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Everything posted by Wolflax

  1. I want it to be olys gala practice everyday but then I would probably die but I would be ok with it
  2. All this kerfuffle made me realise that the US media has to try so hard and invest so much to get attention for some of their skaters; meanwhile Yuzuru walks through an airport and gets on worldwide trends. And media sqeezes in to wherever he goes and waits.
  3. I just I love his troll ass so much lmao. Making all the reporters wait doing a 3A and leaving in 11 min. Whomst could ?!? And all the reporters that waited just like. One time Yuzuru Hanyu punched me in the face. It was amazing.
  4. Is it bad that I kinda want him to troll us and just appear in the TE event box, or at the SP warm up, having been at the rink Japan rented? or he just strolls into the practice rink like nbd
  5. OMG >10 pages just waiting for airport images
  6. I think I've forgotten how to breathe; does Aera not realize we are fragile at this time?
  7. Me too; I've been more worried about the Nathan-hype affecting Nathan than it affecting Yuzuru tbh. The USFS has a long history of (making) their skaters bomb due to nerves probably secondary to overhyping. But I'm glad that here it sounds like he's not taking it seriously and knows how US media works. I'm sure Yuzuru would want everyone to do well so he can crush them properly I can't seem to view the TCC video though; looks like we've overloaded it
  8. My two favorite things Yuzuru's 3A and Akiko The timing on the jumps especially the 4T is sooo good in POTO
  9. There was an old MAD of Yuzuru set to Barbra Streisand's don't rain on my parade but I can't find it anymore
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