Greetings to my fellow Planet Hanyu denizens! I am finally making my first post - after all these years of following FS and Hanyu-kun - to celebrate my freedom from corporate serfdom (I am taking early retiremen) this week and to share the joy with my fellow fanyus! I am so grateful for those who worked hard to set up this forum and for the lively and supportive community brought together by our favorite alien boy. Now that I have slipped the bonds of servitude, I rejoice in being able to let loose on this forum and look forward to joining you on the continuation of our journey, our pilgrimmage, of discovery.
I will introduce myself on the other thread, but let me just briefly note that the first live FS event I attended was the World Championship 1977 in Tokyo - Yoyogi National Stadeum - where Minoru Sano won the first bronze medal for single men's skating (I am dating myself...). I recall being mesmerized by Rodnina and Zaitsev, and Vladimir Kovolev who skated like a ballet dancer (I mean, for real). Since then, I got busy with school and work, and only picked up FS when Mao and Daisuke emerged, and with Yuzu I have fallen deeply like the rest of you. Following Yuzu is an emotional roller coaster, but what is life without feeling the depths and intensity of emotions? I am sure he will continue to explore the limits of athletic abilities and artistic expression, with equal measure of intelligence and passion, and I would not want to miss a single minute of that ride. I look forward sharing that experience with all of you on this fabulous forum!
BTW, I am a dressage rider, so I like making analogies between FS and dressage events (especially the freestyle dressage with music). With that in mind, I would like to present the golden horse of the Iranian steppes, Akhal Teke - as the appropriate gift to propitiate the gods of ice and wish all the best of health and happiness to our golden boy!