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Everything posted by Ontoni_00

  1. Does anybody have access to Gift or could share a link to the site where i can find it? Or it could be just One Summer's Day clip, I really want this performance with clean screen and without any usernames/text written on it (gonna use it in my yt video). Thanks in advance
  2. tbh i haven't seen them used that much in men's field (pattern 99) thank u so much!!
  3. I've been looking around other skaters' blades and most of them look straight, like no inside half-circular pattern inside like I've seen in Yuzu's case. Is there any difference between them? If so, did Yuzu specified why he prefers this type of blades compared to the others? *pics of blades for reference cause i may sound chaotic rn (1st yuzu's, 2nd javier's)*
  4. I also came across a lot of yuzu x bts edits so that's probably why lol
  5. I think it was around 2016 right before gpf, fun times.
  6. Hi, I can't seem to find this clip where I think Yuzu asked audience since when have they become his fans or startd to like him. He started mentioning his eras/programs through mic (i think he mntioned r&j first) and asked audience to cheer on loudly when he said the right answer - he was shocked so many people cheered on r&j lmao Someone please help, It will haunt me If I don't find the answer or this clip
  7. Scott Moir - idk if ppl were just joking or sth (i've known about chiddy and yuzu beef for a while but not about Scott apparently) and i'm just curious.
  8. I've been hearing about this for a long time so I finally gathered up my thoughts and courage to ask this on the forum: what's with this 'Scott dislikes Yuzu' drama? And where does it come from? Genuinely asking. Appreciate all your helpful responses
  9. Ja bym byla chetna kupic cos z yuzu ^^ niestety w polsce ciezko o jakakolwiek rzecz z nim zwiazana, chociazby magazyn ehhh
  10. Hejka, wbijam do was! mam nadzoeje, ze jeszcze zyjecie XD
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