a third gold medal it is because media and fans have constantly bombarded him with the same question. He knows better than us the joy of reaching that ultimate goal as well as all sacrifices he has to make to get there. It is up to him to decide if he wants to go through that course of blood and sweat again or not. When it was Sochi or Pyeongchang, he desperately wanted that OGM. They were his dreams. Now, it is not like that so I would love to see at least his fans, who put his happiness above anything else, respect that attitude. He didn't care about this WC because he has a different goal. He did his best for Japan's interest and that is it. Finished, done! Let's move on and cheer him on the goal that he has! When he start trying 4A in competition, it might take him a few competitions to get it as perfect as he wants. He may loose so many medals and titles from now on because of that. Then, it will be accompanied by comments of all haters on how he is sacrificing a clean program for one jump. There will be a sea of hate comments coming along and he already accepted it. So, at least we should not add extra pressure on him. Please correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I remember he reads online comments. And, we know how much he cares about his fans. We being depressed and disappointed in online comments will put a lot of doubt and pressure on his mind. He decided to face an insurmountable barrier in the expense of other glories (which he has plenty already), we should support him in that direction.
  21. Please forgive my audacity but I want to say to all my fellow Hanyu fans that "Chill out". Of course, he was tired and upset right after the FS but he knew it was coming and he did not emotionally invested himself in winning. Why? Because it didn't matter. I know you love him and you think he is so fluffy and puri puri and whatever. But, accept this from me, above all He Is A Professional. He has set his mind on what he wants and he is working towards that goal. Him winning another WC or a third OGM is our wish not his. He never, ever said any of these two medals are his goals. So, no, he is not down or depressed. The world is not ending for him. Of course, he was upset right after the fact. Who wouldn't be? But, he is more than OK. So, please chill out. Let's enjoy his journey towards his own goals not ours.
  22. Ohhhhhhh, wowwwwwwww, it was awesome
  23. JSF is officially in my "public enemy" list, they can go to hell with RUSfed altogether and pamper their favorites there. I need Plushenko to give a thumbs down to JSF as well. Poof, I can't get rid of my anger and get back to enjoying Yuzu's SP. More the reason for not forgiving the stupid JSF. They made the FS a roller coaster for us now that we know it will be Yuzu against the whole field plus judges plus officials. Only if they gave him 1% of respect that USFS gives to Nathan Chen!
  24. Hi is all alone, isn't he? There are some assistants it seems, maybe from JSF? I don't want to spread bad feelings but it's not easy to be by yourself in such big events
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