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  1. hi all! i made this thread https://twitter.com/d_ulcita__/status/1547161934314840064?t=eElpULlWSA9vfxs8DWBUpA&s=19 and honestly, i am absolutely floored with the reactions and kind comments I've received after posting it. i feel like I'll overdose on sweetness, everyone is so genuinely nice I'm very glad the thread was able to bring some positivity and fluff to you, and I'm very grateful for his existence, and how he can bring us together. the thread was about people (singers, coaches, fellow skaters, volunteers, etc) admiring him, and seeing many of us relating to their feelings is a true testament of just how amazing -both as a person and as an athlete- he is. i hope he feels the love and support from fans, just as he is able to resonate with us everytime he skates, no matter how far we physically are. thank you again and waiting for gp assignments, hopefully off to start a satisfying season for him! ( ꈍᴗꈍ) (also i feel like I've earned an achievement being featured here after only lurking all the time hehehe i was startled when i saw my acc!)
  2. figured it might finally be time to make an account instead of only lurking around hehe 

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