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Yuzuru's 30th Birthday

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Hello fellow satellites and friends! 


I have an idea for Yuzuru's coming birthday. I saw that we have 24 people from 19 countries who volunteered for the project and that's a great number and variety. 


7 yrs ago I watched a documentary, HUMAN, from the renowned French photographer and journalist Yann Arthus-Bertrand and found it amazing. You can find it on YouTube and I inserted its link at the end of this message:

The promo text says: "What is it that makes us human? Is it that we love, that we fight ? That we laugh ? Cry ? Our curiosity? The quest for discovery ? Driven by these questions, filmmaker and artist Yann Arthus-Bertrand spent three years collecting real-life stories from 2,000 women and men in 60 countries. Working with a dedicated team of translators, journalists and cameramen, Yann captures deeply personal and emotional accounts of topics that unite us all; struggles with poverty, war, homophobia, and the future of our planet mixed with moments of love and happiness."   Please give yourselves 10-15 mins. to watch a part of it, and you will understand me better. 


So I thought maybe we can do our own small documentary about "What is it that makes us a Fanyu? The hope he gives? His victories? His dedication? The love he has for his fans? "

To me, for example, his love to Sendai is very relatable and dear since I come from a part of Turkey which has been neglected and seen as a region of exile for decades. The regionalism Yuzuru has been subject to, has been my experience for a long time and just like him, I feel indebted to my region and my city. etc etc etc


The idea is that participants for the bday project shoot (say) 15-20 sec. video of their country (or share a video we can find online, if they don't want to do it themselves) . I would, for example, shot a scene at a cafe in Diyarbakır (my hometown) and ask random people about Yuzuru. There's a 99,9% chance that they have never heard about him, so I would show them a performance and record their reactions. Maybe just 1 reaction, but it would be from a very distant part of the world from him. Then perhaps a 2-3 min. monologue from participants of the project which they share what they want to share. A personal story? Some statistical data about how he was underscored? Why and how she created an fanart? etc etc etc All in our native languages with English subtitles. 


Its just an idea which I hope will inspire people to come up with much better and creative ones. 


Yuzuru is a challenger and he never did something ordinary. So I think he deserves to receive something "never-been-done-before" on his special birthday.


What do you say? 










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