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    Casual Random

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Sparkly Ruffle

Sparkly Ruffle (5/67)

  1. After the confusion, the disbelief, the idylliic waving of two right-handed gloves, he gives only a casual shrug. I must admit it was that shrug that got me. Brian's building up a bit of a collection. He's gonna run out of arms at this rate, especially if the other skaters are going to saddle him up with their plushies...he'll need to create a special harness to carry them all.
  2. Just to point out that BOrser was the one who stated sagely that Hanyu likes to skate fast (I think the quote was "skate fast, and skate loose", re when Hanyu first arrived at TCC). So no problems there, I would think!
  3. One white earpiece, one black earpiece...the asymmetry is killing me! Actually, I'd love to know what the heck he is listening to that's getting him so pumped! Shall we take bets if it is his fave band, anyone? Whatever it is, he certainly looks like he's enjoying himself!
  4. Besides the spin issues of ACI 2018, didn't his Olympic Chopin SP have a spin sequence downgraded because he didn't hold it for a fraction of a rotation longer? Otherwise it may have been a new WR? That said, I just worry that such a banner might be distracting for him?
  5. Meanwhile, I'm looking at skin quality...there has gotta be some sort of secret that he puts to use...
  6. It would be a shame. 1) not many guys do a Biellmann, and 2) I would daresay that Hanyu's Biellmann is good enough that it would give many women's Biellmann spins a run for their money...
  7. Hang on. I just realised. Is it me, or is there no Biellmann spin this year in Yuzu's programs?
  8. I feel I've been so busy lately that I've been absent too long, so please do excuse me if I'm a tad late or repetitive with my comments. After all, I've been a tad naughty - I almost forgot about Yuzu and ACI this weekend. Emphasis on almost. However, watching the YT clips, I had three thoughts: damn I love the music, screw the ACI silver curse, and damn was Brian right about the first pancake not being well done. Now I can't wait to see the sugar added, the fire adjusted, et cetera, et cetera. And on the positive side, I do think that my forgetfulness and absenteeism helped to prevent my nerves from being as frayed as some of the satellites... PS: is this the first time Yuzu has done layback spins in his competitive programs? He did a few of them in the FaoIs earlier, I know...
  9. Kuyashii!!! Gotta love how Yuzu has infiltrated TV drama culture!
  10. Not just any glitter....GOLD glitter!
  11. I was looking at your "I survived..." badges. If we get trolled and there is no media day, perhaps this would be commemorated with its own badge? And yes, I'm bored. I came back from a three week holiday with minimal Net access expecting either minimal pages to catch up on reading, or an explosion of pages to read about the incoming season...I did not expect an explosion of pages on essentially nothing! (And yes, I somehow stayed away from the Planet for three full weeks...!)
  12. Reading through those tables, and seeing Tan's name crossed off brings a tear to the eye. At the risk of causing immolation of the Planet, what would happen if it turns out there is no media day this year?
  13. Photo looks like it's been through a photo editing software to pixellate the background. Did Yuzu decide that the last few photos were too obvious for the Planet Hanyu Cryptozoology Association?
  14. This gif encapsulates the meaning of the phrase "let's go crazy"...or at least the "crazy" bit.
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