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  1. I'm so heartbroken for him, his partner and their families. Antis will use this to slander yuzu, his fans and his family i'm sure. I feel useless and helpless, besides leaving loving comments on his youtube channel, what else can we do? Maybe after this dies down a bit we could raise a hashtag showing yuzu some love and support, let him know that we will keep supporting him and his decisions. If he wants to leave the public eye for a bit, forever or not at all. We should try and show him that it's all okay and he should prioritize his mental and physical health above all else.
  2. GIFT is now available in Brasil via Disney+🥳🎊🎉I’m so happy
  3. Do we know what time exactly GIFT is available on Disney+ Jpn tomorrow?
  4. thankfully it's been posted on twitter because it crashed on me too i still can't see anything lmao This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  5. ELLE Japan Behind the Scenes Photoshoot This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  6. Omg, Miya is hilarious, it was literally an hour and a half long livestream of him talking about yuzu and freaking out like a any of us would LOL. My japanese knowledge is very limited, i could only catch a couple of things here and there, thankfully there was someone on the comments translating the general context, he said he was nervous to talk to yuzu and yuzu was like "why are you nervous?" and he gave yuzu his merch (the shirt yuzu is wearing), he's very wholesome and kept saying in the end that he wants to respect yuzu's privacy. I'd love a full translation, it's a long livestream tho.
  7. Just got off an online chat with Disney+ Brasil and they also told me that it's not registered in this month's schedule, so maybe only later ..
  8. has anyone translated the Faoi pamphlet yet? or shared yuzu's Q&A at all? (i haven't been very active the last month so sorry if someone has asked already)
  9. FINALLY!!! I’m so excited Is it worldwide like they said it would be back in March? It doesn’t explicitly say it’s only domestic so I’m assuming it’s worldwide. Honestly can’t wait to annoy everyone I know until they watch it. It will literally be on loop for at least a week in my living room😭
  10. My "watch yuzu skate all 10min of Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso" agenda might actually become true one day *cries*
  11. can ya'll help a girl out, there's an annoying debate going on in fs reddit as always and i'm trying to find the article where yuzu said he was late to Olys Beijing because he was waiting for JSF to come out with the Team Japan selection (iirc it was in japanese)... it was awhile ago so idk if anyone has it saved somewhere but yeah
  12. the things i would do for an english version *sigh*... This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  13. I need to see One summers day more than I need air y’all do not understand 😭 the pics and little clips alone have me in a chokehold… Btw, do we know if it’s a self choreo like ashura chan?
  14. idk maybe i'm wrong but it isn't just yuzu that hasn't appeared yet right?! where is shomer, kaori and mai? maybe they are doing a separate group number? or most likely they are just gatekeeping the most popular skaters i guess, none of this makes any sense to me, the paid practice cam is very bizarre too, they don't even specify who we'll be watching either, what if it's a practice cam of a skater i don't like? also, is it true that yuzu won't be the chairman, only a 'special guest' wtv that means? cuz if that's the case i honestly don't even expect him to be in the group numbers.... edit: ok forget it just saw a kaori pic
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