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Posts posted by salty

  1. 6 hours ago, Forcefield said:


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    I didn't like Ping Pong the Animation. I mean, I liked it. But then the ending ruined it for me so now it's a bad memory. :P


    The :salty: was too high for me.




    whaaa?? the ending is so wholesome! what about it didn't sit well with you? feel free to dm btw


  2. 43 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Of course they work hard to get where they are. However, they don't have the character and integrity, honesty and general overall goodness Yuzu does, so to my mind he's head and shoulders above them. 


    Plus, I just hate basketball in general (and NFL football, and soccer. I can tolerate baseball and enjoy hockey but most of the major league sports leave me cold). So I'm not inclined to be impressed by the sport's athletes. IMO rugby has far better role models and is way more entertaining to watch. 




    to be fair, didn't Lebron open up a school for underprivileged kids in chicago? Lebron is pretty up there in terms of philanthropy and legendary skills 


    also we dont even know what that horse has done for its country. maybe he goes around volunteering at soup kitchens for homeless people :D

  3. you guys, if watching sports animes all my life has taught me anything, is that even the most unimpressive looking sport can be incredibly cutthroat and difficult. Every professional athlete works blood, sweat, and tears to write their name in the book of history so let's celebrate them instead of bringing anyone down


    ((completely OT - but while im on the subject of sports animes if you guys haven't watched Ping Pong: the Animation can you really say you have lived?))

  4. hey guys there is the translations/media portion of the PH site. It already has every Yuzu performance listed on there and it does have many translations either from or about Yuzu, im not sure if that's the kind of conglomeration of media and translations you all were envisioning but if it is then ayyyy *finger guns*

  5. it's great that some people weren't offended by the video, I wasn't necessarily offended either...


    I just don't think it's a bad idea to critique these kinds of media bytes, especially when they are sometimes off the mark. For example, saying that all his followers are from Japan or Asia only sort of implies that it's a weird 'Asian' thing - as that stuff is unfortunately a stereotype a lot of westerners have against the Asian community. It's so disheartening and frustrating for your identity to be compressed into a two dimensional stereotype and i just felt that the video, while a great idea, was just a bit tone deaf. I don't think anyone is raging against CBC and trying to take it down or anything. Constructive criticism is important and shouldn't be taken too personally. I thought the piece had good intentions but poor execution of the journalistic elements. Hence: tone deaf


    also we're not all people who turn our nose away from anything negative written about Yuzu. I myself often find myself agreeing with other skating fans when they say they find Origin lacking. I'll be one of the first to say Yuzu has flaws. So I don't think it's fair to generalize all of us, who come from such different cultures and backgrounds, into people who are blind when it comes to our fave. I don't like Yuzu just because of how good he is at figure skating (well actually I DO!!) but because of the inspiration he exudes as a person. And that he reminds me that everyone has flaws.

  6. 2 hours ago, KatjaThera said:


    On the other hand, I do agree that sometimes, some Yuzu fans can be a little oversensitive, but I honestly can't remember CBC ever being attacked for anything else. Most people appreciate their commentary and coverage, as far as I can remember.



    well, there was that time last year where the CBC twitter account singled out a fan who was crying after the event had just finished. They sort of mocked them and then a whole internet fire broke out between people defending her and people making fun of her. The fact that the CBC twitter account (so not the actual company, mind you, this is just a guy or a team who represents the cbc online) has now twice tweeted something out in poor taste, making fun of us fanyus is definitely a little bizarre. 


    I didn't get too fired up about this whole situation because honestly why should we expect anything different? Coverage on anything regarding figure skating is always gonna be dumbed down here because in north america we're all stuck in the whole "figure skating's a girly, brainless, 'sport', do men even figure skate competitively?? LOL! how lame"


    not all of us, mind you, just everyone in charge of the news media outlets, it seems :crazyshit2:

  7. things seem dire now because Yuzuru is injured again, and even with each injury looking more final than the last I think it's important to remember everything Yuzu has given us throughout the course of his glorious career. He inspired me and picked me up when I was at the lowest point of my life. I know he's done the same for countless people. Let's never forget his legacy of kindness and competitive spirit. He not only pushed the sport of figure skating forward, but has also pushed a generation of people to work hard for their success and to embrace happiness and I think that that's just incredible. 



  8. 2 minutes ago, 4Nessie said:


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    Oh, I believe he works. He don't take those jumping classes just for fun. And I wouldn't call myself an expert on jumps. I don't recognize jumps, so I can't judge that. I can judge only an overall look of his skating.

    That point with Moonlight Sonata though... for me, it looks exactly the same as any of his previous "classical music" programs. I don't get what in this program is artistically progressing.

    I love his SP. I really do. When I saw it for the first time, I was happy for him, because he looked more mature and confident. But I've watched three versions of that program since and I don't see any improvement. He should be adding or changing elements for the program to look artistically better, but (and correct me, if I'm wrong) he skates the program still the same. The other thing for me is, he seems to be hardworking for a minute and then suddently not. Like he cares only for certain parts of his program.

    I am just said he is not much involved in choosing his programs (and at one interview - 2017 or 2018 - he even said his coach will choose the music) and yes, he can skate those programs and even perform very well, but there is something missing.


    That said, I still like Shoma, and I still hope he will improve and take a lead when composing his own favorite program. He is talented. He is musical. I like watching him skate at exhibitions, because he is more himself and he is more connected to the music. There he shines the most. 




    oh yes i agree with everything you said, i just had a slight problem with people thinking he wasn't working on the technical side at all which is where he gets a lot of criticism for and i thought that that may be unfair. 


    I try not to think about the choreography of his programs too often because what's the point? I could be thinking about paint dry and have a more productive time of it :P


  9. i read on twitter that Shoma captures the grieving tone of Moonlight Sonata very well and i was sort of ?????? at that. Like I feel his MS is maybe the most banal, baseline interpretation of Moonlight. Like if you had a STEM major listen to it and have them describe what kind of dance they're imagining they'd probably describe Shoma's? Does anyone have a different opinion? When I try to visualize his long program all i can come up with are slow crossovers and his left hand waving in the air. Is this good interpretation? Why do the judges think so? Do you think so? I think it's just that MS is such a strong piece of music that someone could be picking their nose to it and people would go, "oMG it's GeNiUs"

  10. 8 hours ago, enno0287 said:

    This is exactly what I hate about his team. I mean...the guy can be more than that but they refuse to be more. It's frustrating!!!
    With such a skating skill they could give him more transitions during program. But noooo...because judges already reward him highly with literally crossovers all throughout the program, they didn't add anything more into it. Ughhhh...I wouldn't be so pissed when Shoma gets more GOE than Yuzu if he doesn't only do crossovers in between his programs.

    Oh, and his floop that never gets called also really annoyed me. I know changing jump technique is difficult, but come on...Zhenya manage to improve her flutz so why can't Shoma? Or should I not compare him to Zhenya either?


    8 hours ago, enno0287 said:

    THIS also!! I know that Shoma goes to US every summer for jump training, and his jumps (other than the floop) have been getting better -though I have to add that he still prerotates a lot too-. I just...don't understand why judges never called that floop.

    I really appreciate it when skaters (like Zhenya, Satoko and Mao) tried their best to improve their technique. I also appreciate Shoma for going for jump training in US and it'll probably take a few years to really correct his floop, but...I don't know, I feel like his floop isn't getting any better up until now.



    you guys . . . watch his 4f in the SP and LP, it's no longer full blade assist. A lot of us don't really follow shoma so we don't read every interview he gives or knows exactly what he's working on like we do with Yuzu. I think it might be a little unfair to say that Shoma doesn't work on his weaknesses at all. In fact him choosing Moonlight Sonata is indicative that he wants to progress artistically (whether he is successful in that venture is still to be seen as the choreo is severely lacking in that but i wouldn't blame any lack of effort on Shoma's part for that. Edit: not every skater needs to be as cerebral and in control of their choreo as Machida or Yuzu) Shoma is very nonchalant but at the same time also very competitive. I just wish he'd learn how to move a litter faster on ice and stop relying on deep, deep crossovers because those just don't suit his programs for this season.


    Anyway, just be careful about what you project onto other skaters, Shoma is obviously working hard and you can see that in how his jumps quality has increased. That's also probably why he's been a little more inconsistent (along with the -30 sec) is that when he gets tired he reverts back to his bad habits of jumping, just like every other skater who is trying to fix their jumps.


    edit: hmmm i just watched his programs again from NHK and it looks like he flooped in the long but regardless i do think the jump is getting better - more height - and in the short it looked like he was using maybe half of the blade or 3/4ths instead of the full. So i think he may have just been trying to save energy for the long and that's why the jump reverted back to his bad habits


    anyway this discussion probably belongs in the General Skating Chat, sorry mods! <3



  11. Just now, makebelieveup said:

    Never too late with that beautiful interpretation. :cri:You're basically connecting the Nijinsky references to the portrayal of a distant creator Shae/Yuzu wanted to convey and this is exactly what I need. :softYuzu:Thanks!! I feel like I can actually understand more about this program now by looking at it this way. Hopefully, its also how Yuzu wanted to convey 


    ayyyyy im not a film major for nothin' :9:

  12. okay so im late to the party but from my understanding - if you put together the pieces of the themes of Kojiki and what Shae Lynn said in her video about putting in little pieces of 'human touch' - i believe that Origin is the story of a god (not God or Lucifer or a Demon) who learns human warmth and becomes human. Here's how all these themes of tribute, origin, and story telling come together since i believe some of us are having a tough time not seeing Origin as all over the place thematically


    Tribute and Origin - Yuzu has said that he became truly interested in figure skating after watching Plushenko's Nijinsky so he is using his idol's signature piece of music to create a new story. Ironically enough, this piece of music was used to portray Nijinsky, a revolutionary ballet dancer who struggled with mental disorders and health issues that kept him from creating healthy relationships with the people around him. Nijinsky was a genius who kept himself isolated from the public to escape the pressure of being Russia's #1. Remind you of anyone? (minus the mental disorders of course)


    Storytelling - Otonal is the ice wasteland that Yuzu lived in up until he won the Olympics. I've mentioned this in the costumes thread before but this place was cold and harsh and lonely and you can see the image he produces when he's on the ice. He's all alone but he dances around furiously trying to keep himself warm. This interpretation of Otonal is perfectly juxtaposed to Origin in that regard. Even his costume in Origin looks like his clothes were burned off by the intense human warmth he has received. The Ina Bauer, his reaching out with his hand before the spiral, etc. are all choreographic touches to portray this god becoming more and more human with the help of the people around him. Where in Otonal he is alone, Origin is packed full of people skating with him and supporting him, that's the visual i think Yuzu's trying to give us


    ps: i get left cold by Origin too, and i honestly blame Shae Lynn Bourne for that 

    i wish yuzu had had Kenji or Nanami choreograph this . . . . especially since it's about kojiki


  13. i feel like he needs to have the power of SEIMEI, the emotional commitment of R+J 1.0, and the swagger of Parisienne Walkways to pull this program off


    i also feel like he's trying to get all the jumps down before working on the performance aspect, honestly im not too worried i mean i didnt care for Otonal before this weekend and now i literally love her so im just praying and praying he goes to as many comps as possible to work on the performance

  14. the thing is Yuzu is the GOAT, and with that there are inevitably gonna be people who don't care for him. We can't control what the trolls post online or what they say and it doesn't do us any good stressing out about what a vocal minority of people do. It's hard but Yuzu is strong and he knows that there are literally millions of people who support and love him. He's not the kind of person to get bogged down by what a very small minority of people say, he has a strong will.

  15. i still think it's gonna be in the SP


    i just keep going back to his SP layout, front loading all the jumps??? it just smells fishy to me


    i mean believe me since im going to the men's FS portion of 4cc id kill him if he didn't put the 4A* in Origin but the jump layout is just soooooooo fishy


    *that is if he's going to 4cc and if he'll be able to put it in sometime this season without dealing with injury (im watching you skating gods)

  16. 18 hours ago, makebelieveup said:

    Random but I sorts hope he can bring back his a combo with 3 jumps. Like that 4T-3T calls for another jump at the end..Maybe 4T3T2T? and I think it'd be really cool to watch 


    imagine a 4T3A3L3T


  17. im afraid my bad omen curse is REAL, it's like the universe goes out of its way to make my predictions go horribly wrong......


    but don't worry Yuzu i definitely will not be making any predictions for Helsinki


    (ot, but im just now getting into Boku no Hero Academia so im coming down with the conclusion that my quirk is bad luck lmao!! i will train very hard to make my quirk useful and to save all the figure skaters i care so much for) :hachimaki:

  18. i cant wait to hear the jumps with the music, its one of my FAVORITE things about watching FS is listening to the sound of the blades so i have a creeping feeling Otonal's gonna rise in my ranks after Helsinki.


    i also think once we hear what it sounds like the layout will make a bit more sense

  19. 22 hours ago, Songster01 said:


    Hey there!  :8122685: Do you happen to have a source for this?  I'd love to see the date and full context.  Is it something that came out since his interview on Ice Talk last week, during which he talked about stabilizing the 4Lz but the 4A was not discussed at all iirc.  Beforehand he chatted about it in text interviews noting that he was putting it on the back burner for at least part of the season but hoped to be able to return to it later on once/if the 4Lz is more stable (see upthread to my earlier post).  If he does get back to it (or if he has already), his next step was to get it out of the harness and be able to land it w/o the harness.  However, that was end of summer and he may have changed his mind (though stabilizing the 4Lz is a better option from strategic viewpoint)? 


    Just trying to be cautious here before people get too excited/scared for the skaters' safety.


    apparently he speaks about it in this podcast (keegan starts talking at the 20 min mark):


  20. 4 minutes ago, Songster01 said:


    Hey there!  :8122685: Do you happen to have a source for this?  I'd love to see the date and full context.  Is it something that came out since his interview on Ice Talk last week, during which he talked about stabilizing the 4Lz but the 4A was not discussed at all iirc.  Beforehand he chatted about it in text interviews noting that he was putting it on the back burner for at least part of the season but hoped to be able to return to it later on once/if the 4Lz is more stable (see upthread to my earlier post).  If he does get back to it (or if he has already), his next step was to get it out of the harness and be able to land it w/o the harness.  However, that was end of summer and he may have changed his mind (though stabilizing the 4Lz is a better option from strategic viewpoint)? 


    Just trying to be cautious here before people get too excited/scared for the skaters' safety.


    I really hate to be *that guy* but no i dont have a source, i just was doing some reading on other forums and saw it being discussed. I’ll try to look for a reputable source though once I’m home!

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