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Posts posted by Annie19

  1. 9 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:

    Did I say I hate JSF today?

    This is simply sickening to see... We've known about JSF treatment of Yuzu for years and still it is unbelievable to see.. Yuzu is a treasure of mankind and to be treated like this by his own federation... it is soul crashing.. And still he persisted and pushed through inspite of the politics and all the corrupted scoring.. What an incrredible warriour and human being! 🙏💜💜💜

  2. On 2/10/2022 at 2:30 PM, Ichigo said:

    I really worry for his long term wellbeing. He is only in his twenties and has subjected his ankle to so much. I bet when looking at his MRI, one won’t even believe he can walk properly, let alone perform quads. 

    Very conflicted. I want to see him achieve his 4A goals, but at the same time, I want him to make a wise decision and not sacrifice his health for the sake of it. 

    My feelings also!.. The picture of his swallen ankle is terrifying to see.. I want him to be able to enjoy skating for long years to come, to feel all the love from the audience during ice shows - and for that he needs his ankle! Evgeny Plushenko in his message of support to Yuzu talks about going to a 4th Olympics maybe.. but he himselt got awfully ingured in his 4yh olympics.. Even today, after skating in ice shows Evgeny needs treatment and had a new surgery just a few weeks ago... I desperately want Yuzu to fulfill his dream and goal of 4A, but also not to sacrifice his health for it!!! 🙏🙏🙏💜

  3. On 2/10/2022 at 2:24 PM, Harutolama said:

    Such a pity how ISU or whatever is behind this clown show had managed to build up 4 years of overscored jump GOEs for Nathan so that the win for him here was almost set up and built up for years.

    It pains me that ISU had just missed out and robbed 4 years of what would have been Yuzu's golden 4 year legacy since pyeongchang, I think back then

    After sochi, between 2014 ~ 2018, ISU still tried to score Yuzu for what he was worth (although underscored), but somehow thought that they no longer wanted him anymore. I look back at 2019 GPF, 2019 Skate Canada and 2019 Worlds, and oh my God, Yuzu was so on fire, and even more improved and better than 2014 ~ 2018 but still ended up losing time and time again to Nathan. I think this period kind of broke him inside, it was that period when we all had to accept Yuzu was not going to beat Nathan unless Nathan was scrubbing the ice floor with his butt. 

    So true and hearbreaking!.. But I don't think that they succeeded to break him though.. They broke us, as it became cristal clear that there was no way that Yuzu would be scored fairly & Nathan was showered with overscoring just standing on ice and there was nothing to be done about this terrible injustice.. But Yuzu was not broken.. I don't know how he managed to do it, but he went on inspite of everything, true to his philosophy of skating.. they made him doubt his way, but he only came back stronger; as he acknowleged himself - a better skater now than he's ever been before! Incredible!!! Proud of him beyond words!!!!! 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Mary_kyo said:

    His tears are making it easier for me to accept his retirement. His PCS (90 wtf) just showed that the judges are showing him the exit door frankly. I hope he takes a decision that will bring him peace and ease of mind. Seeing him in this condition is truly heartbreaking, they didn't lose the chance to completely throw him under the bus and take him off-podium. Shoma's performance was in no way deserving of bronze. 

    This is what's hurting me the most! 90 PCS?!!! 6th on the FS by the Japanees judge?!!! To humiliate him like that after everything he's been through, everything he's given this sport?!!! I don't understand how he's managed to cope with everything these last 4 years.. injuries and the hardships of training alone aside, the horrible underscoring and overscoring of the others.. each time again and again, they made him doubt his most basic beliefs of skating.. and still he pushed forward, inspite of all the injustice.. and in his last Olympics when he delivers a magestic performance, in the realms no one else dared before, these are the scores?!!!!!!!! So undescribably hurt for him!!!!

  5. On 2/24/2020 at 6:26 PM, Henni147 said:

    Recently I read so many comments like: 'Why are fanyus whining again? 3.66 GOE for a 3A is nearly perfect. Only +4s and +5s. He is not underscored at all'.


    I think, there are currently three big issues that casual viewers don't see (or don't want to see):


    1. Giving +4s instead of +5s for a single element is numerically not a big deal, indeed. However, for 7 elements in the short and 12 in the free these little differences multiply very quickly and the skater ends up with 5-10 points less than he or she actually deserves. I also can't hear the argument anymore that it doesn't change anything in the placements. As long as world records, personal and season's bests are officially recorded, every single point on the scoresheet counts.


    2. Giving +4s to Yuzu's elements wouldn't be that problematic, if some other skaters didn't receive multiple +5s and other candies with much lower quality. But they do and that devaluates Yuzu's quality elements.


    3. In case of Yuzu's 3A it's not only a question of raw points. I think, this is about honoring an iconic element and making a statement. +5s across the board would send the message to the skating world: Yes. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the standard for a perfect 3A and a perfect technical element in general. If you want a +5, you have to level or top this. By giving +4s to Yuzu's 3A the judges make the clear statement that this jump is not their standard (anymore).



    Just to put things into perspective:


    Between 2015 and 2018 in the short program Yuzu received the maximum 3.00 GOE for his triple Axel 8 times in 15 attempts. 2.00 was the lowest GOE he got in these 3 years for his Axel in any SP (average GOE: 2.77).

    Since the introduction of the new +/-5 system he received the maximum 4.00 GOE only once in 10 short programs. This tells a lot about the new system and Yuzu's popularity among the judges.


    Thank you for this detailed post, I couldn't agree more... isu's doing is cristal clear, drives me crazy that there's nothing much that can be done!!... really don't know how Yuzu manages to deal with the situation - puting in everything he has & getting insulted by isu again & again with the horrible scoring... in this light I also find myselt dreading the Worlds soo much.. I really tried to block Siatama's & GPF's awuful Chenflashion from my mind & to concentrate on the positive things like gold 4CC and the Super Slam, but the reality of the Worlds is going to be very harsh... I remember watching Chen's skate at Siatama and by the middle of the FS I was in shock from the scores glowing on the screen.. all the inflated GOE's.. I couldn't believe my eyes...

    And still, hoping with all my might for a miracle, sending all the good energy to the Universe & all the love to Yuzu.... 🙏❤❤❤❤

  6. 5 hours ago, glilikoi said:

    What Yuzu said (最後の最後にちゃんと取り切れた) can be interpreted both ways, but I think what he really meant here is just that he finally got the 4CC title as the last title of his super slam. Just before he says that, he contrasts his experience with the 'norm' of winning more low-level comps before the Olympics. The way I understand it, the point he's making is that his career has been pretty unusual. If you read more deeply into it, of course he probably feels that his career is closer to the end than the beginning. But I don't think he wanted to imply here that he's necessarily planning to retire soon. If anything, I think he seems to have found a new motivation to skate for himself. 

    Oh, thank you so much for clarification & your explanation! How would I Love to understand Japanese, being able to understand Yuzu in his native tongue would've been such a gift! So many nuances are lost in translation & interpritation can vary, semantics is so important here... I am so happy for his current mood & your explanation brings joy to my selfish heart 😇💖💜

  7. My heart leaps with happiness when he talkes about his new found confidence in his skating & the clear path he sees ahead... but then sooo selfishly my poor heart skips a bit when he says "I was able to finaly do this at the very end"... my selfish heart is sooo not ready... 🙏😭💖💜

  8. 16 hours ago, watermelonda said:




    His answer here seems kind of sad. I hope he doesn't actually think he's inferior just because judges don't give him good score.... :sadPooh:

    Interestingly enough, I saw his words in a completely different way... as if he is rising above the undeserving scorying system and staying true to himself, his skating & his art.. Of course it is heartbreaking when it is not rewarded with the scores, but in the end - these are just scores, and staying true to himself is much more important 🙏👑💖💜

  9. 1 hour ago, glilikoi said:

    Calling it a confession is really misleading, as you'd expect from Fuji TV... It's just longer segments of the interview filmed just after MOI. I wish we could have seen some more recent footage, since I think Yuzu's mindset has probably already changed since then, but this interview is still pretty good.


    I'll do a very rough translation below, I'm sure someone will do a more careful one later. Sorry for any mistakes there may be! 


    Q. 'Were you able to sleep yesterday?'

    A: I tried to not look at anything, but (not really). To be honest, I couldn't really remember the performance, since I was just (focusing on) giving all I had, and it's difficult to express now.. But to be honest, I felt regretful and I had a feeling of loss.. While also feeling that I was able to put out there what I really needed to. With these kinds of thoughts, I spent the night without being able to sleep much. 


    Q: 'Yesterday you said your thoughts were chaotic, but were you able to get your thoughts in order during that night?'

    A: I think today is already different. I was able to enjoy a very special time during MOI, to perform a program that feels special to me. And the contents of that performance as well.. Recently I've been repeatedly making mistakes on 3A, not being able to do it beautifully, but even despite that, there was a moment of feeling a bit like 'I'm back'. So now I feel just a little bit happy because of that.


    Q: 'Why did you choose to perform Seimei?'

    A: Well, I felt the pressure of absolutely not wanting to harm this program (with a bad performance). But I also wanted to get this program a bit closer to its 'complete form' with live music, so I'm glad I was able to try it out. 


    Q: 'So this performance became one step in the evolution of Seimei?'

    A: Well, it'll be good if it did. My excitement (from the performance) hasn't cooled yet, but it will. And when I suddenly go back to being just one person 'Hanyu Yuzuru', there is a fear that I won't be able to stand up/move on.. So I turn to various things for support, I think many things and many people are (going through the trouble of) supporting me, and I rely on those people. First I want to stand up on the ground/ice (not sure if he first says 'ground' by mistake or if this is some idiom I don't understand). 


    Q: 'How do you feel about confronting the public image of 'Hanyu Yuzuru'/is there tension with the public image and yourself'?

    A: Sometimes it gets to a point where I'm confused/don't really know what's what. But I don't really think I project any falsities, I'm basically being myself. Of course as a member of society, as just another person, there are standards/moderations one must respect, and I think I normally do the same things that any person would need to do. But I do think this is myself/how I really am, and I'm very particular about/fixated on a lot of things, so there are times when I'm on the verge of losing control/my thoughts get chaotic. But I think this is just how 'Hanyu Yuzuru' is. 


    Q: 'I think the pressure on you is sometimes excessive/too much. Are there times when you feel like you're being crushed by that?'

    A: I feel like I need to be cornered by something, if I'm going to do something then I never want to do it halfway. Like today at practice, I felt very tired, and for the first time in a long time I felt scared to go out there and skate, scared to perform in front of everyone, but when I decide I'm going to do it, I'll do it with all I have. That's 'me' essentially. There are times when it seems like I'll get crushed, probably also times when I do get crushed, but I'll still try to set it aside, to take the burden (and keep going). That's how I feel most of the time. 


    //A lot of the things he says here are kind of concerning/sad, but I think it's largely because it's so soon after his disappointing performance in the FS. I'm pretty sure he's already been able to process many of the difficult things he talks about here in a constructive way. 


    Also I found it kind of interesting that Yuzu uses the word 社会人 (shakaijin) about himself here. Literally 'society person', it's a word that doesn't really have an equivalent in most other languages. According to the dictionary definition, it means 'working adult; full-fledged member of society' - basically in Japan, someone who works full time and is not a student, part-timer, housewife, etc. It's a pretty narrow definition. It's true that Yuzu has a position as a company employee (as well as multiple other contracts) so it's not false in any way, but it just feels weird to me to think of him as a  社会人 somehow. This is completely OT, just something I personally thought amusing.

    Oh, thank you so much for the translation! During these crazy days it is priceless to get an opportunity to try  and understand his thoughts a little bit more 🙏💜 Even though the interview is a bit sad/hard, I can not help but admire this amazing boy even more! His flexibility & resilience are truly astounding! He says he needed to find things for support & so he turned back to Chopin & Seimei, making up his mind to fight & give it his all again.. amazing..

    I agree with so many things said in the last few pages & it's so comforting to know I'm not alone - I was in love the FS from the 90s, completely lost my faith in fair judging during the Olympics in Solt Lake & even stopped following fs for some time after Plushenko got silver in Vancouver and the only amazing phenomenon that got me back is Yuzu.. 

    The horrible inflation of Nate's scores makes it impossible to stay calm and enjoy the journey, it's so infuriating... ISU is doing everything they can so that Nate wins no matter what... in this light Brian's words about Yuzu needing "a magic momnet in order to win" suddenly make a lot of sense.. I want to believe in magic & I certainly believe in Yuzu, hoping with all my might that his golden olympic programs will help create this rare magic moment.. Supporting and loving him unconditionally.. let all the love & support contribute to the magic! 🙏⛸❤💖💜


  10. 2 hours ago, Geo1 said:


    I think that Yuzu is bringing back Chopin and Seimei because these are his iconic programs and the ones most likely to earn high grades of execution and program components scores if he skates them clean.


    I think that Yuzu has reached the conclusion that he will not be able to outscore (or the judges will not allow him to outscore) Nathan Chen with Otonal and Origin.


    I think that Yuzu has changed the layout and choreography of Chopin and Seimei so as to maximize their base values and to conform to the free skate time limit.


    Although he always accepts full responsibility for losing and gives full credit to Nathan for winning, Yuzu and his team are not blind to the fact that judges under evaluate his scores and inflate Nathan’s.


    I think that Yuzu sees Chopin and Seimei as his weapons to retake the world championships.


    God knows what Yuzu will do if he skates these programs absolutely clean and does not receive scores commensurate with his performances.


    If Yuzu competes next season, I am sure that he will bring two brand-new programs that will knock the socks off everyone.

    I could not agree more with your every word! It is heartbreaking that the horrible judging pushes Yuzu to change programs mid-season!!.. Underscoring the amazing programs Otonal and Origin to the point he feels he can't win... Yuzu was so sad after the GPF, saying he is not sure he will be given points to win even with a flwaless performance.. I can not stand isu for doing that to him! And I am also afraid to think what he will feel and do if even Chopin and Seimei get underscored again.. now the pretence can be the recycling of the programs... How does he cope with giving it all and being underscored again and again, while Natan is so bluntly overscored even lowering the difficulty of the programs.. What unbelievable strength of spirit!!!! 

    All my gratirude to Nam for posting the picture with smiling Yuzu - it is sooo heartwarming to see him smile inspite of everything he's going through! 🙏💖💜

  11. 43 minutes ago, Yuzu_legend said:

    Talking about music cuts, here the comparison between Seimei PC and MoI:


    Thank you for this tweet, it's amazing to see the comparison! The olympic Seimei is unbelivable - the greatest victory, and the MOI Seimei - such detail and beauty in every gesture.. The magic without the crazy jumps.. is breathtaking! 🙏😻💜💖

  12. https://youtu.be/MvNEQaLOSM4

    I am not sure if this is the right place & topic and apologise if it is not, but have you seen this interview?.. It makes me sick with worry, so I just have to share... how he talks with a kind of sad determination that it is the time to jump the 4A, and how the candle burns the brightest near the end and he's scared of the moment when it will completely burn out... and the Ashita no Joe reference...😭 at least he laughs at the end, but there's nothing funny there... I'm hoping with all my might that the universe keeps him, an amazing treasure that he is, safe 🙏💜💖

  13. 3 hours ago, alwaysafan said:


    ... what clip it is? Was he crying again at the gala? :cry: I swear I never wanted to hug someone so much in my life.

    From what I read on twitter, it was after FS... my heart breaking for 1000 time... 😭 hope sooo much he is with his family and receving lots of love 🙏

  14. 7 hours ago, YellowShib said:

     I know we think showering Yuzu with love and support is the best way to stand by him, but as spectators of the sport I think we are entitled to express our opinion re: it's governing body. Idk if everyone will agree with this approach, but I think what the tweet suggest is a reasonable path to take should you be comfortable. We know ISU does not have an (working) accountability system for judges' decision, but if many people complain, at worst it ought to give them a bit of shiver (there are plenty of evidence online for the competition judging). Also I have never done anything like this so if this step out of line, admin please let me know.

     I second this question and the proposal - shouldn't we at least complain and let ISU know that people see and know what they are doing?!.. Even if they completely ignore the complaints, at least we know that we tried, that we did something pro-active... 

  15. 5 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:

    Oh, Yuzu ... :sadPooh:

    Hello, dear fellow satellites! After years and years of loving FS, loving YUZU, reading this wonderful forum, I finally pluck the courage and write my first message : )

    I have to say that I am completely heartbroken by this interview, when Yuzu talks about feeling the hatred like sharp needles :8122879: it's incredible to me how can anyone hate him, but the fact that he literally FEELS IT LIKE NEEDLES... The amount of LOVE should be soooo much bigger and much more powerful!!!!! :img_20:

    And the fact that he feels cornered to try more difficult jumps, furthermore risking his health, feeling he's not good enough, when he's on a completely different level of artistry and skating... that's really heartbreaking... the cruelty and the unfairness of it all..... :10742290:

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