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2 minutes ago, wpisces said:

Yeh, I saw many Japanese and Chinses fans consider his gestures as " cute and boyish" instead of "feminine". When I read some translated gossips ( on Girlchanel ???? if I'm not wrong), large amount of haters ( most of whom seems to be middle aged men ) said that they don't like him because of his femininity. But these people always criticize Japanese male idols who are overwhelmingly popular among teenagers and ladies in 20s 30s so I don't care much. 


I'd say Japanese fanyus are mostly women/girls and middle aged men are haters because Yuzu is so popular. But they (middle aged men) themselves prefer young girls so we're only doing the same thing as they're doing:D


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3 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:


Thank you very much for your insight! Its always interesting to hear a bit more from the perspectives of different cultures and ethnicity.


A fellow Chinese has already given a piece of Chinese perspective, so I'll just leave it as that I have never even had a hint of doubt regarding Yuzu's masculinity. When I watch him skate, I don't think masculine or feminine, all if think is BEAUTIFUL. 


My view exactly! Yuzu's performance is breathtaking, beautiful, elegant, and his earlier ones are also energetic but never "girly"! 

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I need to put my grain of salt here bcs I saw on Twitter some Fanyu fan acc for laughs with app (?) put make-up on some figure skaters (like Yuzu, Shoma, Nate and Boyang oO).

I understand we all can and love to joke but I think that there must be some bottom line? Or am I just overreacting?

I really don't like this type of jokes...

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Sorry for multi post in a short time. I just want to share this with you guys. It is written in Japanese but I have put rough translation so it should be okay... 


羽生にフリル衣装は必要か? Is frilled costume necessary for Hanyu?
├ フリル衣装は必要だよ(衣装原理主義)

        Frills are necessity (costume fundamentalist) 
│ ├ フリルは絶対必要、フリルが無いのは羽生と認めないよ(超急進派)

            Frills are the must, no frills no Hanyu (extremist)
│ ├ フリル衣装の羽生だけが表彰台に上がるべき(序列主義)

            Only Hanyu with frills should be on podiums (hierarchist) 
│ ├ フリル衣装の羽生なら後はいいよ(王道派)

            As long as there are frills, the rest is fine (main stream) 
│ ├ フリル衣装は羽生の十八番だよ、ロマンだよ(浪漫派)

            Frills are the best bits, they make it romantic (romanticist)
│ ├ 2009-10シーズンの羽生はフリル衣装だからこその大躍進だよ(懐古派) 

            Frills gave Hanyu a big push in 2009 – 2010 season (old timer)
│ ├ もっと素敵なフリル衣装が見たいなあ(夢想派) 

            Want to see more beautiful frilled costumes (dreamer)
│ └ とにかく自分はフリル衣装が好きなんだよ(利己主義) 

            I just love frilled costumes and that’s final (egoist)
├ フリル衣装はあった方がいいよ(現状肯定派) 

            Vote for frilled costume (conservation)
│ ├ だって実際にフリル衣装は似合うじゃん(単純理論)

            It’s true Hanyu looks good in frills (simple theory)
│ ├ フリル衣装着ないとモチベが上がらないかもしれないじゃん(悲観主義) 

            What if he doesn’t get motivated without frills? (pessimist)
│ ├ どうせ来シーズンもフリル衣装だよ(楽観主義) 

            Frills are in for the next season anyway (optimist)
│ ├ 羽生もフリル衣装を着たいと願ってるはずだよ(心情派) 

            I believe Hanyu is wishing to ware frilly one (sentimentalist)
│ ├ 「フリルを着た阿修羅」が使えないじゃん(世俗主義)

             No frills? No “Frilly Asura*” then?! (commoners)
│ ├ フリル衣装なら他の選手を油断させられるよ(戦術論派)

             Frills can divert competitors’ attention (strategist) 
├ フリルはどっちでもいいよ(中道派) 

             Don’t mind frills or not (middle way)
│ ├ フリルでもスケスケじゃない衣装もあるし(懐疑主義)

             There are frilled one without see-trough material though (skeptic)
| ├ ビジューがシンプルならいいよ(要素主義)

             Frills but with simple bijous are okay (elementalism)
| ├ フリル衣装が似合うのが羽生の特長だよ(個性派)

             Looks good in frills is a part of Hanyu’s character (character builder)
| ├ それよりUAの話でもしようよ(練習着重視主義) 

Let’s just talk about UA instead (UA-list)
│ └ とにかく美しい衣装が見たいんだよ(審美主義) 

Just want to see a beautiful costume (aesthetic judge)
├ その前に衣装を検証してみるよ(実証主義) 

Should analyze costumes first (analyst)
│ ├ フリル衣装のクワド確率はこうなってるよ(確率論) 

Stats for quad success rate in frills are here (probability theory)
│ ├ フリル衣装を人類で最初に衣装に取り入れたのは羽生じゃないよ(古文書学派)

The first frilled costume in the history is not worn by Hanyu (paleographer)
| └ ビジューをいかにして落とさないように止めるか(ステファニー・ハンドラー) 

The key is how to glue bijous securely (Stephanie Handler)
├ フリルの衣装を着るには…(指導論) 

How to wear frilled costumes (guidance)
│ ├ デザインはまたジョニーに依頼すればいいよ(保守派)

 Let Johnny design it again (conservative)
│ ├ フリルに似合う少し長めの髪型がいいよ(板前反対派) 

Longish hair suits better with frills (no chef’s hair cut)
│ ├ セパレートよりツナギの方がジャンプ跳びやすいよ(ケヴィン派)

 Jumpsuit is better for jumping than separate one (Kevin fan)
├ フリル衣装は必要ないよ(フリル衣装否定派) 

No frills necessary for costume (anti-frills)
│ ├ とにかく絶対必要ないよ(超シンプル主義) 

No frills what’s so ever (super simple life)
│ ├ お金がかかるからいらないよ(節約主義)

Frills cost money so no (budget conscious)
│ ├ フリルだけが衣装じゃないよ(ポストモダン派)

There are more to costumes than frills (post-modernist)
│ ├ 他にすることあるだろう(演技原理主義) 

First things first (performance fundamentalist)
│ ├ フリル衣装見てても面白くないよ(快楽主義)

No frills give me thrills (epicurean)
| ├ だってゲイだと思われる(差別主義者) 

They will judge it as gay (biased)
| └ フリルの話したら荒れるもん(2ch依存症) 

Frill talk cause thread to burn! (2ch addict)
| └ パリ散はフリル無しでも100点数超えたじゃん(功利主義) 

PW exceeded 100pt without frills (utilitarian)
└ 羽生にはこれからも期待しているよ(変衣装友の会)

Looking forward to Hany’s future costumes (wired costume enthusiasts)
└ しかしママン衣装のクオリティは凄かったね(古典派)

Indeed, the costumes made by mum were awesome! (antiques lover)



It looks like Yuzu with frills is something that Japanese fanyus are intrigued about for some time.

But in the end, you gotta love him as a whole:10636614:

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i think it's fine for people coming from different cultural contexts to interpret aspects of yuzuru's skating as feminine, though, especially when it's being celebrated. i mean, there's nothing actually wrong with men performing (what's perceived as) femininity or doing girly things, either. 

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7 minutes ago, BWOZWaltz said:

Sorry for multi post in a short time. I just want to share this with you guys. It is written in Japanese but I have put rough translation so it should be okay... 


羽生にフリル衣装は必要か? Is frilled costume necessary for Hanyu?
├ フリル衣装は必要だよ(衣装原理主義)

        Frills are necessity (costume fundamentalist) 
│ ├ フリルは絶対必要、フリルが無いのは羽生と認めないよ(超急進派)

            Frills are the must, no frills no Hanyu (extremist)
│ ├ フリル衣装の羽生だけが表彰台に上がるべき(序列主義)

            Only Hanyu with frills should be on podiums (hierarchist) 
│ ├ フリル衣装の羽生なら後はいいよ(王道派)

            As long as there are frills, the rest is fine (main stream) 
│ ├ フリル衣装は羽生の十八番だよ、ロマンだよ(浪漫派)

            Frills are the best bits, they make it romantic (romanticist)
│ ├ 2009-10シーズンの羽生はフリル衣装だからこその大躍進だよ(懐古派) 

            Frills gave Hanyu a big push in 2009 – 2010 season (old timer)
│ ├ もっと素敵なフリル衣装が見たいなあ(夢想派) 

            Want to see more beautiful frilled costumes (dreamer)
│ └ とにかく自分はフリル衣装が好きなんだよ(利己主義) 

            I just love frilled costumes and that’s final (egoist)
├ フリル衣装はあった方がいいよ(現状肯定派) 

            Vote for frilled costume (conservation)
│ ├ だって実際にフリル衣装は似合うじゃん(単純理論)

            It’s true Hanyu looks good in frills (simple theory)
│ ├ フリル衣装着ないとモチベが上がらないかもしれないじゃん(悲観主義) 

            What if he doesn’t get motivated without frills? (pessimist)
│ ├ どうせ来シーズンもフリル衣装だよ(楽観主義) 

            Frills are in for the next season anyway (optimist)
│ ├ 羽生もフリル衣装を着たいと願ってるはずだよ(心情派) 

            I believe Hanyu is wishing to ware frilly one (sentimentalist)
│ ├ 「フリルを着た阿修羅」が使えないじゃん(世俗主義)

             No frills? No “Frilly Asura*” then?! (commoners)
│ ├ フリル衣装なら他の選手を油断させられるよ(戦術論派)

             Frills can divert competitors’ attention (strategist) 
├ フリルはどっちでもいいよ(中道派) 

             Don’t mind frills or not (middle way)
│ ├ フリルでもスケスケじゃない衣装もあるし(懐疑主義)

             There are frilled one without see-trough material though (skeptic)
| ├ ビジューがシンプルならいいよ(要素主義)

             Frills but with simple bijous are okay (elementalism)
| ├ フリル衣装が似合うのが羽生の特長だよ(個性派)

             Looks good in frills is a part of Hanyu’s character (character builder)
| ├ それよりUAの話でもしようよ(練習着重視主義) 

Let’s just talk about UA instead (UA-list)
│ └ とにかく美しい衣装が見たいんだよ(審美主義) 

Just want to see a beautiful costume (aesthetic judge)
├ その前に衣装を検証してみるよ(実証主義) 

Should analyze costumes first (analyst)
│ ├ フリル衣装のクワド確率はこうなってるよ(確率論) 

Stats for quad success rate in frills are here (probability theory)
│ ├ フリル衣装を人類で最初に衣装に取り入れたのは羽生じゃないよ(古文書学派)

The first frilled costume in the history is not worn by Hanyu (paleographer)
| └ ビジューをいかにして落とさないように止めるか(ステファニー・ハンドラー) 

The key is how to glue bijous securely (Stephanie Handler)
├ フリルの衣装を着るには…(指導論) 

How to wear frilled costumes (guidance)
│ ├ デザインはまたジョニーに依頼すればいいよ(保守派)

 Let Johnny design it again (conservative)
│ ├ フリルに似合う少し長めの髪型がいいよ(板前反対派) 

Longish hair suits better with frills (no chef’s hair cut)
│ ├ セパレートよりツナギの方がジャンプ跳びやすいよ(ケヴィン派)

 Jumpsuit is better for jumping than separate one (Kevin fan)
├ フリル衣装は必要ないよ(フリル衣装否定派) 

No frills necessary for costume (anti-frills)
│ ├ とにかく絶対必要ないよ(超シンプル主義) 

No frills what’s so ever (super simple life)
│ ├ お金がかかるからいらないよ(節約主義)

Frills cost money so no (budget conscious)
│ ├ フリルだけが衣装じゃないよ(ポストモダン派)

There are more to costumes than frills (post-modernist)
│ ├ 他にすることあるだろう(演技原理主義) 

First things first (performance fundamentalist)
│ ├ フリル衣装見てても面白くないよ(快楽主義)

No frills give me thrills (epicurean)
| ├ だってゲイだと思われる(差別主義者) 

They will judge it as gay (biased)
| └ フリルの話したら荒れるもん(2ch依存症) 

Frill talk cause thread to burn! (2ch addict)
| └ パリ散はフリル無しでも100点数超えたじゃん(功利主義) 

PW exceeded 100pt without frills (utilitarian)
└ 羽生にはこれからも期待しているよ(変衣装友の会)

Looking forward to Hany’s future costumes (wired costume enthusiasts)
└ しかしママン衣装のクオリティは凄かったね(古典派)

Indeed, the costumes made by mum were awesome! (antiques lover)



It looks like Yuzu with frills is something that Japanese fanyus are intrigued about for some time.

But in the end, you gotta love him as a whole:10636614:

Thank  you so much for this ! I love the little definition in () 

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6 minutes ago, BWOZWaltz said:

Sorry for multi post in a short time. I just want to share this with you guys. It is written in Japanese but I have put rough translation so it should be okay... 


羽生にフリル衣装は必要か? Is frilled costume necessary for Hanyu?
├ フリル衣装は必要だよ(衣装原理主義)

        Frills are necessity (costume fundamentalist) 
│ ├ フリルは絶対必要、フリルが無いのは羽生と認めないよ(超急進派)

            Frills are the must, no frills no Hanyu (extremist)
│ ├ フリル衣装の羽生だけが表彰台に上がるべき(序列主義)

            Only Hanyu with frills should be on podiums (hierarchist) 
│ ├ フリル衣装の羽生なら後はいいよ(王道派)

            As long as there are frills, the rest is fine (main stream) 
│ ├ フリル衣装は羽生の十八番だよ、ロマンだよ(浪漫派)

            Frills are the best bits, they make it romantic (romanticist)
│ ├ 2009-10シーズンの羽生はフリル衣装だからこその大躍進だよ(懐古派) 

            Frills gave Hanyu a big push in 2009 – 2010 season (old timer)
│ ├ もっと素敵なフリル衣装が見たいなあ(夢想派) 

            Want to see more beautiful frilled costumes (dreamer)
│ └ とにかく自分はフリル衣装が好きなんだよ(利己主義) 

            I just love frilled costumes and that’s final (egoist)
├ フリル衣装はあった方がいいよ(現状肯定派) 

            Vote for frilled costume (conservation)
│ ├ だって実際にフリル衣装は似合うじゃん(単純理論)

            It’s true Hanyu looks good in frills (simple theory)
│ ├ フリル衣装着ないとモチベが上がらないかもしれないじゃん(悲観主義) 

            What if he doesn’t get motivated without frills? (pessimist)
│ ├ どうせ来シーズンもフリル衣装だよ(楽観主義) 

            Frills are in for the next season anyway (optimist)
│ ├ 羽生もフリル衣装を着たいと願ってるはずだよ(心情派) 

            I believe Hanyu is wishing to ware frilly one (sentimentalist)
│ ├ 「フリルを着た阿修羅」が使えないじゃん(世俗主義)

             No frills? No “Frilly Asura*” then?! (commoners)
│ ├ フリル衣装なら他の選手を油断させられるよ(戦術論派)

             Frills can divert competitors’ attention (strategist) 
├ フリルはどっちでもいいよ(中道派) 

             Don’t mind frills or not (middle way)
│ ├ フリルでもスケスケじゃない衣装もあるし(懐疑主義)

             There are frilled one without see-trough material though (skeptic)
| ├ ビジューがシンプルならいいよ(要素主義)

             Frills but with simple bijous are okay (elementalism)
| ├ フリル衣装が似合うのが羽生の特長だよ(個性派)

             Looks good in frills is a part of Hanyu’s character (character builder)
| ├ それよりUAの話でもしようよ(練習着重視主義) 

Let’s just talk about UA instead (UA-list)
│ └ とにかく美しい衣装が見たいんだよ(審美主義) 

Just want to see a beautiful costume (aesthetic judge)
├ その前に衣装を検証してみるよ(実証主義) 

Should analyze costumes first (analyst)
│ ├ フリル衣装のクワド確率はこうなってるよ(確率論) 

Stats for quad success rate in frills are here (probability theory)
│ ├ フリル衣装を人類で最初に衣装に取り入れたのは羽生じゃないよ(古文書学派)

The first frilled costume in the history is not worn by Hanyu (paleographer)
| └ ビジューをいかにして落とさないように止めるか(ステファニー・ハンドラー) 

The key is how to glue bijous securely (Stephanie Handler)
├ フリルの衣装を着るには…(指導論) 

How to wear frilled costumes (guidance)
│ ├ デザインはまたジョニーに依頼すればいいよ(保守派)

 Let Johnny design it again (conservative)
│ ├ フリルに似合う少し長めの髪型がいいよ(板前反対派) 

Longish hair suits better with frills (no chef’s hair cut)
│ ├ セパレートよりツナギの方がジャンプ跳びやすいよ(ケヴィン派)

 Jumpsuit is better for jumping than separate one (Kevin fan)
├ フリル衣装は必要ないよ(フリル衣装否定派) 

No frills necessary for costume (anti-frills)
│ ├ とにかく絶対必要ないよ(超シンプル主義) 

No frills what’s so ever (super simple life)
│ ├ お金がかかるからいらないよ(節約主義)

Frills cost money so no (budget conscious)
│ ├ フリルだけが衣装じゃないよ(ポストモダン派)

There are more to costumes than frills (post-modernist)
│ ├ 他にすることあるだろう(演技原理主義) 

First things first (performance fundamentalist)
│ ├ フリル衣装見てても面白くないよ(快楽主義)

No frills give me thrills (epicurean)
| ├ だってゲイだと思われる(差別主義者) 

They will judge it as gay (biased)
| └ フリルの話したら荒れるもん(2ch依存症) 

Frill talk cause thread to burn! (2ch addict)
| └ パリ散はフリル無しでも100点数超えたじゃん(功利主義) 

PW exceeded 100pt without frills (utilitarian)
└ 羽生にはこれからも期待しているよ(変衣装友の会)

Looking forward to Hany’s future costumes (wired costume enthusiasts)
└ しかしママン衣装のクオリティは凄かったね(古典派)

Indeed, the costumes made by mum were awesome! (antiques lover)



It looks like Yuzu with frills is something that Japanese fanyus are intrigued about for some time.

But in the end, you gotta love him as a whole:10636614:

I kinda like the frills

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2 minutes ago, valkyrie said:

i think it's fine for people coming from different cultural contexts to interpret aspects of yuzuru's skating as feminine, though, especially when it's being celebrated. i mean, there's nothing actually wrong with men performing (what's perceived as) femininity or doing girly things, either. 

Well the issue is less to do with "feminine" or "masculine" but the negative/positive associations with either term. The issue is that "feminine" tends be used in a negative way by people who don't like Yuzu, to describe his performance, action etc on-ice, saying that it is wrong for him as a "male" to do so. It's actually more of calling him "girly" rather than really feminine. In so far as "feminine" is used as a positive way to describe his actions, then it's fine. =)


This is probably a different social construct/criticism that's probably beyond the idea of this thread anyways. But I'm pretty annoyed when people associate "elegant" with femininity and consider it only acceptable for females, especially when "feminine" can be used to criticize and belittle females too. =(

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14 minutes ago, valkyrie said:

i think it's fine for people coming from different cultural contexts to interpret aspects of yuzuru's skating as feminine, though, especially when it's being celebrated. i mean, there's nothing actually wrong with men performing (what's perceived as) femininity or doing girly things, either. 

It shouldn't be wrong if they say his performance appears sides of feminity, but saying that Yuzuru himself is feminine, that's wrong. At least not 'feminine' in the shade they thought of the word. 

ETA: Of course like you said if it's celebrated then it's fine :)

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35 minutes ago, BWOZWaltz said:


My view exactly! Yuzu's performance is breathtaking, beautiful, elegant, and his earlier ones are also energetic but never "girly"! 


Thanks for sharing your take on Yuzu, I found it very interesting to read!


What you said about Asura and demon reminds me a bit of a conversation some friends and I were having about Yuzu and how some skating fans (maybe they are Western, maybe not) see him as feminine. We all find Yuzu to be masculine on ice. I also said if were to characterize him I’d say he’s a competitive athlete first, and Japanese second. What I mean is that Yuzu is of course, very polite and pays a lot of attention to detail in terms of his surroundings. Yet he’s extremely competitive, and that is something typically associated with traditional views of masculinity. At times I think his competitiveness leaks through when he’s not on ice and he says something that shows clearly that he believes he’s the best with a comment that would probably not be taken as humble. 


Back to someone else who posted about Yuzu coming off as shy in Western media, I think this is mainly attributed to the language barrier and his general politeness. He probably seems quiet to those journalists because he can’t speak as freely in English as he can in Japanese. I think Robin Cousins actually describes Yuzu very well in his Olympic interviews, which I’m quoting here. 


From Japan Times:

“Javi was like me. I wanted to skate for the crowd,” Cousins stated. “I wanted to know exactly how many people were watching me.

“There are other skaters, and I don’t know him that well, but I would say that Hanyu is that person who doesn’t need to know who’s in the audience,” Cousins continued. “He needs to know what he wants and he makes them come to him. It’s a different dynamic, but it absolutely is mesmerizing.”


From Olympic Channel:

”It’s a calm, I’m going to say. Because some people, they have this exuberance and they have this wonderful performance, and you want... There’s nothing extrovert. It’s actually quite introverted, and it’s very - It’s quite soft and languid. He’s almost ethereal. 


He does have that aloof... I wouldn’t say tranquil, because you can see it in his eyes. And I think this is what makes him unique. You don’t see the effort. That’s a really good thing. You never see the effort with Hanyu that you see with the other boys.”

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Just now, Xen said:

Well the issue is less to do with "feminine" or "masculine" but the negative/positive associations with either term. The issue is that "feminine" tends be used in a negative way by people who don't like Yuzu, to describe his performance, action etc on-ice, saying that it is wrong for him as a "male" to do so. It's actually more of calling him "girly" rather than really feminine. In so far as "feminine" is used as a positive way to describe his actions, then it's fine. =)


This is probably a different social construct/criticism that's probably beyond the idea of this thread anyways. But I'm pretty annoyed when people associate "elegant" with femininity and consider it only acceptable for females, especially when "feminine" can be used to criticize and belittle females too. =(


yes, using feminine as a positive descriptor is what i mean.


male figure skaters in general in the west are usually negatively associated with being girly or gay (neither of which are bad things), so it makes me happy to see someone who is basically the face of the sport at this point being praised specifically for embodying femininity, which a lot of male skaters are afraid to do. it’s a good thing for boys who don’t fit neatly into perceptions of what masculinity is to be able to see that there’s a space where it’s fine to express themselves as they are and succeed.


obviously this is just considering a western perspective though and kind of ignores the japanese views that have been talked about, but i don’t think these two approaches are necessarily mutually exclusive.

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Historically in Europe the men of the aristocracy were as flamboyantly dressed as the women - power dressing meant silk and velvet and lace, jewellery, make up, wigs - the works:- there are several Restoration comedies on in the West End and at Stratford at the moment and the costumes are fabulous - @Xen is right, it was the late Georgian/Victorian era that gradually dulled down men's fashion.

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21 minutes ago, BWOZWaltz said:

Sorry for multi post in a short time. I just want to share this with you guys. It is written in Japanese but I have put rough translation so it should be okay... 


羽生にフリル衣装は必要か? Is frilled costume necessary for Hanyu?
├ フリル衣装は必要だよ(衣装原理主義)

        Frills are necessity (costume fundamentalist) 
│ ├ フリルは絶対必要、フリルが無いのは羽生と認めないよ(超急進派)

            Frills are the must, no frills no Hanyu (extremist)
│ ├ フリル衣装の羽生だけが表彰台に上がるべき(序列主義)

            Only Hanyu with frills should be on podiums (hierarchist) 
│ ├ フリル衣装の羽生なら後はいいよ(王道派)

            As long as there are frills, the rest is fine (main stream) 
│ ├ フリル衣装は羽生の十八番だよ、ロマンだよ(浪漫派)

            Frills are the best bits, they make it romantic (romanticist)
│ ├ 2009-10シーズンの羽生はフリル衣装だからこその大躍進だよ(懐古派) 

            Frills gave Hanyu a big push in 2009 – 2010 season (old timer)
│ ├ もっと素敵なフリル衣装が見たいなあ(夢想派) 

            Want to see more beautiful frilled costumes (dreamer)
│ └ とにかく自分はフリル衣装が好きなんだよ(利己主義) 

            I just love frilled costumes and that’s final (egoist)
├ フリル衣装はあった方がいいよ(現状肯定派) 

            Vote for frilled costume (conservation)
│ ├ だって実際にフリル衣装は似合うじゃん(単純理論)

            It’s true Hanyu looks good in frills (simple theory)
│ ├ フリル衣装着ないとモチベが上がらないかもしれないじゃん(悲観主義) 

            What if he doesn’t get motivated without frills? (pessimist)
│ ├ どうせ来シーズンもフリル衣装だよ(楽観主義) 

            Frills are in for the next season anyway (optimist)
│ ├ 羽生もフリル衣装を着たいと願ってるはずだよ(心情派) 

            I believe Hanyu is wishing to ware frilly one (sentimentalist)
│ ├ 「フリルを着た阿修羅」が使えないじゃん(世俗主義)

             No frills? No “Frilly Asura*” then?! (commoners)
│ ├ フリル衣装なら他の選手を油断させられるよ(戦術論派)

             Frills can divert competitors’ attention (strategist) 
├ フリルはどっちでもいいよ(中道派) 

             Don’t mind frills or not (middle way)
│ ├ フリルでもスケスケじゃない衣装もあるし(懐疑主義)

             There are frilled one without see-trough material though (skeptic)
| ├ ビジューがシンプルならいいよ(要素主義)

             Frills but with simple bijous are okay (elementalism)
| ├ フリル衣装が似合うのが羽生の特長だよ(個性派)

             Looks good in frills is a part of Hanyu’s character (character builder)
| ├ それよりUAの話でもしようよ(練習着重視主義) 

Let’s just talk about UA instead (UA-list)
│ └ とにかく美しい衣装が見たいんだよ(審美主義) 

Just want to see a beautiful costume (aesthetic judge)
├ その前に衣装を検証してみるよ(実証主義) 

Should analyze costumes first (analyst)
│ ├ フリル衣装のクワド確率はこうなってるよ(確率論) 

Stats for quad success rate in frills are here (probability theory)
│ ├ フリル衣装を人類で最初に衣装に取り入れたのは羽生じゃないよ(古文書学派)

The first frilled costume in the history is not worn by Hanyu (paleographer)
| └ ビジューをいかにして落とさないように止めるか(ステファニー・ハンドラー) 

The key is how to glue bijous securely (Stephanie Handler)
├ フリルの衣装を着るには…(指導論) 

How to wear frilled costumes (guidance)
│ ├ デザインはまたジョニーに依頼すればいいよ(保守派)

 Let Johnny design it again (conservative)
│ ├ フリルに似合う少し長めの髪型がいいよ(板前反対派) 

Longish hair suits better with frills (no chef’s hair cut)
│ ├ セパレートよりツナギの方がジャンプ跳びやすいよ(ケヴィン派)

 Jumpsuit is better for jumping than separate one (Kevin fan)
├ フリル衣装は必要ないよ(フリル衣装否定派) 

No frills necessary for costume (anti-frills)
│ ├ とにかく絶対必要ないよ(超シンプル主義) 

No frills what’s so ever (super simple life)
│ ├ お金がかかるからいらないよ(節約主義)

Frills cost money so no (budget conscious)
│ ├ フリルだけが衣装じゃないよ(ポストモダン派)

There are more to costumes than frills (post-modernist)
│ ├ 他にすることあるだろう(演技原理主義) 

First things first (performance fundamentalist)
│ ├ フリル衣装見てても面白くないよ(快楽主義)

No frills give me thrills (epicurean)
| ├ だってゲイだと思われる(差別主義者) 

They will judge it as gay (biased)
| └ フリルの話したら荒れるもん(2ch依存症) 

Frill talk cause thread to burn! (2ch addict)
| └ パリ散はフリル無しでも100点数超えたじゃん(功利主義) 

PW exceeded 100pt without frills (utilitarian)
└ 羽生にはこれからも期待しているよ(変衣装友の会)

Looking forward to Hany’s future costumes (wired costume enthusiasts)
└ しかしママン衣装のクオリティは凄かったね(古典派)

Indeed, the costumes made by mum were awesome! (antiques lover)



It looks like Yuzu with frills is something that Japanese fanyus are intrigued about for some time.

But in the end, you gotta love him as a whole:10636614:

Hahahah thanks for  that!! :10742289:

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23 minutes ago, Xen said:

Well the issue is less to do with "feminine" or "masculine" but the negative/positive associations with either term. The issue is that "feminine" tends be used in a negative way by people who don't like Yuzu, to describe his performance, action etc on-ice, saying that it is wrong for him as a "male" to do so. It's actually more of calling him "girly" rather than really feminine. In so far as "feminine" is used as a positive way to describe his actions, then it's fine. =)


This is probably a different social construct/criticism that's probably beyond the idea of this thread anyways. But I'm pretty annoyed when people associate "elegant" with femininity and consider it only acceptable for females, especially when "feminine" can be used to criticize and belittle females too. =(

Some say that as personal opinion the first time they watch his performances.  In this case, I don't see their comment as "offensive". Many fans seem to be too sensible. They become offended whenever someone says they find him feminine as if they accused him of a crime. If they say that because they hate him, don't care about them. If they just express what they think without intending to offend anyone, respect their opinion. 

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