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Posts posted by snowy

  1. Maybe I am too optimistic but he didn't say they were already legally divorced but made a decision on divorce. Maybe, seeing fans' support and the fact that so many people rooting for their happiness changes their decision. I am just hoping and praying here. They deserve happiness, God bless them.

  2. Excuse me but why no one considers that this might be his wife's decision and desire to not be known to the public? Could you imagine the level of discomfort (even alienation) that she is going to receive wherever she goes? This is a big adjustment for her than him especially if she is not a public figure. Maybe she needs more time to learn how to deal with the fans, press, and public. Maybe she decided never to go through the burden of being in the public eye altogether. It is no one's place (let it be a reporter or a fan) to assume his wife is an empty vessel that only follows her husband's decisions for her life. Such an assumption is not feminism but rather contrary.

  3. 7 minutes ago, bubbletea said:

    Disney+’s system is awful. Nothing clear and it’s annoying. I wont use it again after watching GIFT. An absolute unworthy app. (Its a bit harsh review but im just telling the truth)


    I totally agree, I was not sure how to look up GIFT. Looking up GIFT or Yuzuru or figure skating did not return anything. So, I was wondering whether we will really watch it tomorrow. 

  4. I just subscribed for Disney+ but I don't see any upcoming option to check the GIFT is already scheduled. Is it the way Disney works? Not like Netflix for example that you can see future programs.

  5. I am extremely busy with work and can't keep up with the updates so I apologize if this question was answered before. I was under the impression that GIFT will be broadcasted worldwide on June 30. But, it seems there are different dates for different countries? Can any beautiful soul here confirm the date for the US? :thanks:

  6. I just finished watching the one-man show :cool2: on Weibo. Thanks to everyone on planet for sharing the links :campfr:

    It was fun, exciting and nostalgic all at the same time. I'm so proud of him for embarking on his own journey, this is such a huge thing. Specially today, aren't you happy to see him this satisfied, happy and proud of himself, creating magic in his own territory rather than stroking around with anxiety in the empty venue of Grand Prix de France? Someone on twitter compared the photos of ISU vs YSU :rofl3: Such an accurate description :peace2: 

  7. 3 hours ago, snowy said:

    May I just say how happy I am that Yuzu turned pro in a timely manner and didn't give any room to the ungrateful ISU and Western media to use him for boasting their favorites? I am so relieved that he is now creating his own league of the greats (even though just one great, himself :wink2:) instead of being used in the petty games of insignificant people.


    Mind you, I don't disrespect any skater. I am talking about the keyboard heros, whether they call themselves professional journalist or long-time spectator, who love to see fall of the greats. I am so happy that Yuzu is out of this game. When you see how other sports treat their legends, you think ISU will get what they deserve.

    That being said, I cannot deny how much I miss the competitor Yuzuru. Sometimes I watch competitions, only towards the end, and see the results. Gone are days that I would follow every competition and keep the scores of all skaters. Today, I watched some of Yuzu's competitions and it was so nostalgic, there are so many memories attached to each of those years and now all is gone.


    I can't forgive all the ones in official capacity in any part of the world that deprived us from watching Yuzuru competing for years to come. I was first and foremost a skating fan, I didn't even notice Yuzu in his first years. But, year by year he redefined the sport and now figure skating is not as enjoyable as before when I don't see that definition. Today I watched Isabeau and Kaori at skate America on Peacock (free account). Seeing how small the venue was and even that small venue was half-empty, in the women's event that is the most crowded in the US, told me I am not the only one that can't find a reason to follow the sport. I have attended Skate America and Skate Canada before but now even if I watch it on TV I don't have a reason to spend money on attending. I wonder who lost more in this pettiness, the competitions and ISU that lost us (and our money), we who lost the joy of watching the sport we loved or overall the sport that lost its savior.


    Sorry for babbling endlessly!!! 

  8. May I just say how happy I am that Yuzu turned pro in a timely manner and didn't give any room to the ungrateful ISU and Western media to use him for boasting their favorites? I am so relieved that he is now creating his own league of the greats (even though just one great, himself :wink2:) instead of being used in the petty games of insignificant people.


    Mind you, I don't disrespect any skater. I am talking about the keyboard heros, whether they call themselves professional journalist or long-time spectator, who love to see fall of the greats. I am so happy that Yuzu is out of this game. When you see how other sports treat their legends, you think ISU will get what they deserve.

  9. I am reading the report of Yuzu's press conference through Jacki Wong's report over and over. Yuzu's words give me some courage to face my demons in these dark days of mine. He calls himself "champion" or "king", doesn't matter. It just gives me the light, the hope about myself. The determination to stop telling myself that I am a disgrace, that I hate myself, that I don't deserve happiness over just one mistake. 


    You are indeed our hope, thank you Yuzu.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Mary_kyo said:

    You know it doesn't matter now, but I believe Yuzu was going to skate Rondo so beautifully if the hole in the ice wasn't there. His 4T+3T was just so dreamy. I'm mad at Universe, because it took away our chances to see the greatest SP performance ever. He skated the rest of program in shock. Idc about the scores but if it hadn't happened, I think he could have gotten 111 again. My heart is broken into million pieces, I'm not joking.


    But then the whole narrative would become "Chen defeated Hanyu". Now, the narrative is that "Hanyu had a mishap". This is the silver lining of the ice-hole for me :shrug:

  11. I am happy that I can use the excuse of preparing materials for my lecture today and not have to focus on research. How can I do research when I'm dead inside? Normally, I'm very positive and optimistic when it comes to Yuzu but now I'm simply dark. I just don't want this feeling of yearning for miracles. Both in his case and in our (I and hubby) personal life. I want him and us to get the result of our hard working, dedication, integrity,... Why is it not happening? For how long to keep pushing without seeing the result?


    Edit: I apologize for the rant. Obviously, he has already reached far beyond the capabilities of any past or current skater and most human beings to tell the truth. He has nothing to prove. It is a privilege that he still allows us to see his performances. I am glad that he is coping with this joke of destiny, i.e. hole in the ice, much better than us. 

  12. 1 minute ago, kay said:

    as for the costume, i will respectfully disagree. which is fine =) costume is one of the most subjective aspects, i think. 

    in my opinion, costume emphasises the image of ice emperor, ethereal yet powerful. and as was mentioned earlier, it's such a nice eff you to the adepts of manly-man costumes so common in the international field

    You are absolutely right that costume is very subjective. There is nothing wrong with you liking it and I hating it. I understand your opinion about manly-man costumes. In fact, the manly-man costumes can be very classy and even sexy but for some weird reason they have reduced to the concept of a simple monotone shirt and pants on international stage :huh: In case of this program of Yuzu, I would very much prefer a simple but classy costume with no see-through and definitely no V-neck.

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