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Everything posted by Umebachi

  1. Since Nomura Mansai is choreographing the Olympics Opening Ceremonies - with the expectation that he will integrate Japanese arts and theatre into the programme - I am hoping that he would include Hanyu-kun in one of the performances.
  2. @Henni147 Thank you for all your beautiful collections. Yuzu's spin reminded me of a conversation I had with my Iranian friend about the significance of spinning movement in a sacred dance, like the Sema of Sufi adherents (whirling dances). Some years back we had visited Konya, Turkey to attend the Rumi music festival and we recalled sharing a special feeling of awe and humility when we encounter beauty, and the similarity of that feeling when we watch Yuzu's performance. I grew up in Iran and I find Rumi's works deeply moving. Yuzu's spins are an an extension of human endeavor - an expression of love to achieve a meditative state and unity with universe. All the skaters endeavour to achieve that state, but it seems Yuzu comes closer to that special moment of grace. "Love is the dancing cry of the soul, calling the body to worship Like a shining whirlpool, or a spinning mayfly So is love among the skies." - Mawlana Rumi Here is an article which provides some background on the Sema ceremony. https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2015/dec/18/whirling-dervishes-at-the-rumi-festival-in-konya-a-photo-essay
  3. A little late but wishing everyone a Happy Hanyu Planniversary! A million thanks to the mods and admins for maintaining and nurturing the community, and to all the satellites who make this planet a very sparkly special place. And deepest gratitude to the Little Prince himself for inspiring all of us to be kind, and to strive to be the best that we can be.
  4. @micaelis So glad your health is on the mend! I enjoy reading your words and share your sentiments about Yuzu. Please continue to share your thoughts on our Planet.
  5. Yes, Fay. Look at the waist! lol. Akhal Teke has a surreal look for a horse - seemingly so fragile and thin, and yet, tough as a nail when galloping across the steppelands.
  6. I was blown away by Yuzu's Haru-yo-Koi at the gala. I love his EX pieces, including Notte Stellata, but I always felt he could do even better in his movements and positions. I saw that in his last HYK performance, he is now reaching that next level of performance that will put him on a trajectory of historic proportion! Yuzu is in his prime years, still evolving and hungry to learn; his experience with Origin and Otonal has also helped to expand his repertoire of movements and discover more ways to express emotion. I almost don't care about the WC results, because he is taking FS to a different level of connectivity with the audience. I see an emergence of his performance, especially Origin, as an exploration into the deep emotional experience of a sacred ritual. It reminds me of the original performance of a Greek tragedy - and I don't mean tragedy as in "sad" but the literal meaning of tragedy, as in the dramatic art of Trago-Edia - which means a Goat Song, btw! - which brought the whole community together in a deeply meaningful story-telling, a truly sacred performance. So our cat-loving space kitty has now turned into a performer of Goat Songs and an equine superstar! Any dog lovers?
  7. Frenchkiss70! Lovely to meet a fellow dressage rider on the Planet! Perhaps we should start a new section comparing dressage and FS. I agree the dressage protocols are not as bad as FS - it has improved a bit and FEI now has live boxes (like FS!) showing scores - but what is much worse is the training of horses and forcing horses to do Grand Prix level movements on incorrect (and non-classical posture) is criminal...don't get me started! But I am getting off the topic... On Yuzu Fairy fan forum on FB, I had an exchange with another dressage person - who had compared Yuzu as a Spanish Riding School Lippizaner vs Nathan as a thoroughbred racer. I loved the comparison but I responded that in terms of physical look (not performance) I thought Yuzu would be a golden Akhal Teke (hence the photo in my first post) - the most golden and leggiest of the proud equine line. The other person thought Yuzu could be compared to a golden Lippizaner-Akhal Teke cross, truly a golden unicorn! I love that visual. Isn't amazing that our love for the spacekitty connects us in so many levels and pushes the boundaries of our imagination?
  8. Hydroblade, Thank you for your tireless efforts in setting up the Forum, and for creating this safe space for the Family!
  9. Greetings to my fellow Planet Hanyu denizens! I am finally making my first post - after all these years of following FS and Hanyu-kun - to celebrate my freedom from corporate serfdom (I am taking early retiremen) this week and to share the joy with my fellow fanyus! I am so grateful for those who worked hard to set up this forum and for the lively and supportive community brought together by our favorite alien boy. Now that I have slipped the bonds of servitude, I rejoice in being able to let loose on this forum and look forward to joining you on the continuation of our journey, our pilgrimmage, of discovery. I will introduce myself on the other thread, but let me just briefly note that the first live FS event I attended was the World Championship 1977 in Tokyo - Yoyogi National Stadeum - where Minoru Sano won the first bronze medal for single men's skating (I am dating myself...). I recall being mesmerized by Rodnina and Zaitsev, and Vladimir Kovolev who skated like a ballet dancer (I mean, for real). Since then, I got busy with school and work, and only picked up FS when Mao and Daisuke emerged, and with Yuzu I have fallen deeply like the rest of you. Following Yuzu is an emotional roller coaster, but what is life without feeling the depths and intensity of emotions? I am sure he will continue to explore the limits of athletic abilities and artistic expression, with equal measure of intelligence and passion, and I would not want to miss a single minute of that ride. I look forward sharing that experience with all of you on this fabulous forum! BTW, I am a dressage rider, so I like making analogies between FS and dressage events (especially the freestyle dressage with music). With that in mind, I would like to present the golden horse of the Iranian steppes, Akhal Teke - as the appropriate gift to propitiate the gods of ice and wish all the best of health and happiness to our golden boy!
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