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  1. Thank you for the information. I don't know that you can combine orders through Tenso. i tried to create a Tenso account until the step on id upload, which seems a little too much for me. So I just ordered through FedEx directly from the site. The shipping costs more than the book. :-(
  2. Thank you both. I will give them a try.
  3. I want to order the Gift photobook from A!Smart but it looks like they do not ship internationally. Help is appreciated!
  4. It looks like at any time Yuzu can skate any of his past programs. He really loves them like his own children and cares about them a lot. I don't follow other skaters that much. Does anyone have a large amount of programs and practice them often?
  5. I hate to give money to ISU, but the boy asked for our support. What can we do.
  6. I just booked hotels for Autumn Classic and the next Worlds. Thank you, Yuzu, for continuing to compete! We are blessed.
  7. ^ This is what the two words mean separately. Both are quite common phrases. But combined together, the only one I am aware of is from "银河英雄传说". Chinese history is not on my top list when I was in school though. * Sorry for the double post. I don't know how to multi-quote from posts on different pages.
  8. Yes. It has a very large following in China.
  9. I became a fan only recently so I don't know the reason behind the name. First time I heard the word '帝国双璧' (before my fanyu life) in under the context of the Japanese novel '银河英雄传说': https://baike.baidu.com/item/帝国双璧/8301697. I think it's more likely Chinese fanyus just like the phrase. Especially if you think that all these programs helped him building his kingdom, these two have been the corner stone of his legacy.
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