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Everything posted by lilsailor

  1. https://wherespacepooh.tumblr.com/post/163950208929/yuzuru-hanyu-2017-18-media-day-master-post https://twitter.com/boyangjins/status/895027991025242112/photo/1 anything of importance is there ^^
  2. anyone have a link to mezamashi? i might as well
  3. least we know about the r***ng golfer and the popstar who got caught with drugs?
  4. isn't that what jason brown is doing?
  5. he could be getting an original piece of music? maybe that's why we can't get the name/why it's not complete
  6. Daisuke Murakami's Bring Him Home from GPF 2015 makes me cry everytime, its so beautiful
  7. i think i'd kill for a LM program despite how warhorsey it is like, empty chairs would be beautiful
  8. this is a masterpiece, as a LM fan, I congratulate you
  9. I was dissappointed w Chopin at first, but after seeing him skate it perfectly at FaOI, I'd rather him skate something he knows and can connect to and go clean than experiment and it backfire
  10. all electronic devices gone threaten him w his headphones... no headphones if you do poto
  11. we've just been crying but i hope your exam went well:)
  12. he can protect us from rj3 and poto2
  13. if david is involved, he won't allow POTO... we can count on him unless yuzu has wrote another letter
  14. someone said something about 2014 POTO and now im scared, please no
  15. what if it's something really out there that none of us have guessed
  16. 5 minutes guys. it was good knowing you
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