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  1. Hey everyone! I need help looking for the original photo in this Instagram post. It's of Yuzuru after his long program. I've linked the Instagram post as well as the photo, it's the very first photo in the post that I'm trying to look for because I really want to use the HQ of it as my phone background. I tried doing a reverse search on Google Images but it couldn't its origins. https://www.instagram.com/p/BqSDleTBW37/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1quvoqtv3vhdq https://scontent-lax3-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/6b7937a1a7fe24cceb5b6eda8d814502/5C7572E3/t51.2885-15/e35/45946149_923615444505570_8863514291616461011_n.jpg
  2. Hi, I don't know which forum to place this question in but theres this video of Yuzuru that I'm trying to find. It's an overhead video if him during his Seimei program in the beginning where he just starts the program. It was from this year's Olympics. I found it on Twitter but accidentally unliked it so the video disappeared immediately....please help!
  3. the picture links wont show up thank you so so much!!
  4. Hello! I'm new to PlanetHanyu so I'm not really sure if my question is supposed to go here.... I'm going to Japan in a few weeks, around late July and want to buy some of Yuzuru's magazines, namely Ice Jewels since I'm not Japanese hence I don't understand any Japanese. I would like to buy some but I'm on a budget so I would like to know how much the Ice Jewels photobooks cost? Any rough estimate or previous knowledge could help!! Thank you!
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