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Everything posted by Flutterby
Congratulations to the happy couple. But uhhhh...l folks? Can someone help me out here? From what I can tell Yuzu didn't mention any details about his marriage partner, but I'm seeing a lot of "wife" and "Mrs. Hanyu" mentioned and while the comments are pleasant and respectful enough (so far) I'm feeling a little uncomfortable making assumptions about his partner's gender. Was there anything to suggest a specific gender in his statement? Cuz if so I'm not seeing it. For the time being, I'll stick with the more gender neutral term "partner". Saves future embarrassment all around.
My local bookstore is having a going out of business sale Among the rapidly dwindling books were half a dozen of Chen's book.... next to a massive pile of L. Ron Hubbard (the infamous founder of the "church" of Scientology) Not gonna lie, I felt the merest moment of secondhand embarrassment in my cold dead heart
I stumbled onto some Japanese gossip site awhile ago, and the comments were just awful and straight up nasty. But then they were like that with every celeb. Some people are just so mired in hatred and bitterness that they can't see the good in the world anymore. It's a shame for them really, to be missing out on someone like Yuzu, but what can you do?
So I've been away for awhile. Work took over there for a bit, but I have some down time now and am looking to catch up! One of the ways I've done this in the past was to check out pino's twitter and all the little Japanese news stories archived there (so convenient !), but I see she's gone Has she moved to another account? Gone offline? If so does anyone have anything similar to recommend? tyvm
Eh, Matsumoto Jun will be there? Maybe Yuzu can hit him up for some pointers on concert directing, production, etc. They're both such perfectionists I bet they'd have loads to talk about.
And... we're at 1,005,233 views. Well done folks!🎉🎉
Could be. I know I've seen multiple sm posts trying to explain to c-fanyus work-arounds to get on to YT. Where there's a will, there's a way.
Its all seems so long ago, but IIRC Brian was pretty popular in South Korea and did a lot of interviews there and even performed (ish), He really seemed to eat up the second hand attention of being a coach of a famous skater. But then that relationship went in the toilet. And again, IIRC, the one with Adam Rippon didn't end well either. I think since then Orser has tried to be a bit more circumspect. Unless it involves his favorite son, Javi, of course. Then he doesn't hesitate to come riding to the rescue. I'll give Orser the benefit of the doubt and say maybe he's respecting Yuzu's privacy but I also think he doesn't let himself get that emotionally invested in his students these days. They want skating advice? Cool, cool, cool. Otherwise he's more hands off, imho. Probably for the best.
Ah, maybe that was my confusion, SOI in Japan. Thank you. Hmm, migraine is still here but on the mend. Maybe a nap. Or ice cream. Ice cream in bed?
Sure. Could be. From what I understand NC is supposed to be there as well but... he's skipping world's due to injury. What if he had to pull out of FaOI and yuzu wasn't there? I was just thinking it'd be kinda hysterical watching the promoters scramble to fill these huge shows just on the backs of Weir and JF. Ignore me. I've got a migraine brewing and am feeling kinda petty at the mo.
Has Yuzu been confirmed? Or are we just assuming because he's done so in the past? Cuz I'd think, if he was, then that's who they'd lead with in the promos and they haven't so...yeah.
Tyvm. I knew I could count on my fellow fanyus!
Soooo....I'm going thru the vids page and downloading any OG stuff I missed for my own personal archives and the fancam of yuzu's FS isn't working. Does anyone know where else to find that? Thanks in advance.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Japan, Satomi begins to sweat nervously. "He said what now?"
Always, always
I always find the Origin 1.0 neckline to look ... unresolved to me. Like there's all this drama in the rest but the collar just ends up looking like a t-shirt because the designer couldn't figure out what else to do there. It just cheapens the rest of the look for me. But besides that I loved the rest of it (but I love 2.0 way more)
Just so you know, when this is stuck in my head allllll night long, I will be blaming you.
I may or may not have read this in the voice of Vanilla Ice.
Also it must be a difficult transition from being a star and the center of attention... only to wake up one day as a coach and all anybody wants to hear from you is about your students. I do get the feeling sometime that Orser resents that. Especially when it comes to Yuzu. The ego that drives one to personal success should be put aside in the service of teaching others and guiding them to their own success, but not everyone finds that an easy thing to do.
Javi has perpetual foot in mouth disease and Orser steps into help? I love Brian, I do, but talk about the blind leading the blind. Someone take away both of their phones.
Ya know, I took a few days off sm after the comp for rl only to come back to Javi's comments. Then I stepped away to let the hoopla calm down, only to come back to more Javi comments. That plan worked well😂 Hopefully Yuzu's is healing and relaxing peacefully in his hermit cave blissfully unaware of this nonsense. Actually, a return to hermit mode sounds lovely right about now.
This, exactly. It sounds like a fluke. There's nothing he could have done to avoid it and there's nothing he can to do to change it now, so why stress over it. What's done is done. Better to just look ahead to the free skate. I'm glad he's healthy and in good shape mentally and can laugh about it. He seems to be enjoying his Olympic experience and given everything going on in the world right now that's a blessing indeed.
Here's the men's. Its under ISU Championships which confused me. It was locked but I think it's unlocked now.
Lovely new banner!! Random Question Alert: So I'm watching this interview with Shoma and Sakurai Sho (I'd link but the vid is unlisted so I probably shouldn't) and I noticed that Shoma refers to his coach by "Stephane". Now to western ears that's normal, after all Yuzu calls Orser "Brian". But it struck me that it might sound odd or disrespectful to a Japanese audience. So I was wondering if any native speakers could weigh in on that. Does it sound strange when a Japanese skater refers to their western coach on tv by their personal name and not their family name or sensei? Like on a face to face basis I'd expect them to do whatever feels comfortable for both parties but maybe you would be expected to be more formal on Japanese tv. Random question but I'm trying to distract myself until you know what. (Also, I always find it freaking hilarious when Sho is doing his serious news caster shtick when I've seen him in his pop idol persona literally dressed in leather pants, sequined shirts and feather boas. Only in Japan. 😂😂)