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15 hours ago, gapil27 said:

Lol “but that’s not fun”. He also should’ve pointed out he’d won everything there is, the OGM twice included, that would’ve shut everybody up.

It's just not like Yuzu to have a setup to get SOME medal. For him it had to be gold and it would have been gold if he hadn't been unlucky during SP and injured during FS and if judging would be fair. 

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Yuzu said something about what happened in the last 4 years being the "price" for wishing for an Olys gold in Pyeongchang. If so, I hope this will be the end of it and that his future is marred much less by heartbreak, sad tears, two-faced "friends" and all other negativities.


Spring comes when winter fades away; there is no night without end. I hope the dawn of a new spring will come soon to him in earnest. That young man deserves it.

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28 minutes ago, wildstrawberry said:

What Fernandez said is not surprising in the least to anyone who has read/listened to his interviews (especially those in Spanish) for the Spanish/western press vs his interviews for Japanese media for years. It was pretty clear long time ago how two faced and bitter he is and tbh to me he reeked of envy re: Yuzu's popularity and monetary gains in particular. I mean the man has literally said they are not friends/not close,but fs fandom loves to romanticize skaters and the ~friendships~ between them,a term that is used super loosely.


The figure skating world has always been an environment full of snakes,envy,bitterness,nastiness,abuse etc and now ppl are ShOcKEd when they are slowly,but surely confronted with these realities. There is a reason why Yuzuru has kept himself very distant from these ppl,but gullible fans see two skaters interacting for whatever reason for a few moments and decide they are Bffs for life despite there being very little evidence to it,on the contrary even when there's actually proof that such friendships/closeness doesn't really exist.


I'm sorry,but i do want Yuzu to see this. It will hurt maybe (altho i kind of think that he already knows Fernandez's deal by now,B*ston was a taste of this and he surely realized some things then),but it is necessary to be fully aware of how some ppl really are and to really stay away from them. There must be some fairly decent folks among the figure skaters too ofc,but only naive ppl can think that there are many real friendships especially at the top between ppl who are competing in the same discipline.


Fanyus should understand that in such a world Yuzuru is gonna attract insane jealousy and bitterness bc he really is THE ONLY ONE who actually has amazing career accomplishments combined with big monetary gain and the cherry on top is the massive unprecedented adoration he receives from fans. Even in other environments that would be enough to bring out the worst in ppl,and it's particularly to be expected in figure skating world. There's a reason why they say it's lonely at the top.


There's a special place in hell for those who kick you when you're down,i want fanyus to never forget what this man did when his mask was off. Fernandez is officially cancelled BYE


I agree with all this, but what really hit me about this particular commentary is that he basically exposed Yuzu to more potential harassment and reputational damage, questioning his class and integrity as an athlete.


This is more than just some jealousy among competitors. This is really cruel if you think about it.

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29 минут назад, wildstrawberry сказал:

То, что сказал Фернандес, нисколько не удивляет любого, кто читал/слушал его интервью (особенно на испанском языке) для испанской/западной прессы по сравнению с его интервью для японских СМИ в течение многих лет. Давным-давно было ясно, какой он двуличный и озлобленный, и, по-моему, от него пахло завистью в отношении популярности Юдзу и, в частности, денежной выгоды. Я имею в виду, что этот человек буквально сказал, что они не друзья/не близкие, но фандом fs любит романтизировать скейтеров и ~дружбу~ между ними, термин, который используется очень свободно.


Мир фигурного катания всегда был средой, полной змей, зависти, горечи, злобы, оскорблений и т. д., и теперь люди ШОКИРОВАНЫ, когда они медленно, но верно сталкиваются с этими реалиями. Есть причина, по которой Юзуру держится очень далеко от этих людей, но доверчивые фанаты видят двух фигуристов, взаимодействующих по какой-то причине в течение нескольких мгновений, и решают, что они лучшие друзья на всю жизнь, несмотря на то, что этому очень мало доказательств, наоборот, даже когда на самом деле есть доказательства того, что такой дружбы/близости на самом деле не существует.


Извините, но я хочу, чтобы Юзу это увидела. Возможно, это будет больно (хотя я думаю, что он уже знает о сделке Фернандеса к настоящему времени, Б*стон почувствовал это на вкус, и он, конечно, понял некоторые вещи тогда), но необходимо полностью осознавать, каковы некоторые люди на самом деле. и действительно держаться от них подальше. Среди фигуристов тоже должны быть приличные люди, но только наивные люди могут думать, что существует много настоящей дружбы, особенно наверху, между людьми, которые соревнуются в одной и той же дисциплине.


Фанюс должен понимать, что в таком мире Юдзуру будет привлекать безумную ревность и горечь, потому что он действительно ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ, у кого есть удивительные карьерные достижения в сочетании с большими денежными доходами, а вишенкой на торте является огромное беспрецедентное обожание, которое он получает от фанатов. Даже в других условиях этого было бы достаточно, чтобы выявить худшее в людях, и это особенно ожидаемо в мире фигурного катания. Есть причина, по которой говорят, что наверху одиноко.


В аду есть особое место для тех, кто пинает тебя, когда ты падаешь, я хочу, чтобы фанюс никогда не забывал, что этот человек сделал, когда его маска была снята. Фернандес официально отменили BYE

I support every word. Fernanns was not a friend of Yuzuru, a rival,
 yes - was. And he only won if Yuzu had injuries. Now F is using him to promote his ice show.

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This is the difference between Yuzuru Hanyu and other so called top skaters - class. Yuzu is a world class superstar not only bc of what he has achieved but also because of what he has actually offered for the sport -- his skating, his sportsmanship, his class acts. He doesnt open his mouth unnecessarily and when he does only great things escape from it. His skating speaks for his medals. His actions speak about his class. He doesnt have sns or go on tv to talk trash about anything or anyone. That is why not all who won a medal can be called a champion. Many people can medal but only one is a champion and that champion is Yuzuru Hanyu. 


Do you see someone with class go on social media to pit fights (the russians) or being two faced hyproctites who suddenly become social activists for justice (usa puppets) or talk trash about ur past teammates (javi)? i used to be so intrigued about commentaries by commentators, the media, professionals, coaches, and other athletes said about Yuzu. But now I have reservation for everyone. I will only support Yuzu from now on. (btw the Javi x Yuzu shipping thing was one of the most cringeworthy things ever for me.) I hope Yuzu would remember every single two faced people in his life and cancel them. But I guess he is too busy doing champion thing so he wont. Lol While these people will stay salty that they can never reach Yuzu's level of stardom no matter how hard they try to tarnish his reputation because how? Yuzu's heart is made of gold and legend never dies. 

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35 minutes ago, Kat said:

Welp......ridiculous. first Misha exposed himself as fake, now this....ugh. oh well. At least Yuzuru SEEMS better....i'm not going to bother on anyone else. I already knew he was it for me in figure skating. This just reaffirms my choice to be done when Yuzuru is done, too. Yuzuru gets my support and energy. The rest arent worth it.


It really is no secret that FS is a "mean girls" sport by and large. So this isnt surprising.

wdym misha exposed himself as fake :0 

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3 minutes ago, Henni147 said:


I agree with all this, but what really hit me about this particular commentary is that he basically exposed Yuzu to more potential harassment and reputational damage, questioning his class and integrity as an athlete.


This more than just some jealousy among competitors. This is really cruel if you think about it.

He knows, he has seen it for himself all these years how much media scrutiny Yuzu is under and how much of that has been torturing Yuzu. For him to come out and say that about whom he called a friend, whom represents class and integrity in the sport better than anyone else, is truly incomprehensible.


Is it hatred, jealousy or what else that fuelled him saying so? Is he always like this? Disappointing, to say the least.



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I should take my own advice and take a break, it were some tough 3 weeks (geez the days of waiting for arrival in Beijing seems like a thousand years ago :13877886:) but somehow I can't yet. Seems like I will be in the 'watching more and more Yuzu mode' (diagnosed by my gf for the first time several years ago) for some time. Whatever, watching H&L on the loop has a real healing power, even after reading about Javier outdoing NBC 'specialists' in crulty >.> (pff, like Yuzu ever used an EXCUSE when he made a mistake! :words:)

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43 minutes ago, wildstrawberry said:

What Fernandez said is not surprising in the least to anyone who has read/listened to his interviews (especially those in Spanish) for the Spanish/western press vs his interviews for Japanese media for years. It was pretty clear long time ago how two faced and bitter he is and tbh to me he reeked of envy re: Yuzu's popularity and monetary gains in particular. I mean the man has literally said they are not friends/not close,but fs fandom loves to romanticize skaters and the ~friendships~ between them,a term that is used super loosely.


The figure skating world has always been an environment full of snakes,envy,bitterness,nastiness,abuse etc and now ppl are ShOcKEd when they are slowly,but surely confronted with these realities. There is a reason why Yuzuru has kept himself very distant from these ppl,but gullible fans see two skaters interacting for whatever reason for a few moments and decide they are Bffs for life despite there being very little evidence to it,on the contrary even when there's actually proof that such friendships/closeness doesn't really exist.


I'm sorry,but i do want Yuzu to see this. It will hurt maybe (altho i kind of think that he already knows Fernandez's deal by now,B*ston was a taste of this and he surely realized some things then),but it is necessary to be fully aware of how some ppl really are and to really stay away from them. There must be some fairly decent folks among the figure skaters too ofc,but only naive ppl can think that there are many real friendships especially at the top between ppl who are competing in the same discipline.


Fanyus should understand that in such a world Yuzuru is gonna attract insane jealousy and bitterness bc he really is THE ONLY ONE who actually has amazing career accomplishments combined with big monetary gain and the cherry on top is the massive unprecedented adoration he receives from fans. Even in other environments that would be enough to bring out the worst in ppl,and it's particularly to be expected in figure skating world. There's a reason why they say it's lonely at the top.


There's a special place in hell for those who kick you when you're down,i want fanyus to never forget what this man did when his mask was off. Fernandez is officially cancelled BYE


For me, it's not that I genuinely thought they were best friends or anything. Both Javi and Brian have said that they don't really hang out or see each other outside of training and competition. But Yuzu has always been genuine. He may not have seen Javi as a close friend, but clearly, he treasured whatever sort of friendship they had. Yuzu cried for him, cheered for him, and even mentioned him in the Worlds 2019 pamphlet as one of the people who's supported him every day through his injury for goodness' sake. He said that Javi was one of the few people whose success genuinely made him happy. He cried because Javi finally got the medal he'd narrowly missed in Sochi, and then cried further when he said he was retiring. He invited him to Ciontu, when all the other guests were his choreographers or his idols whom he never really competed against. He even has Javi's signature on his old, potato yet treasured iPod! He has never said this or been this way with any other skater. So, they may not have been the closest of friends, since it truly is difficult to be friends with your direct competitors, but Yuzu may have at least thought that he had a true supporter in him, especially now that Javi's retired.


I'm not one to subscribe to the "skaters must be friends because they took a selfie together" delusion, but you can't tell me that all of the above was faked. At least not from Yuzu's side.


That is what kills me. It kills me that Yuzu doesn't really seem to have anyone in his corner. I expected this betrayal from a lot of people, but regardless of the true status of their friendship, those six to seven years training together should be more than enough for Javi to know Yuzu's true character--he'd never make excuses for anything. Whenever he has a bad skate, he never mentions his injury or his asthma or any other factors affecting him and always says that he'll work even harder next time. Yuzu acknowledging the freak hole on the ice and mentioning his ankle injury after a loss is a very recent development. This is why this hurts so much. Out of all people, Javi should know better.


Well, either way. I had given Javi the benefit of the doubt multiple times, but this is truly inexcusable. Even if you don't like the guy very much, you don't just essentially call him a liar on national TV (when you know he's anything but), especially since he's done nothing but compliment and support you throughout the years.

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9 minutes ago, Skrimblo_iced said:

wdym misha exposed himself as fake :0 

There was drama going around some years ago when Misha Ge opted to add fuel to the Evgenia dating Yuzuru drama by saying "jealous Yuzuru?" When taking a photo with Evgenia and being an obvious leech by always demanding photos/selfies with him every single time they met. There was also a thing about him allegedly dropping personal texts between himself and Yuzuru (to this one it is yrs ago and i cant find receipts. Tensions were high. So on this I am willing to give a good grain of salt).


But his overall using nature was clear. Real friends also, I would hope-wouldnt add fuel to their friends...but he did. He seemed to enjoy fueling rumors about Evgenia and Yuzuru.

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2 minutes ago, Kat said:

There was drama going around some years ago when Misha Ge opted to add fuel to the Evgenia dating Yuzuru drama by saying "jealous Yuzuru?" When taking a photo with Evgenia and being an obvious leech by always demanding photos/selfies with him every single time they met. There was also a thing about him allegedly dropping personal texts between himself and Yuzuru (to this one it is yrs ago and i cant find receipts. Tensions were high. So on this I am willing to give a good grain of salt).


But his overall using nature was clear. Real friends also, I would hope-wouldnt add fuel to their friends...but he did. He seemed to enjoy fueling rumors about Evgenia and Yuzuru.

So he brought extra trouble to both Evgenia and Yuzuru? What a friend he is

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