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  1. sorry, didn't mean to be offensive... was just curious
  2. Just a thought: so Yuzuru has stated multiple times that he doesn't really plan on making any social media, but if he were to make, say, an official Instagram account, how many followers do you think he'd have? I'm curious as to how his follower count/fanbase would compare to other big skaters like Evgenia (700k) or Nathan (300k).
  3. What's an NDA? Also, even if the media can't leak the info, couldn't someone with tickets just like film/post about it?
  4. I don't know if it's just me, but the jumps and spins seems slower on fancams than compared to a professional camera that follows the skater's movement (albeit, the moves are still just as impressive).
  5. Sorry to bother, but what is the 24H show that Yuzu features on annually?
  6. Oh my goodness.. this is unrelated programs, but I've just seen your data spreadsheets and let me just say that they are absolutely INSANE!!! You're incredible omg I'm going to just stare at them for hours
  7. Hello! I was wondering where the gif at the bottom of your messages come from?
  8. Hello! Sorry this message is a while ago, but I was looking through this forum because I don't quite understand the new GOE system. How does the new system take away the advantage for doing difficult exits/delayed rotation/varied air position and how is a +5 easier to get than a +3 in the old system?
  9. he looks so tired in this video :(( and such dark undereye circles as well. I hope that now he is back in toronto and back to his usual training regime, he is healthy and well rested
  10. Yuzu and Evgenia? Why not? They've been in photos together right?
  11. ALSO, I don't want to sound stupid but what is this "media day" that everyone is talking about?
  12. Yuzuru looks like he doesn't age 😂😂😂😂
  13. Hahah you're absolutely right 😂😂 I'm curious for what his costume will look like. i heard that the wings of words costume was going to be one of his new costumes for the season, but I'm not so sure how accurate that information is now that 1) everyone seem to dislike it (although I personally don't think it's that bad) and 2) because he used it for an exhibition rather than for the initial SHOCK of showing off his costume at a CS competition. On another note, does anyone know what happens to all of Yuzu's old/unused exhibition costumes? Like Hana Ni Nare, does he just not wear them anymore or?
  14. Agreed! It seems as though Satomi Ito, being the costume goddess she is, has created some of Yuzu's most iconic and beautiful outfits. Here's to hoping that he wears at least one of her costumes next season 😭😭
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