106 -
birnasan's Achievements
Sparkly Ruffle (5/67)
I have learned how to find FS streams in the internet, I‘ve spent my time and learned how to find Japanese TV in the internet, and now he comes up with all those geoblocked streaming platforms… I don‘t know if I want to spend my time again and again to find out if there is any illegal way to watch something in my country and on my device. It is beyond frustrating…
I have now 23 SharePractice interviews. I nearly made it. Only one is still missing. But I have no idea where to search for it…
So it is finally confirmed that Satomi has made the red-black Prologue costume, and also Itsuka Owaru Yume and Raison.
But no info about Real Face. -
Nice to see NHK Hall. It must have been around 2002 that I have played there…
12 cameras, 30 hours of work - but I still think his sister rinkside with one iPad would have made a much better video…
Merry Ronkapu Day!
Rika injured her right ankle 2 weeks ago…
Liza Empress!
Has Yuzu un-monetised his yt channel?
And in his current I‘m-doing-it-all-by-myself-mood he decided to sew that costume himself, right?
Kateigahou is great. Finally someone dared to ask the most important question at SharePractice, and also Shuzo, Tracy, Shinya, Tsuzuki-sensei. Very touching. Someone should translate it
It was the right decision to cancel my yt membership. Because for what if he doesn‘t do anything on his channel. But it doesn‘t make me feel any better…
Javi literally skating to Origin in the Palavela in Torino is something
I wonder if everyone has listened to him carefully. He said his dream of being the first to land 4A in an ISU competition or of landing 4A at the Olympics has ended. Obviously. But he did not say his dream of landing 4A itself has ended. He is usually pretty precise with his words. And the Sasanqua video literally ends with a 4A mid-air
I was wondering whether 水色 was supposed to be TFTT or Rachmaninoff - I can‘t believe I forgot Otonal! #MyLove