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WWYHD (What Would Yuzuru Hanyu Do?)

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(Don’t know how this thread will go but anyways)


One of the things I really admire about Yuzu (and I'm sure many others do as well), apart from his skating of course, is his way of thinking and how he approaches everything. Somehow, he’s able to take challenges and obstacles, and turn them into advantages for himself or at least see the positive aspects of a hard situation... like how his ankle injury helped him get better at image training, or kuyashii from a silver, or something like that.


Sometimes when I find myself in a tough place or thinking negatively, I think about the types of things Yuzu might do or  say. For example, earlier today I was getting really frustrated that I wasn’t able to finish all the things on my to-do list, and then I remembered that Yuzu once said that it’s always good to have goals. And I realized that, a to-do list is really just a list of small goals. And a goal is just that, after all—something you may or may not reach. Even if you don’t reach your goal right away, there is always the reassurance that you can learn from before and use that to try again tomorrow… and anyways, a goal is something you can only work towards, never away from.


This was my WWYHD moment today…. what was yours? :winky:

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