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Everything posted by HiskeVeronicaMaria
Heaven has rules. I haven't discussed or intended to discuss politics. It's maybe strange between other discussions we must read days about an opinion is loyal or not, correct or not, this or that yes or no, and how it was in the past and in the media future and shared in countries media and if they are friends still or not , that is politics and discussing politics between people. I shared my memory on meteorite and it's impact and what is happening right now and how it is all from the mind. That human beings need on working, exercising, that their minds not overpowering them and through them, others getting down and hurt. I don't want that to happen. That mind needs to be a servant and make one's soul come out and shine the way it is to be. Good Example: Hanyu Yuzuru. I am a fan of his skating, naturally and supportive to him and his work, also to this forum, but I am a human being as well and a little bit an artist (legally), and a mother, so you hurt me a little bit with exposing here your fear that rules of this forum would be forgotten by looking at 'the time' we are living in. You could have asked me to remove my post please, did you? You could have asked other people not reacting on it and leave it like a poem, it was my responsibility and nothing was wrong in my words. What you want to do? Cutting of the Source? Everything on and in this world is politics, my friends, ISU, Skating Federations, Clubs..everything has and is politics as well, 'but within the rules' (?) I think you should bring back her post as it was and ask politely her to remove it, if that is really necessary and your concern about keeping this forum o.k. Thank you. Thank you for being 'transparent' towards everyone of the forum, except one. I think you should have learned what it is to be inclusive by now, since Yuzuru is busy for so many years teaching it; why are you not knowledgable enough?
@ Yuzuangel , You can ask the replacer who does the work if you can have it. Often it's paper that is going to be recycled. You can write to institution, or company, whatever place or people that have initiated the production and exposure of these posters, or the company for whom the replacer is working and ask if you can have one. You will get much more work done if you succeed getting it.
Seoul, four continents. He is fierce in new SeiMei and so should you!
Absolutely agree with you that he is skating better and better..in this one and all the other one's of his 'recital' after the competition on the 'private' rink, he skates as reborn. His skate is like the perfection and beauty of singer Dimash, who is in other field, but has it too; a healing force, a beauty from such a high level bringing in this world the glimpses, remember us our true homes, it's heart touching and soul remembering, isn't it? I hope you like all this words for his splendid performing and do you agree with me, that when he is more improvising and 'working trough' programs or parts of it, it is even better then the official performances, those that come under 'judgement'.. Judgement and looking for selecting the best, for the need of ranking.. why? Counting, ranking, repetitive circles, machine-like activity of so called human brains-intelligence. If I see Yuzuru skate like this here, THAT is intelligence really working and doing useful service, really good, really blessing art. And he really tried to reach everyone with it. Bless you Yuzuru, you did well! p.s. the program is to be blessed also..yes. The ending part is so beautiful..he tries to stand still in the end and there is his injured foot..he was doing this on injured foot , I would change perhaps the very last part, not in standing position ending, but then I should see and feel the whole program. It's His. It's Yuzurus'. About Javi: To be neutral in it is nice. He apologizing and that again annoying.. it shows how much important it is to stay out of interviewrequests.
Your points and Harutama's are showing that artist Yuzuru really should go his own way. Independant and if there are no (big) platforms to perform on (reasonable, you know without these stories that are there ), then creating them himself, organizing that new platforms will come in this world. Olympic Art, no games.
I wanted the Olympic Games to be canceled and to be reorganized again over several countries, thus working together in Olympic Spirit. I also had personal and spiritual reasons for not wanting the Olympics this time to be held in China. Never been able to forgive what they have done to people in Tibet when they so called needed to 'liberate Tibet". (No country that is not under a dictator or what so ever, just is happy with it's self and functioning beautiful, healthy and peaceful, wants to be 'liberated' by a force (a neighbor) that wants it's bottom and sources and is on robbery path.. with lies, violence, a big army and lots of soldiers, manipulated and trained in atrocious actions beyond the baddest thoughts, and blinded to the extend to do actions every civilized or intelligent being would be ashamed about for ever). Around 1960. After Tibet other regions were wanted by China. Lately the grounds that belonged to the Oeigoer. There have been protests out of pain wanting to defend and fight for their own bottom, culture and existence as they were, without intervention from big neighbor China, but China would not change it's wants. And China did also not want any fighting back from Oeigoer people, as China in the past, in the same way raped non's and monks and destroyed monastery's and tortured every one who did not want to let go of own way of living, thinking, studying, identity and spiritual practice in Tibet ( probably before you people, you guys were born, and maybe don't know about), now has mass 're-education programs' and so called schools, but in fact prisons and real organized enslavement 'kneading' people 'educating', a whole 'queer?' people, that should become Chinese and Chinese-minded, part of the harmony and wealthy majority, but from origin Oeigoer. Must I congratulate China in being successful in that? I don't want to be part of what hurts me. Hitler in second world war wanted to extinguish jewish people and organized it and made people follow him in his perverse ideas and beliefs. When great leaders have stupid ideas it becomes big problem and huge difficult time to endure. Because they get so much power, anyone who does not want to agree or to surrender and accept these ideas, stupid or not, disgrace, or not, gets punishment. Is on a list to be extinguished. Do animals do like that? Gods? I don't accept a God to be like that. So these leaders are not my Gods. These Presidents are not my Kings and Queens and not the good examples that I look up to, for to have a good example to copy in my shape of being a herd-animal... that's what we are after all, we human beings. Or not? What is it that people think it's normal to take bile from a living bear? (BearBile'farms').. What is it that people think it's normal to steel an elephant baby from it's mother and torture it in being captivated and willingly mistreating by men for weeks to have nature and will been broken and enslave the kid-elephant to become 'working machine' for human beings. Is that smartness, or is that mean? Is that power and overpowering, or is that nobel and intelligence? Is having a heart so difficult for human beings? No, having a mind is difficult for human beings. They allow their hearts to be overpowered by their minds. True or not true? I'm just saying how the next winter Olympics should be organized if they ever will be organized again. Since de leader of russia wants to have big russia back and history rewritten, just like china does and also my country has done in the past: to try to have more possession and more bottom and more slaves and more 'food', and war is reintroduced almost within a week after olympic thought of equality and peace .. I am doing what I can to prevent another world war. And to support the lights and hearts that are essential to endure bad times. Why is she articulating this here, is it important, has it something to do with us and Yuzuru... Yuzuru has said: "I really want peace back on earth". Is she in his time, from the same planet perhaps? We all are from the same planet aren't we?
How to master our mind How to master our thoughts How to master our understanding How to master our love and compassion How to master being involved with living How to master being involved with dying Should I reincarnate Should I leave for ever Should I stay longer, die and come back How much am I in command Am I seasons Am I spring Am I februari 22*2*2022 The date sounds like auto's honk Crowded My mind is crowded When Yuzuru said: "I wasted your good wishes for me" He was talking to me Tell him, if you see him: You can not waste her good wishes for you And wishes are not expectations anyway; there is no problem Tell him, if you see him, please, she is very sorry that he had to miss her and still has to That there were no physical rewards yet from me to him, albeit he could have and should have You know how that composer got caught up in trying to make something for Yuzuru Well, if Yuzuru's soul before he was born in Japan and named Yuzuru, was in the lap of a previous mother (1986) and they were separated before coming in this world, would that mother forget about him/her? I know that she found in 1998 in a recycle shop a pencil box that obvious to her had been owned by some kid, and when she took it in her hands, in that precious silent moment, she could hear him, for a few seconds they were together. Am Alive. Have found father and mother, have found family, am alive, am so happy, it has happened, am in this world, It's o.k. Am save. Am with my new parents. Am in Japan. I heard other children in the background, maybe some school situation, maybe a playground, I saw a glimpse of some city and next I flew back and was standing there with that pencil box in my hands realizing and accepting thankfully that my good wishes for him had been granted. The old pencil box had a picture on it of PoohBear and text: 'PoohBears Company'. I had been identifying with Japan in my youth and also in these years of my pregnancy. I knew I was like an island under huge difficulties and extreme weather, like Japan always, and I loved the sun in the flag in the centre of white nothing, pure nothing. Can we be in this world, any of us souls, no matter what form, without the sun? So there is an inner world and an outer world always. I have, like other forms, a soul and a material body. I was an artist that made sculptures, paintings, drawings, etches.. (but music-dance and skating were before that all ready homes in my life, my souls' comfort and joy, my parents did not want to support an artist, they wanted for their second daughter, whom also was told to be twinbrother-sister, manwoman, to deliver them 'free-from-any-costs' and grandchildren ), now they look like designs and pre designs for Yuzuru's bodily form, have I dreamed him? Have we always been in contact that my mind couldn't produce any thing other then his form? Are we two pieces from the same Spirit? He was looking in the camera like saying: knock knock see me, I am here and don't forget to look at my skating! Yes I did watch him skating and didn't remember immediately everything. It started when I watched speechless and being on the ice again, just by looking at him as if I was looking at my self and then discovered that he indeed is the boy the pencil box memory came back and I had to think of all these memories from so many years back in my life. He knows me better then any one in this world. In these years I had never dreamed of or given it a thought that my kid, albeit been only soul, would have been mixed with me, or my soul. In talents and dreams, that's nice, but his asthma is also an impression from being been in my lap and I would like Yuzuru to understand that he can cure that by taking it away in his mind and then his body will follow, thus it will leave and not come back. Healthy perfect body, you can get it if you want it, even without painkillers, more natural, there is time for. See ,Good Wishes, If you want more, just ask, there is an ocean of love producing good wishes that you can not keep up with: don't try to count, it's absolutely useless Tell him that I want to leave him al my artworks before or after my last breath And that PoohBear is a good coach, but needs more physical presence and more human possibility to protect As a kid I have dreamed to become figure skater, but never got these blades so I was always pushed to find an other way. I have lived my parents stupid dreams that they forced on me at the cost of my life and normal happiness, but I am still thankful to the Gods that I've been able to protect my kid not to become family related to these people. I am a human being of principles, I appreciate good manners. I am very grateful to Yuzuru and his family, and Japan, happy in his happiness, like you people and he has done wonderful magnificent skating and if the Gods use him to be magnet in this world to lift up souls to a higher plan, inner plan, better plan, more Spirit, more kindness, less war, fighting and destruction, more sunshine and spring yes only good wishes are just possibilities if we work together we can make things the way we want it, striving for that happiness and health and respected life Thank you very very much, harmony and blessings and thank you for having me, arigatogozaimasu, please Yuzuru, in my humble opinion you have earned golden holiday, come to the north of the netherlands, find me, all my Buddha's I will leave them to you, no obligation, it's just a personal good wish for Hiske.
Tried three time to post poem for Yuzuru (and you guys). First time layout was completely mixed up so I took it back to try it again the whole thing. Wrote it in English. Then after posting it was gone again and I got other pages and also had to login again and again. Now I also don't understand all what is here also coming in my email, (old computer poor thing, that's heavy), while coming to website isn't that normal entrance? But three times al that work for the poem and the post not happening / is gone: koyashi. Then I write in English, the site translates it and makes it proza.. that doesn't work. Well then have other things to do and sayonara, I am sorry. Hiske
@gapil27 Tried to write reaction to @Lynnidolz, but by mistake post it @gapil27I wrote it in reaction of Lynnidolz asking why the people couldn't be patriot.. I love Olympic thought of equality and peace
@gapil27He, Yuzu was given the Medal of Honor at age 24 from Japan. You don't know any thing about what that means? Why can Japanese not be American..?? Why should they?! (hope my questions shake you a little bit up). Is that o.k.? And Yuzu is loved and respected, also by skaters, they are proud of him. They look up to him. That is also there you know. About jealousy: It's everywhere on Earth (in human beings) and each human being should fight against it in him or her self. It has to be overcome absolutely, because it is negative, destructive energy. It is not supportive and loving energy, not at all. It's not an emotion either. It's simply bad spirit and it's coming from greed, vanity, stupid pride.. things like that. So what I would like to see and read: thinking, truth-seeking, inspiring, beautiful, good-manners-charming, anti-gossip, real funny, nice.... yeah, maybe poetry! That's a good idea! To come up with poetry instead.. Then you have to ask better questions, stop gossiping and start thinking and that is difficult, but challenging... is that o.k.? There was a poem on page 6865, if my memory is correct. It came from Brasill. It had lines very touching. But also something I didn't really wanted, namely: the idea of turning Yuzu in to an angel, suggesting that he was an angel that got skating boots in exchange of his wings and so forth. But I understand it was used to express and accentuate his sweetness and kind helping nature and for the sake of the poem.. rather be permissive. The poem said beautiful things about his skating, his art and work, in beautiful way. So beautiful that I still (want to) remember it. Sorry, I have no idea what your chat was about, I don't want to try to remember it, rather want to be forgiving. Sayonara, have a nice day.
@tsubasanoyume There was in season 2019-2020 while skating in Russia preparing for a show (to do with Rostelecom Perhaps?) where Yuzuru and Alina Sagitova and perhaps also that Polish skater..I'm trying to find the memory clearly, they were asked to speak a message into camera-video..I think you should see that one. I'm sorry, I don't know how to direct you to that video, it must be somewhere on youtube. In my memory it goes like this: He says 'hello and so, we are doing fine here' and looks into the camera and says: "Please do your homework. We HERE (he and all the other skaters) are ALSO doing our best. Hope to see you soon (again).. ". And he puts his thumb up saying: "So, Good Luck"! Then he starts to wave and giggling a bit and the one with the camera is skating backwards distancing again. You will be fine ok? I'm sharing love from him to you, from my heart, please
Thank you all for info and sharing and actions and also for welcoming. I hope everyone get's peace and renewed energy. I will do my best to help Yuzuru, promise.
I'm trying to learn how this works. Very grateful that this place-planet is created. Sometimes I red a little bit here and found dear and near. Also far. And make my shoulders want to drop: reading and language..for a sculptor with music and dance, 'no chance' and my mind wanted to stop. But we come back, to contribute and to tell you: arigato. Arigatogozaimasu.
Thought of Mao Osada, seeing something happen like that, now again. It's not your fault. People's bullshit in this world makes the beauty suffer, makes nature suffer, makes hard work and kind dedication suffer and troubles numerous souls. Let us get away from all bullshit as fast as we can. Let us continue. What we have in the back, we don't have in the front. an ice floor, carry me doesn't want to support my jump? what happened to thee? have I been lump? to overcome me, I should fail? where is the end of thy tail? you want to meet my sword? this is a mountain my friend and heaven a lord earth is my ground ice, I am sound whatever breeze and fire may do this is nothing, to be true heaven and earth, I will play with you, support or no support we both suffer but when I recall my Nature it is only Grace that I offer