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Posts posted by BeningLin

  1. Well, If I could share my experience about Yuzu...


    I would say I have this tendencies to attract karma a lot. When I hate something or when I laughed at something for being quiet... weird (for me), someday I will become their fans.


    Like this one K-Pop / J-Pop I laughed at but now I completely adore them... And Yuzu too... I used to watch figure skating for research purpose, and then following pairs and ice dance closely around 2010-2012...


    But since I'm still in school and everything became hard to maintain I decide to gave up watching figure skating. Well, I DO see his performance at Worlds 2012 and I think that was exquisite... though I didn't really drawn (?) to him..


    After a long time didn't watch FS, I saw this coverage about Sochi Olympic and my father asked my opinion. I still clearly remember that I said Yuzuru was lucky af. Like... 2 falls but still got the gold.


    After that I continue my life as a common school girl until some friends talking about YoI and I immediately thought, "Its been a while since I watch figure skating omo I think it's time to come back."


    AND BAAAM! PW, WORLD RECORDS, SEIMEI, CHOPIN. I realize I shouldn't have underestimate Yuzu because Karma is so attached to me... Now I became a fan... Like.... A HUGE FAN... And my first live stream after so many years is NHK 2016....


    Now I feel like I have failed to be a Yuzu fan please forgive me...:slinkaway: 

  2. Can I join too?!


    Even when his body sore

    He never complain more

    The jump must be landed

    Take injuries for granted

    Because he is stubborn to the core


    Inspired from COC 2014 I felt bad now to brought this incident omg forgive me...:13877886:

  3. Just now, ymnk said:

    What is making me confused now is we're having two choreographers there? Just how do those announcement work :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

    From the discussion it seems both Shae Lyn and David Wilson want to choreographing Yuzu's new FS, or maybe they do it together? Or maybe one of them is choreographing the Exhibition program? CMIIW... But until they say something official, we won't know.... 

  4. 54 minutes ago, marlet said:

    Sorry if was post before, is the first time I see this clip, I didn't know about this movie, yuzu is an inspiration for sure :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:


    Sorry but.... Whenever I see the "Shin" character, he always reminds me of Kikuchi-san....

  5. 30 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

    He never had bad music cuts... :heart:

    Well, I think he is very sensitive about music so doing an immediate cut without a fade out or a sound effect will be weird in his ears IMO.


    Also, My father greatly praised his ability to make the illusion that his music didn't have any cut. Like..., everything is just blended into that 4 minutes and a half.

    Especially SEIMEI, and POTO. He actually loves Yuzu's R&J music cuts too! I remember my father looping Yuzuru's R&J 2.0 music like crazy for inspiration when he made the BGM for his school's musical performance.


    //Sorry for rambling about music all the sudden lol! :sign0007:

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