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Posts posted by Marinn

  1. If anyone is interested. The English translation is posted in the comments to Alena's video.

    Thanks to Alexandra Mavtevosyan. 

    "English text, folks. 

    Hi everyone! This is my channel and today we’re doing a YouTube challenge. What is it going to be? Since I’ve broken my right hand and can move only two fingers (which is not enough to apply at least half-decent makeup), I’ll have my left hand and just 12 minutes to put on something remotely similar to makeup. I hope you will support me with filming videos and challenges like that in response, you can choose whatever time limit you want as well as any kind of makeup — casual, evening, the one for a New Year’s Eve party. The main condition is using your left hand and doing it within a certain period of time. Let’s start, shall we? I’ll start when it’s 12 minutes sharp to make it fair. Here I come. What do I have? I have a mirror, eyeshadows, mascaras, foundations, everything I may need. I’ll probably start with eyes and eyebrows. Let’s try to work with eyebrows.

     (1:34) Erm, it’s hard. That’s really a hard thing to do.

     (2:01) I’ll tell you a small backstory. How come my hand is in a cast? It happened during a training session, I was practicing axel, had a bad fall and well, you know what happened next. Nothing extraordinary, regular training process. It happens. All athletes get injured sometimes. I forgot to put special drops in my eyes so they’ll be teary. That’s how my eyes react to any cosmetics. Well, one eye looks darker than the other now but… whatever. Everything happens. It’s OK. I hope so. The screen is black now but we all know that the countdown goes on. If you find challenges like this good, drop a comment, like the video and tell me in the comment section which new challenges from me you’d fancy watching. And I know there are a lot of them but given my situation I’ve decided that this one would be the funniest and most relevant one to try. I do wonder how well I can manage to apply makeup in case something like that happens during one of competitions.

     (4:00) Now we have 5 minutes left. 5 minutes are hardly enough to do anything so I guess I’ll put on foundation and then get down to all the remaining stuff. I smashed a bottle with my favourite foundation so it looks like that. My left hand is aching like hell now. Not used to having to work so much. Generally speaking, I’ve realised that left-handed people have some tough lives in this world as almost everything is designed for right-handed people and sometimes it’s truly not easy to perform some everyday tasks. Like using scissors to cut something. Most things seem to be invented for right-hand usage and it’s terribly inconvenient. Because scissors won’t clip at all, for example. However I try to turn them, they just won’t work, so I transformed from a person who always tries to do everything independently to someone who constantly does this: “Moooooom" And that’s disgusting as parents find it hard to follow me everywhere to provide help and I feel ashamed to constantly ask their assistance in everything. Long story short, all of that isn’t really comfortable. Here comes trouble. I don’t really need to contour much, so I’ll do it just a bit with my finger.

     (6:15) Besides, I want to accentuate eyes here. Although I’m not sure I’ll manage. Now let’s work with eyelids.

     (6:51) I don’t know, let it be like that. That’s how I open the stuff, looks weird. And during the first days after I had got the injury even that was a big problem.
     (7:37) 3, 2, 1. Soo. That was 12 plus 2 bonus minutes. What can I say? Well, in general, I tried to do everything I’m currently able to. That’s what I look now, I really tried hard to meet the deadline. I look in the mirror and… I haven’t done all I planned, but my eyes look not bad overall, there’s some sort of a shadow line even. I guess I’ve coped with this challenge and now it’s your turn. I’m looking forward to seeing your videos, reading your responses, thoughts about this video and also new ideas — tell me what challenges you’d like to see from me in the future. Everyone thanks for the watching, I love you all, and see you soon!"

  2. 6 часов назад, Fay сказал:

    Because “mushrooms” actually mean hallucinogenic mushrooms the judges eat when they score certain skaters. It’s a series of banners criticising judging panels. Ever since then, they started checking banners, I guess. 

    The writing in Russian says “Say no to mushrooms”. Or rather, “judge without any mushrooms” 

    Mushrooms are a thing commonly mentioned when discussing judging and favourites. On the other hand, the kind of haircut Yuzu had would never ever be called a mushroom haircut. We have a different word for it. 


    Спасибо, что разъяснили иностранной аудитории. Я знаю еще одно объяснение понятию грибы, помимо галлюциногенного варианта. Поскольку грибы имеют очень большую скорость роста, говорят, оценки растут/выросли, как грибы. Галлюциногенные поганки на картинках очень повеселили  :rofl3:)) Вроде бы акция была тогда из-за оценок Патрика? )) Извините за рус., все.

  3. 13 минут назад, Gaby сказал:

    Аэростар  - это  дохлый номер. Я  пока  забронировала сама  не знаю   что . Moscow Holiday  Hotel на  улице Мневники. Москвичи ,  это  вообще   на разумном расстоянии ?  Транспорт довезет? 15400 за  4 ночи   это  норм ? Я  вообще не в курсе :embSwan:Но просто больше  реально ничего  нет  


    Это  около 3 км пешком по прямой, наверно немного далековато. Но транспорт наверняка ходит. Цена нормальная вполне, думаю.

  4. 2 часа назад, Gaby сказал:

    С кем же они заняты , если их не продают?


    VIP места по приглашениям. Билетов для них не существует. Иногда на соревнованиях это выглядит, как полупустая трибуна с самым лучшим обзором.  В Хартвалл это хотя бы боковая часть. 

  5. Вау, ребята! Хельсинки и Москва!!! Ура!!! АРИГАТО ЮЗУ!!! :cheer: Да еще бонусом Алина и Боян! 

    Я вчера ночью полчаса пялилась в монитор, пытаясь осознать , что произошло то, чего никак не может быть. :embSwan:

    Когда сознание вернулось ко мне, понеслась бронировать гостиницы, но все ближайшие и доступные по цене уже были забронированы. Даже моя цск, которую в прошлом году я достаточно свободно забронировала позже, оказалось недоступной. Нашла вариант чуть дальше, единственный оставшийся номер. Поняла, что мечты об Аэростаре можно похоронить навсегда, хаха. С Хельсинки вроде чуть проще, но тоже подходящих вариантов совсем немного. Теперь главное охота за билетами, хаха, исходя из ситуации с отелями думаю это тоже будет посложнее, чем в прошлом году. Во всяком случае, с хорошими билетами. 


    Pls, если у кого-то из Москвичей, вдруг, окажутся лишние хорошие билеты, брякните мне в личку пожалуйста, я беру, даже с наценкой. :agree2:

  6. 8 часов назад, Geo1 сказал:



    Yay! I finally caught up with this thread in time to celebrate our first anniversary!


    You would never guess by the number of posts, but I have been a satellite since May 1, 2017.


    The reason I was so behind in the thread is because I have been in the hospital for intravenous treatment of a blood infection since April 20. This is the third hospitalization since December 1 of last year. My IV treatment is scheduled for two weeks and will end on May 5. This is a good thing since I was afraid that I had a bone infection in which case I would require months of IV treatment. I've had a bone infection before and that required five months of IV treatment.


    Fortunately, there is Wi-Fi in the hospital and I have been able to use my laptop to watch YouTube and Dailymotion videos of Yuzu's Sendai Parade, his attendance at the Emperor's garden party and to catch up on the thread since a couple of days ago. I am a very positive person so the many challenges I have had in my life do not depress me, but it is cheering to see Yuzu's smiling face! The days definitely go by much quicker when I am on my laptop, especially watching and reading Yuzu related videos and news.


    Oh no :facepalm:  I wish you a speedy recovery!  

  7. 1 час назад, Anya сказал:


    So this was all a lie... :waffle:




    Haha, here he is 15-16 years old. It seems that he is trying to ride a bicycle, absolutely not knowing how to do it, ha-ha-ha. Yuzu always likes to try something new. Here, it seems, the bicycle was challenged. 
    A wonderful child.



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