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Everything posted by Lapinou

  1. That's exactly how I feel !! I could talk for hours really, about this performance, which is my all time favourite. When I first saw it, I knew nothing of ice skating (it was only my second time watching Yuzu), and I remember being awed by the speed and the power of his jumps. Mostly, I remember being terrified that he would fall or faint, because he kept skating so fast !! holding absolutely nothing back. But anyone could see that he was struggling hard to catch his breath! His determination moved me to tears, not to mention how perfectly synchronized with the music he was. No one with a romantic heart could resist the beauty and the passion blended into this performance.
  2. I have been admiring Yuzu secretly ever since I became his fan. I don't dare show any of his videos to my friends or family because I know I would be heartbroken (furious even) if their reaction were anything other than being utterly blown away. I think people who are not familiar with ice skating usually cannot understand the perfection of H&L. Seimei on the other hand has more chances of appealing to anyone with an artistic feel. But if I had to recommend one performance as a first time, I would choose Romeo & Juliet from Nice 2012. It's the one that made me fall in love with Yuzu for eternity. The passion in this one... a shot to the heart.
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