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Posts posted by barbara

  1. 4 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:



    !!!!!!!!  That's after Hobi is back, too.


    And global announcements of Jin.  I am so proud to be ARMY.  He is just as sweet and sincere and lovable.  And WWH, even if he doesn't see it.


    Off to Jeju - have to prepare some questions for the live!

  2. 5 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:


    And not only is this such an amazingly sweet family photo, only Jin is wearing military gear.  I hope, because it's clear that they all did get a leave, even if a short one, that they had a long dinner together.  Even if Yoongi didn't get the day off -- he lives in Seoul.  I rewatched the Suchwita with Jin and Jin pointed out that they would see each other throughout the military time because they live about five minutes apart.  That will mean, I hope, that Jin won't be going into friend-withdrawal.

    OK -- i need to go to bed.

  3. 18 hours ago, Whoopiewoop said:


    You didn't buy a ticket beforehand? Is stand by still I thing? I thought it got scrapped years ago.

    I fly free standby IF a seat is open -- which is the big deal with United tending to fill their flights up.  I wouldn;t have gotten on the direct flight to Seoul.  They make me crazy.  The biggest plus with Osaka is that they don't upgrade regular passengers so standbys -me - can get first class.   

    It was all day traveling and I got to the hotel too late to make the food fest and the giant RJ.  Boo.

    Going to Jeju tomorrow so will miss anything happening here.  Just catching up with all the posting and will watch the JIN live as I go to sleep.  It just make me cry tto see how much Jimin misses Tae.  And their genuine love and concern for each other.  I hope the coming year goes quickly.

  4. OK - so, as oof now (and everyone needs to cross fingers), I'll be getting to Seoul via Osaka tomorrow.   Well,, today. I can get four hours of sleep max.  Seoul flights crazy full.  But, God willing, I''ll be in Seoul by earl evening the 12th.  Plan to check into my hotel and then head out to see giant RJ.  i have to go to Jeju on the 13th bit mmaybe can catch any early celebrations.


    So excited,  I''ll take lots of pics of all the Jin stuff.    Prayers for Osake11!!

  5. 7 hours ago, Whoopiewoop said:

    Can you imagine? 🥰🥰


    I read this on several separately sourced tweets/threads.  It is totally in their character to do this.  I doubt we'll get an actual photo of the 7 of them - I'd say il's not allowed but then we've seen pics of Tae and RM.  Maybe they have to be in uniform?  But only if in public?

    They could meet at one of members place ay Hannam Hill.  Very private.  Or Hybe.


    It will be very emotional, I'm sure.  But in character.  They truly are family.  Hope we get more updates on that.


    How and when I get to Korea is up to seat availability, but may well be there the evening of the 12th,, in which case I'll try to go see giant RJ. Mostly, I just need to get on a flight.  Fingers crossed.

  6. 44 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


    OMG! So cool!!! :loveeyes:



    I know this was at a concert for "a performance at military event in Chuncheon. but amazed that they allowed him to be out so publicly.  It must he been controlled totally by military (and he is backstage) but still.  He seems, really, to have chosen a division that allows him to do almost normal stuff.  So sweet and respectful.

  7. 8 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:




    While ARMY is always good with buying and streaming, I really think that the military hiatus has made anything that comes out do even better because we are so thirsty.  But I also think when they OT7 comeback, they are going to blow all records out of the water.


    No direct flight from Osaka to Jeju so I'd have to go through Gimpo.  So, for sure, if I can get to Seoul on the 12th (fingers crossed, everyone), I will poop for a hotel and go over to see giant RJ, though I probably won't be able to get to it until 6ish or 7.  It opens at 4 so should be plenty of time.  Now I have to see where that new Line Friends store is and try to get to it before, exhaustingly, head back to the hotel so I can get to Jeju the next morning, (or not - I need to look at times....  I hate that Seoul is mostly an impossibility this trip but will have four or five days there in September.


    I won't feel like quite such a "loser" if I get on one of the flights I want and get to see giant RJ.

  8. Well, i'm feeling pretty damn sorry for myself, having missed all Red Bullet and most of Wings and then was too hot and exhausted to watch naything else.  I'm glad tthaat some of the special moments are available on YouTube and I'll watch later after I'm a little caught up with all I couldn;t do yesterday.


    Electric was restored about 6 hours after it went off.  2 of those hours had some daylight.  Damn, it was hot.


    I am sorry that I 'missed'  and why do they say it like that? my hug.  Now Ill have to find him on Jeju, but do not want to do anything that feels like stalking, and pretty much all my ideas do sound like stalking.  Less stress for getting on a flight but still enormous amounts of stress.  I may fly to Osaka and get a flight directly to Jeju from there, though then I'd miss giant RJ and the food fest (and maybe a chance too spot Jin?).


    United is, as usual, making me crazy.  I need some BTS.  And also aa ton of energy to do everything I've left to do for today and tomorrow.


  9. I can’t believe I can’t watch BangBangCon -

    and for a horrible reason. I haven’t had power in over 4 hours. This on a day when it was 110°. An hour and 15 minutes ago they said that was when it was supposed to be coming back on. I’m trying to decide if I should go check and do a hotel with the dogs. My computer is almost out of electric, my phone is dying and the only Internet I have is through my phone. So I could only watch part of a thing at a time and the buffering is terrible. Also, to top it all off I “missed” the hug .

  10. 34 minutes ago, Whoopiewoop said:

    That's tonight 9pm for you in Arizona (I think is was Arizona that you lived in)

    Thanks.  It would be 9 except that AZ doesn't do daylight saving time so in the summer we are essentially on Pacific time now.  We have more daylight than we can use, as we are getting daily highs of 41 to 42 degrees C.  Mornings start at 24 degrees C so there is no time when breathing outside is comfortable.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Faithyu said:


    Wait, so 12pm doesn't mean midnight😱? Dang.....thanks for the info.

    Well, I guess I will just watch what I can while having breakfast🤷🏼‍♀️🫤.


    And why can't they use our clock system?! No one can mistake 12 and 24😑, no am/pm needed....

    I still can't determine when this starts my time.  It might actually be primetime - like 8pm, but i won't be able to watch more than Red Bullet.

  12. 1 hour ago, Faithyu said:

    Soooo.....I guess Bang Bang Con is tomorrow? Or has anyone seen a stream? Because midnight (24) minus 7h is 17 = 5pm my time.....

    I couldn't get any stream either so I am very confused.  Did they mean 12pm at midnight or noon on the 8th because if noon, we should be able to see them now.  Mybe it's just off by a day (?).

    A JK interview.  Every now and then, I wonder if the members (or anyone) is as sincere as they seem.  But I believe it totally.


  13. 1 hour ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    I agree, but I'm sure that was as a result of MHJ's grooming. Still, they've irreparably damaged their careers, I would think.

    MHJ truly does "own" NewJeans, which is really unfortunate for them.  They are just little girls and she has really, ultimately, managed to destroy them and I'm not even sure they know what's happened to them.  It's child abuse.  I know that Hybe has stated that they'd stand behind them and promote their comeback, but clearly they can't do that without the cooperation of the girls themselves, who must believe everything MHJ has fed them, including that they are somehow superior in every way to BTS.


    JKs new song.  Peppy and fun, but I'm not crazy about it yet.  Maybe after I hear itt ten times in a row tomorrow when I'm walking the dogs.

  14. 35 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    I still can't get over Tae being in the military police

    I though he was going to be on some anti-terrorism group.

    God,,I need to go to this - I bet Jin goes.

    And yes to Jimin -


  15. 15 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    I don't know where AllKPop or anyone else got the idea that they raffle was only for "fans who had to purchase as many albums as possible within the period of June 2 to June 6."


    That is NOT what the original notice from Weverse said. It said any paid-up ARMY member *who had bought* any of the albums since Proof on Global would be eligible for entry.

    then, in a seperate paragraph, it listed the period of time to submit your entry.


    Nowhere did it say that the albums have to be purchased during the raffle period and only those purchases would be eligible for entry.


    I assumed from the beginning that entry was based on past purchase history

    The reporting is probably inaccurate.  You have the same understanding of the purchases that I do.  All of my purchases, certainly since Proof, have been on the USA shop so I did order a non-vinyl non-Weverse Album versions cd on Global.  Thus far, there hasn't really been an update regarding eligibility from Weverse, though they say one is coming.  Maybe they just need to clarify their wording- I suspect one would still need to have purchased an album post-Proof from the global shop.  They have never offered up anything, except the concert in Busan, to any ARMY. Still, I bet there are 100000 people, at least, who have or will register for the raffle.  Such a random chance of a Jin hug.

  16. This kind of surprises me - but then, not.  I know that people with unlimited money up their chances of winning a raffle (entry into the RM deal at last year's Festa seemed to be won mostly by older non-Korean women.)..but it has to be the short period of purchasing that got to people.  I know that there is is no way to see what you've purchased further back than a year and this was for NEW purchases only - and not vinyl or Weverse versions, which I thought unfair.  Weverse has not released actual new details and they certainly didn't send me a message saying I could go ahead and cancel my order and still qualify , so I'm holding off on that.



    And this is a great observation;


  17. 3 hours ago, Old Cat Lady said:

    I suspect that Jin, himself, is the one that felt a need to add a clause about allowing people to substitute a handshake. Gentleman that he is, he's the only one that I can imagine being oblivious enough to think that anyone wanting to touch him would rather have a handshake than a hug. If anything, I'm a little nervous that he's going to get mauled. 


     ETA: someone in the comments pointed out that it's against some people's religion. I can't fathom being that devout that I could resist a hug

    He won't be able to get mauled - from what Weverse has included in info about the event, it seems a bunch, or a few, ARMY will be escorted from their seats to Jin to keep it all orderly.  What do we suppose a "light" hug is? No squeeze? Barely touching?  All "manner hands"?  I will want to actually hug him, but will follow whatever rules they set forth.


    And Festa in two years is going to be something to behold. They haven't done an OT7 full on Festa since before the pandemic.  Yoongi won't be out in time for next year, unless there is some way he can get out a few days early.

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