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Drop this one here too, because I'm really serious about it:



If there is any skater on the planet who has the creative mind, skill, professional production team and financial sources to realize something like this, it's probably Yuzu. And I genuinely do believe that his programs deserve exquisite settings and filming quality that are worthy of his heavenly skating.

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8 hours ago, Beatrice said:

Bonjour, je suis un débutant qui a découvert le trésor Yuzuru Hanyu assez tard, en visionnant les images TV de l'exposition Gala Saitama 2019 - le merveilleux "Haru yo koi" - inutile de vous dire que depuis je suis hypnotisé.  :to like:
Je voudrais exprimer ma gratitude pour ce forum et à vous tous ici, dont l'exploration expansive et les nombreuses publications m'ont évité de me noyer dans mes propres larmes après avoir lu pour la première fois sur la «retraite» de Yuzu des compétitions. Merci pour votre dévouement et pour avoir fourni des informations et des mises à jour aussi rapides et complètes sur tout ce qui concerne "Yuzuru".  :Thanks:




Il y a quelques semaines, en parcourant les vidéos de Yuzu sur YT, je suis tombé sur des images de la cérémonie de remise des médailles de Turin 2019 avec une couverture fancam des 10 minutes environ où Yuzuru est à l'arrière-plan de la patinoire avec Ghislain et il danse et rit presque tout le temps tout en en attendant la fin de la cérémonie junior - cela m'a tellement plu que j'ai sacrifié presque une nuit entière pour rechercher toutes les vidéos disponibles sur le sujet, et j'aimerais partager avec vous le fruit de mon travail somnolent. Mes excuses si celles-ci ont déjà été publiées ici dans les années précédentes ou sur d'anciennes pages, hélas je n'ai pas le temps de lire plus de 7k pages, j'ai du mal à suivre l'actualité et les informations telles qu'elles sont.


Yuzuru Hanyu - Remise des médailles GPF Torino (07.12.2019 - YH's BD) (dans l'ordre plus ou moins chronologique)
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R1OnKq-uIc

(départ le plus tôt : YH en arrière-plan, parlant à Jap.official, embrassant + riant avec une jeune femme, applaudissant pour le gagnant de Jap.junior, attendant)

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDnh_LfEumE
(YH chante sur Jap.anthem pour le vainqueur junior, commence à danser, descend à la patinoire, etc., cérémonie de remise des médailles de l'avant, se termine par la démission de podium)

3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxnPbgEK31g
(commence dans l'arrière-plan après l'hymne japonais pour le vainqueur junior, puis va à la patinoire, vue arrière des médailles, se termine avant l'hymne américain pour Chen)

4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BOqIQQzc8w  
(danse, interaction avec Ghislain, puis vue de face de la cérémonie complète)

5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHKtnjXZKqs  
(près de la patinoire, interaction avec Ghislain, danse, retrait de la veste)

6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRP28eUZ4S0
(descente à côté de la patinoire, danse, interaction avec russe + Ghislain + junior, puis cérémonie complète vue de dos)

7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewd-jIeF4OA  
(dance, interaction with Russian+Ghislain+junior, then full ceremony in side view)


My daughter (whom I haven't had time to fully introduce to Fanyu-dom yet) happens to have seen a short portion of it - her comment was, 
"No wonder your darling boy is dancing and laughing, after everything, he's happy to be the winner, isn't he?
My response: do
"No, dear daughter, Yuzu is not the gold medal 'winner' here; it's the young man yawning next to him in the yelling yellow shirt, looking like prefer to be somewhere else. But Yuzu is the winner of all hearts, as always!"






:welcome: among us and you have Annie who is from the same country as you and you wrote that you knew Yuzu while watching the NHK 2019 gala and I laughed a lot when he had fun with the mascots  :peek:BUT now and I joined SKRIMBLO_ICED it's practically IMPOSSIBLE to find videos of this NHK on youtube and when you find some it is marked "video UNAVAILABLE" and yet I have seen some of this NHK (SP/FS/GALA) yes Yuzu who looks at Roman with a smile because he is taller than him with the Frenchman K Aymoz and "one would say"? that since he said "PRO YUZU" it would be undesirable to be admired at NHK  :shrug: and I found quite a few 2019 competitions including Turin and here is the "little" I found  https://www.youtube .:headdesk:what you told your daughter 




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9 hours ago, Beatrice said:

Hello, I'm a newbie who discovered the treasure Yuzuru Hanyu quite late, by watching the TV footage of the Gala exhibition Saitama 2019 - the wonderful "Haru yo koi" - no need to tell you that I have been mesmerized ever since.  :love:
I'd like to express my gratitude for this forum and to all you lovely people here, whose expansive exploration and plentiful postings have saved me from drowning in my own tears after first reading about Yuzu's 'retirement' from competitions. Thank you for your dedication and for providing such prompt and extensive infos and updates on all things "Yuzuru".  :thanks:




Some weeks ago, while browsing Yuzu vids on YT, I stumbled upon footage of the Torino 2019 medal ceremony with fancam coverage of the approx 10 minutes where Yuzuru is in the background of the rink with Ghislain and he's dancing and laughing almost all the time while waiting for the junior ceremony to end - it appealed to me so much that I sacrificed almost an entire night to search for all available related videos, and I'd like to share with you the fruit of my sleepy labour. My apologies if these have already been posted here in earlier years or former pages, alas I don't have the time just now to read 7k+ pages, I struggle to keep up with the current news and infos as it is.


Yuzuru Hanyu - Medal ceremony GPF Torino (07.12.2019 - YH's BD) (in more or less chronological order)
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R1OnKq-uIc

(earliest start: YH in the background, talking to Jap.official, embracing + laughing with young woman, clapping for Jap.junior winner, waiting)

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDnh_LfEumE
(YH sings along to Jap.anthem for junior winner, starts dancing, goes down to rink etc, medal ceremony from front-side, ends with stepping down from podium)

3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxnPbgEK31g
(starts in the backgr after Jap.anthem for junior winner, then going to the rink, medals back-side view, ends before the US anthem for Chen)

4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BOqIQQzc8w  
(dancing, interaction w Ghislain, then full ceremony front-side view)

5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHKtnjXZKqs  
(by the rink, interaction with Ghislain, dancing, taking off jacket)

6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRP28eUZ4S0
(going down to side of the rink, dancing, interaction with Russian + Ghislain + junior, then full ceremony from back-side view)

7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewd-jIeF4OA  
(dancing, interaction with Russian+Ghislain+junior, then full ceremony in side view)


My daughter (whom I have not yet had the time to thoroughly initiate into Fanyu-dom) happened to see a short part of it - her comment was as follows: 
"No wonder your darling boy is dancing and laughing, after all he's happy to be the winner, isn't he ?"
My reply:
"No, my darling daughter, Yuzu is not the 'winner' of the gold  medal here; that is the yawning youth beside him in the yellingly-yellow shirt, looking like he'd rather be elsewhere. But Yuzu is the winner of all the hearts, like always!"






Welcome here, another German who admires Yuzu :)

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22 minutes ago, Pammi said:

Yes I hope to see a growing torrent of similar sentiment!


I think this is the same article, translated by LGeorgin 


 Is this the first time a Japan media openly talked about unfairness Hanyu received in competition? 

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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5 hours ago, Madita said:

This gala performance is so incredibly lively...every time I watch it I fall in love and its musicality is outstanding




And here it is again 4 years later and the same theme with the lyrics and traditional Japanese musical instruments  :heartpound: : Monkey Majik "changes" 



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3 hours ago, Henni147 said:

Drop this one here too, because I'm really serious about it:



If there is any skater on the planet who has the creative mind, skill, professional production team and financial sources to realize something like this, it's probably Yuzu. And I genuinely do believe that his programs deserve exquisite settings and filming quality that are worthy of his heavenly skating.


This is for sure the most elaborated challenge - you won! :winner:

But seriously, it's a wonderful project and does the justice to and would be a wonderful appreciation/celebration of Yuzu and his skating. 

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Guest Mary_kyo

At first, I wanted to share this in the salt thread but honestly, this is a factual information not salt.

We should name 19th July as the freedom day (both for him and fans).

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11 hours ago, Beatrice said:

Hello, I'm a newbie who discovered the treasure Yuzuru Hanyu quite late, by watching the TV footage of the Gala exhibition Saitama 2019 - the wonderful "Haru yo koi" - no need to tell you that I have been mesmerized ever since.  :love:
I'd like to express my gratitude for this forum and to all you lovely people here, whose expansive exploration and plentiful postings have saved me from drowning in my own tears after first reading about Yuzu's 'retirement' from competitions. Thank you for your dedication and for providing such prompt and extensive infos and updates on all things "Yuzuru".  :thanks:




Some weeks ago, while browsing Yuzu vids on YT, I stumbled upon footage of the Torino 2019 medal ceremony with fancam coverage of the approx 10 minutes where Yuzuru is in the background of the rink with Ghislain and he's dancing and laughing almost all the time while waiting for the junior ceremony to end - it appealed to me so much that I sacrificed almost an entire night to search for all available related videos, and I'd like to share with you the fruit of my sleepy labour. My apologies if these have already been posted here in earlier years or former pages, alas I don't have the time just now to read 7k+ pages, I struggle to keep up with the current news and infos as it is.


Yuzuru Hanyu - Medal ceremony GPF Torino (07.12.2019 - YH's BD) (in more or less chronological order)
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R1OnKq-uIc

(earliest start: YH in the background, talking to Jap.official, embracing + laughing with young woman, clapping for Jap.junior winner, waiting)

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDnh_LfEumE
(YH sings along to Jap.anthem for junior winner, starts dancing, goes down to rink etc, medal ceremony from front-side, ends with stepping down from podium)

3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxnPbgEK31g
(starts in the backgr after Jap.anthem for junior winner, then going to the rink, medals back-side view, ends before the US anthem for Chen)

4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BOqIQQzc8w  
(dancing, interaction w Ghislain, then full ceremony front-side view)

5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHKtnjXZKqs  
(by the rink, interaction with Ghislain, dancing, taking off jacket)

6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRP28eUZ4S0
(going down to side of the rink, dancing, interaction with Russian + Ghislain + junior, then full ceremony from back-side view)

7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewd-jIeF4OA  
(dancing, interaction with Russian+Ghislain+junior, then full ceremony in side view)


My daughter (whom I have not yet had the time to thoroughly initiate into Fanyu-dom) happened to see a short part of it - her comment was as follows: 
"No wonder your darling boy is dancing and laughing, after all he's happy to be the winner, isn't he ?"
My reply:
"No, my darling daughter, Yuzu is not the 'winner' of the gold  medal here; that is the yawning youth beside him in the yellingly-yellow shirt, looking like he'd rather be elsewhere. But Yuzu is the winner of all the hearts, like always!"






natty's costume designer really didn't have to do him like that smh what a travesty of a free skate outfit 

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