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  1. What a stunning performance. Exquisite and emotional as usual. I was about to say full GOE on almost every element but I realized he doesn't need this kind of evaluation anymore (shame on you ISU). So just - thank you Yuzuru, for showing me what figure skating truly is, and how it builds bridges for people from around the world.
  2. Thanks!!!Really looking forward to the "surprise"!
  3. Hi all, is Yuzu gonna perform live or is it recorded beforehand?
  4. Oh Yuzu hasn't got his channel verified...
  5. I love the concept of "Share Practice." (especially when many people can't watch practice and competitions live due to Covid) It looks to me that he's created this channel only to share the truth and joy of figure skating with a global audience. AND THERE ARE NO ADS!!! He doesn't consider profit off it. To think that he pays for renting the rink and spends time preparing and editing the video just for us to enjoy...He's so real I love him.😭Yuzuru is the best figure skating coach on YouTube...Young skaters should subscribe to his channel ehehehehehe.
  6. OMG you guys are writing poems and essays and dissertations in the comment section...I'm in tears. And they were written in so many different languages. So wholesome and touching. I can't...😭
  7. OMG OMG OMG just logged in and I'm in heaven??? Never have I imagined Hanyu Yuzuru doing live streaming in my lifetime??? The man doesn't own a phone but he's now a youtuber??? Already 2.2M views for his first short video??? Million??? Let me chill for a second.
  8. Hi all, so I was really busy the other day and just had time to watch Yuzu’s 719 presscon. I cried when I saw the news that day but feel healed after watching his interviews. Pro Athlete. New concept ice shows. I’m really looking forward to his next stage. Yuzu has been and will always be an outlier. So the word “retire” doesn’t fit in his case. I prefer words like“change” or “evolve” or “grow.” I love Yuzu’s skating and surely I will see him skate more and better in days to come. So I don’t think I have lost anything. 🤩 BTW I think if Yuzu were to compete next WC in Japan’s Saitama, JSF wouldn’t let him win gold. So now is the good time to make such decision. I fully support him! New programs and costumes! Black UA and Pooh-San! Here we go!🤩 (Of course I’ll never forget what he has been through these years, how JSF and ISU have been tramping on his pride and ideal. I mourn for the sport.)
  9. Twitter is full of rumors and fake news now. Nixxxx Sport even publishes newspapers saying "YH retires". So disrespectful. All of them.
  10. So it's uncertain whether Yuzu will compete in GP series but we'll definitely see him next season (very likely JNats 2022 and WC 2023, if qualified).😄I feel so excited because I never imagined there could be another season after witnessing his second Olympic gold in Pyeongchang. I guess he'll keep Rondo (with minor changes ofc, maybe new costume too?) and present a new free skate. Ten-chi is one of my favorite free skate but I don't know if he would keep it since it was used for two consecutive seasons. Plus he might want to deliver something new after Beijing? Finally Yuzu can skate to his own content and with more freedom than ever. And then there're so many mysteries to unravel! I'd love to see him skate to Japanese music again (and d*mn those commentators who once criticized his choice of "too much Japanese music that can't move the western audience"-sorry I can't recall exactly). But if it's classical or about modern musical like his Notre-dame de Paris encore at FaOI--that's also fantastic! And his skating to drama feels so different now...I mean, a decade ago, it was like a student struggling to execute all elements and hand in his paper in a hurry. But now he's so much matured and experienced and is able to deliver an emotional skate with exquisite skills. (Although I wouldn't be surprised if his new free skate turns out to be something more of contemporary dance...Yuzu has been self-learning with the speed of light, hahaha.) And for the gala piece, will he keep Raison? I'm a Raison defender. I think it would be even more gorgeous with some touches on the costume and several movements. But...wow...thinking of his past exhibition programs: White Legend, Requiem of Heaven and Earth, Notte Stellata, Haru Yo Koi...this one, Raison, is soooooo different. (I want to ask David Wilson, how did you choreograph Raison with Yuzu through Zoom? I'm so curious.) But now the most important thing is that Yuzu's resting well and that ankle is HEALING.😭I don't know the chances of full recovery for ligament injuries and to be honest, I'm worried. And Yuzu's goal, at least for now, is quad axel, so he still needs to practice hard for it while trying best to not get injured again. I guess quad axel is also the first jump of his free skate next season? Anyway, I feel so thankful for Yuzu. He's shown me what figure skating truly is. He's shown me so much courage, bravery, hope, and happiness, and I hope these good things will finally go back to him.🙏
  11. Just had time to go through the pages and this one really made me laugh, cuz we think alike!!!😂
  12. I saw this from Chinese Weibo: https://weibo.com/7452262713/LBGOBw8AQ @ 矢口亨ToruYaguchi I wanted to make a photo book that sounds like music is playing in it. So at the beginning of the story Yuzuru wears earphones. Music and his figure skating go beyond the language barrier and impress people all over the world. I wish I could do so with my photos. This is my challenge. That's why I use this photo as the cover page of the overseas version. the details...the symbolism of earphones...😢
  13. OP said that the person sitting next to her today was a woman from Osaka. She is now fighting against breast cancer & has been informed of life expectancy this spring, so this is the last opportunity for her to go out. After Yuzu’s performance, she was crying, her face covered with both hands, and she said "Thank you, Yuzuru-san.” She thanked him all the time with her head down… 😭😭I hope there’s a miracle for this woman…
  14. Going through the quote retweets of this one made me teary🥲 . This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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