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Everything posted by 180267

  1. Did Yuzu say he was injured? Did Yuzu say he does need Toronto-based doctors? No, these are your speculations.
  2. Stop contorting the facts (с). Did Yuzu say that he needed those doctors who treated his injuries? Не say Well, everyday I’m alone and practicing without a coach. Also, yes, stuff like aftercare was difficult too and I haven’t visited the doctor who helps me with [off-ice] care" (thanks to @yuzueco and team for kindly provided translation).
  3. Well, I wish Yuzu to find good medical support in Sendai (as Kikuchi-sensei was). No one knows about 4A more than Yuzu himself. So I believe in his success and wish him fruitful training at his homerink. Gamba Yuzu!
  4. Supporting Yuzu does not mean supporting Orser.
  5. Yuzu said he was doing great on his own. He's only missing a phisician
  6. Well... Yuzu said that training conditions at rink of Sendai are better than at the TCC (including condition of the ice). So, yes, I trust Yuzu.
  7. I always believe in Yuzu no matter what Orser said. And I trust Yuzu, not Orser. Orser is like Johnny Weir to me. No doubt. His talent, his nature, his jumping technique and other skills are not the merit of Orser.
  8. I think he remain at home. In Sendai he's really supported, in action, not words.
  9. I think it will be beneficial to Yuzu to remain at home and Yuzu had explained why. Orser had been nothing but supportive of Yuzu? Lol
  10. Lol. Who believes Orser? His attempts to give out desirable for valid are very ridiculous.
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