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Everything posted by ymnk

  1. Hm.. I don't dislike notte stellata, but it's not that special that it stands above all his other ex pieces imo. I just like others of them so much, so yeah, if it were wish for something it's variety for me. But I won't die if it's notte stelatta again, so all good
  2. The delayed rotation is even visible in real time too. Beautiful jump indeed!
  3. ... I feel you. A -pretty- strong hint to continue skating from himself ?! And so many other things being said this season really... what's going on? Already sitting here for 40 minutes wanting to contribute something constructive, but no
  4. He really does not beat around any bushes, does he? I feel like learning italian now.
  5. I had the same impression, he appeared to be unsettled from the start. Also going by his interviews, rather than just (lol?) yoloing, it seems as if he was contemplating between going for it and "better not" before almost every jump, that has to be distracting Is it normal to feel bad for the fly?
  6. Yeah, but tbh I don't know. Apparently going triples can lower it too - while that was needed due to his knee. At this point I simply wish Hanyu goes with what feels right to him, as every person is different in what fuels them. No strategy is more smart than another per se. ...Also I guess I just really want him to be himself in the end.
  7. Reading those proposed changes makes me sad. As it is now I can mainly see that lead to more inconsistent judging while imo more transparency in the rules is needed the most. For example, does the difference between GOEs really need to be bigger, while the awarded GOE right now already vary so much between two different judges alone (never mind spectators perception)? Similar with PCS, while there might not be much to be said against a raise of available points per se, a better clarity and consistency on how they are awarded according to the rules seems far more important at this point. I'm pretty sure a drastic overhaul every few years (that still leaves involved parties disagreeing 180 degree, because so much room is given to interpret/apply the rules) is what Figure Skating needs the least.
  8. I see, thank you for taking the time to reply! The CoD seemed really something for everyone watching as welI... But ugh now I made myself rewatching the whole event just because can see that leading to worlds again ...
  9. What is Patrick doing there 🙌 and such a nice picture!
  10. I am sorry to quote a post that was made ages ago, but I'm very curious about your opinion here. (Just how do I put something in spoilers) I remember there being a lot of criticism for him looking down too much during Seimei, but because I never watched a live performance of it I assumed it's probably something mostly visible watching in person and had no real opinion on it at that time. He did not appear to "engage" and smile at the camera the same way as f.e. Javier Fernandez, but then again the performance and piece are so different, which is why I could not follow the argument and left thinking about it at that. Then I ended up watching H&L in GPF stadium last year and, personally, I could not see that issue AT ALL, actually funnily more the opposite. My most vivid memories consist of Hanyu smiling up the direction of our block not few times and also right before/after difficult jumping passes nonetheless and that was H&L not Lets go crazy. The only other skaters in the mens event daring to look up at the audience as much as him were Rippon and Uno actually, to me and my friends surprise. I don't mean to say it's always the same, as everyone has good or bad days obviously as well as other circumstances that play into account, but it was so for us that day. Of course after coming home I was looking forward to how that translated to camera and yeah lol, it caught the back of his head more often than not! Which brings me to another point I noticed. Hanyu performs so much to all different directions in the arena, but as a consequence of that not exclusively for judges and camera direction alone. The best I could make of that, is that the criticism is of him not looking enough into the camera for some. But I'm only speculating here as I did not succed to see the looking down issue. Of course if you mean to say you got the impression of him looking down too much by watching H&L and forming the opinion yourself not by giving the benefit of the doubt then I don't mean to correct you. (I can only speak of my personal experience with it so far. It really makes me look forward to new Seimei though - IF I were to get any chance to watch that live). And please excuse the wall of text and OT! That debate just makes me really curious. ☺
  11. Finlandia? Has he ever done more than one senior b though? Agreeing that sounds very unlikely... Not to mean that I would complain, apart from feeling some serious need to buy flights to Finland then
  12. I admit I already quite liked the old "ienai yo" - and now I'm in awe at how perfect and flowy everything looks despite the steep increasement of difficulty! As for comparing different times performances (feeling not technical), R&J 1 taught me not to so I won't
  13. Barely believing my eyes here, Sota!✨
  14. Nobu, why are you r****d again? seriously.
  15. I know it's difficult for men to do Biellmanns, but one sometimes forgets just how difficult it might be when watching people who can do them. Same for other spins and also spirals etc. with all those focus on jumps, other elements might no be rewarded enough. (only perfectionists will bother to add hand movements and other variations ) In that clip Shoma seems to get near the position and appears a good spinner to begin with anyway, not bad for joking around! Wish we could see all kind of different spins and spirals in mens too, I vaguely remember a haicutter in Junior mens. Ladies have way more variety there.
  16. ugh, apparently I have a soft spot for this song. Kind of really like Patricks music choices since last season too, and as already pointed out it really does fit his skating.
  17. so it is Seimei 2.0 after all, despite the suspence lol And while Chopin times three threw me off somehow, in the end I'm really surprised just how happy I am with Seimei as FS choice! It sure deserves a chance to shine at olympics Now having to catch up with the general thread again to find out if there was any info on an ex, guys how do you manage?
  18. do we know there is music change? That would be wonderful. But alright even if not - at least a few more chances for us to catch that wonderful program live and with upgrade too (seeing the positive now)
  19. I was kind of prepared to know nothing until all sessions ended, so it really turns out this way lol.
  20. ok even then, how did the sp go? Looking forward to know
  21. you reminded me that there's that too
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