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  1. 2024.09.15 *Machine-translation. Inaccuracies exist* Source: https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240915122102/https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html https://web.archive.org/web/20240915135516/https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html?Page=2 https://web.archive.org/web/20240915141509/https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html?Page=3 https://web.archive.org/web/20240915142225/https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html?Page=4 Info: https://www.tvkanazawa.co.jp/event/notocharity [Figure Skating] Yuzuru Hanyu’s Thoughts on the Noto Reconstruction Support Show: “Delivering a wave of energy from this place” – Full Comments On the 15th, a charity performance titled "Challenge" to support the reconstruction of the Noto Peninsula was held in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture. The event featured Yuzuru Hanyu (29), two-time Olympic gold medalist in men's figure skating, along with other skaters such as Takahito Mura, Akiko Suzuki, and Satoko Miyahara. They collaborated with the traditional Japanese drum group Taiko Toranosuke and the calligraphy club of Noto High School to create a performance aimed at supporting those affected by the severe damage from the January Noto Peninsula earthquake. Due to venue constraints, the show was livestreamed, and the proceeds from both the live and on-demand streams will be donated to Ishikawa Prefecture. After the performance, the four skaters spoke with the media. Here are their comments:
  2. 2024.09.12 *Machine-translation. Inaccuracies exist* Source: https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/316414?page=1 Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240911235143/https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/316414?page=1 "Is there anything I can do for Noto?" Yuzuru Hanyu's thoughts on the disaster-stricken area; charity performance to be held on the 15th.
  3. Satoko and Takahito are the correct ones. Unfortunately Japanese kanji names are pretty confusing, they can be read in multiple ways hence auto-translations don't work properly.
  4. 2024.09.15 Source: https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240915122102/https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html https://web.archive.org/web/20240915135516/https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html?Page=2 https://web.archive.org/web/20240915141509/https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html?Page=3 https://web.archive.org/web/20240915142225/https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html?Page=4 Info: https://www.tvkanazawa.co.jp/event/notocharity [Figure Skating] Yuzuru Hanyu’s Thoughts on the Noto Reconstruction Support Show: “Delivering a wave of energy from this place” – Full Comments On the 15th, a charity performance titled "Challenge" to support the reconstruction of the Noto Peninsula was held in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture. The event featured Yuzuru Hanyu (29), two-time Olympic gold medalist in men's figure skating, along with other skaters such as Takahito Mura, Akiko Suzuki, and Satoko Miyahara. They collaborated with the traditional Japanese drum group Taiko Toranosuke and the calligraphy club of Noto High School to create a performance aimed at supporting those affected by the severe damage from the January Noto Peninsula earthquake. Due to venue constraints, the show was livestreamed, and the proceeds from both the live and on-demand streams will be donated to Ishikawa Prefecture. After the performance, the four skaters spoke with the media. Here are their comments:
  5. 2024.09.12 Source: https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/316414?page=1 Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240911235143/https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/316414?page=1 "Is there anything I can do for Noto?" Yuzuru Hanyu's thoughts on the disaster-stricken area; charity performance to be held on the 15th.
  6. SEP 2024 3/9: https://lasisa.net/post/72488 [Hanyu Yuzuru] Sexy... Showing off "bare skin jacket" "Newly taken" photoBook & panel exhibition in progress 4/9: https://realsound.jp/book/2024/09/post-1769036.html Yuzuru Hanyu 2nd Anniversary Exhibition as a Professional Athlete *From Noto charity show* 15/9 https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202409150001171.html https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/316820 https://www.daily.co.jp/general/2024/09/15/0018122959.shtml https://hochi.news/articles/20240915-OHT1T51128.html?page=1 https://hochi.news/articles/20240915-OHT1T51223.html?page=1 https://hochi.news/articles/20240915-OHT1T51262.html https://hochi.news/articles/20240915-OHT1T51250.html https://olympics.com/en/news/hanyu-yuzuru-back-kanazawa-figure-skating-earthquake (archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240916063539/https://olympics.com/en/news/hanyu-yuzuru-back-kanazawa-figure-skating-earthquake) https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/mro/1429300?display=1 16/9 https://hochi.news/articles/20240915-OHT1T51293.html?page=1 (archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240916062543/https://hochi.news/articles/20240915-OHT1T51293.html?page=1) https://wedge.ismedia.jp/articles/-/35131?page=4&layout=b (archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240916061937/https://wedge.ismedia.jp/articles/-/35131?page=4&layout=b) https://thedigestweb.com/topics_detail13/id=86084 https://www.ninomiyasports.com/archives/126358 (archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240916063821/https://www.ninomiyasports.com/archives/126358) https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/316871 https://www.ninomiyasports.com/archives/126365 17/9: https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/316955
  7. 2024.08.30 Source: https://weibo.com/5437806211/Ov6fSqbGO Info: https://www.kateigaho.com/article/detail/177345 "Kateigaho" 800th commemorative issue · Ryojun Shionuma x Yuzuru Hanyu: The Meaning of Life "Unmoved by the eight winds, sitting upright on the purple lotus - The words of the soul that give life the power of enlightenment" serialization In the 800th commemorative issue of this magazine, a miraculous special conversation was realized. Ryojun Shionuma, the abbot of Jigenji Temple in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, and Yuzuru Hanyu, a legendary figure skater who has repeatedly reached the peak of the figure skating world and has engraved his name and left countless milestones in its history. The two of them have always been regarded as the beacon of hope by people, and the profound yet light-hearted communication between them has the power to illuminate our way forward. The meaning of life, the way to accept pain, and other words of the soul that are relevant now will all be conveyed to you in this conversation. Alternative translation by Pep: https://x.com/pep_on_ Kateigaho, 2024/08/30, p. 118-131 Special Dialogue Ryojun Shionuma, Dai Ajari Yuzuru Hanyu, Professional Figure Skater The Meaning of "Living"
  8. 2024.08.30 Source: https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/950917 Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240831154129/https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/950917 A special conversation between Yuzuru Hanyu and Daiajari Ryojun Shionuma on the theme of "The meaning of life" is published across 12 pages in the October issue of Kateigaho, on sale today.
  9. Unfortunately this tweet was deleted at the request of the publisher. However, with Pep's permission, I've added the text in the interview compilation here: (sorry if links get messed up over time, I may sometimes re-arrange them to make sure the interviews are sorted chronologically)
  10. 2024.08.29 Translations by Pep: https://x.com/pep_on_ Source: Figure Skating Life Extra "PROFESSIONAL Season 2, pg 124-128 Info: https://x.com/fskating_Life/status/1828953371572846812 The World of "Sekkisei Miyabi" & Yuzuru Hanyu's Beauty Yuzuru Hanyu is the global muse of KOSE's "Sekkisei Miyabi." With both Hanyu and the brand relentlessly pursuing beauty towards their ideal, a new advertisement has been created. Enjoy the profound and mystical worldview they present. Source: Figure Skating Life Extra "PROFESSIONAL Season 2, pg 48-49 The Underlying Thoughtfulness in Yuzuru Hanyu's Expression, His Empathy Toward Others By photographer: Toru Yaguchi
  11. 2024.08.29 Source: Figure Skating Life Extra "PROFESSIONAL Season 2, pg 92-95 Info: https://x.com/fskating_Life/status/1828953371572846812 Interview: TANAKA KEIJI The depth of his dedication to his performance is like he's putting his life into it As peers who have spent their second year as professionals, with a common bond, we asked him about his thoughts on skating. Text by Yumeko Yamamoto Source: Figure Skating Life Extra "PROFESSIONAL Season 2, pg 96-99 Interview: YAMAMOTO SOTA I really admire his passion for the moment This year, they once again performed together on "Fantasy on Ice." What is the secret of the ‘aura’ that Yamamoto felt? Text by Yumeko Yamamoto
  12. 2024.08.29 Translations by Pep: https://x.com/pep_on_ Source: Figure Skating Life Extra "PROFESSIONAL Season 2, pg 117-120 Info: https://x.com/fskating_Life/status/1828953371572846812 Interview: MAO DAICHI The way he skates is really special "The one chosen by the Gods" We asked Mao Daichi, who co-starred in "Carmina Burana" for "notte stellata", about the story behind their first collaboration. "Experiencing Yuzuru Hanyu's New Creation "RE_PRAY" as a "Player" By Fumofumo Column (pg 105-111) Fumofumo Editor-in-Chief (https://x.com/fumofumocolumn/status/1830380364579422228) Sports blogger and columnist. I engage in various support activities filled with love for sports every day through my blog "Sports Watching and Telling - Fumofumo Column."
  13. 2024.08.29 Source: Figure Skating Life Extra "PROFESSIONAL Season 2, pg 50-65 Translation by Pep: https://x.com/pep_on_ Info: https://x.com/fskating_Life/status/1828953371572846812 Alternative translation from me: https://www.tumblr.com/yuzurujenn/761062243828924416/20240829-fs-life-extra-x-yuzuru-hanyu Interview: HANYU YUZURU "I realized that there was still so much potential" Hanyu has now completed his second year as a professional athlete. Having completed his first solo tour, "RE_PRAY," he appears to have explored and elevated his expression to a higher level both as a producer and as an artist. However, the responses he spoke of were unexpected. From this valuable long interview, we explore where Hanyu Yuzuru is now in his third year as a professional and the state he is aiming for. (Interviewed in Sendai on June 17, 2024) Text by Yumeko Yamamoto; Photos by Toru Yaguchi; Styling by Shogo Yanagi, Hair & Make by Tomomi Kakizaki
  14. AUG 2024 12/8: https://nishispo.nishinippon.co.jp/article/853983 AIPS Top Male Athletes of the Century 20/8: https://saga.keizai.biz/headline/1911/ Saga prefecture economic ripple effect 23/8: https://news.line.me/detail/oa-aera/0834rz2nlsoc / https://web.archive.org/web/20240823121841/https://news.line.me/detail/oa-aera/0834rz2nlsoc AERA 24.08.12-19 No. 37, pg 9 30/8: https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/950917 / https://web.archive.org/web/20240831154129/https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/950917 KATEIGAHO 800th issue 2024.10 on sale
  15. 2024 TV Tokyo's 60th anniversary special drama movie - "All Lives" Movie: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x90orko Nurse: "I want to do a quadruple jump. Like Yuzuru Hanyu."
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