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Everything posted by Murieleirum

  1. LGC and Origin 1.0 are the manliest/sexiest costumes he's ever worn, I think. Parisienne is more like charming/casually attractive. I do really love purple though, so Origin 2.0 is also welcome. Uh, next saturday I am going for a day trip to Torino to see him... I still haven't realized I think!!
  2. Btw I vote singing Happy Birthday at the end of the Victory ceremony/victory lap of the FS, for 2 reasons: 1) I'll be there, and also more people will be present in the Arena for sure compared to the practices 2) After everything is done is better than when the tension is still present! He will enjoy it more for sure.
  3. Hahahahahha! I honestly believe that if he didn't butcher the combo he would have the new WR by now, so I'm sure he blames no one but himself for not breaking through the 110.
  4. Approximately: "The right leg is in this position, the left leg is in front of it... then, you bend your knee/lower your thighs and it becomes this shape. Then, you leap only from the right foot, and you land. This is the Loop jump. With the quadruple, you need to enter the jump with more speed. So the position (for the quadruple) is this. The right foot/ankle is angled in such a distorted way (the inclination with the ice is so much more sharp), and you have to put your whole body weight to jump from that position, so it is really easy to lose balance and fall. And I think it is also pretty scary. But in Hanyu's case, the fast and sharp timing with which he creates that position (inclination) and also the timing with which he leaps from the ice is really genius-like."
  5. That's... kinda what Yuzu thinks tho I think everyone lives competition in a different way, the important thing is not to decide when and why other people should or should not compete. Everybody decides their own life.
  6. But guys the ISU video is in fact geoblocked. I live in Italy and I can't see it.
  7. Omg??? His ENglish is really improved?? He used "mellow"!! This is more surprising than the Skate Canada gold LOL
  8. Wow, the fact they're talking about him as if he were almost a kami protecting rice fields from 'above'... really striking.
  9. There is no doubt they did it for the Hanyu-conomy LOL. Also guys wanted to share a news with you: there is a new "Ambesi winter corner" which is basically an interview with Max in which he talks about the GP season this year, shares his opinions and so on, and so far I don't think it has been translated - it was out since just two days ago. If people here are interested, I think I can translate it during the day! It's this one right here: https://www.oasport.it/2019/10/ambesi-winter-corner-da-yuzuru-hanyu-ad-alena-kostornaia-tanti-buoni-motivi-per-seguire-il-grand-prix/?fbclid=IwAR2-GVi7wA3ExpOO48AX0Yqr-AYo3agU_pnH0SEEve7VZ1wGl2rWzuMSX8E
  10. Ooooh finally, I was wondering when was anyone gonna mention the glissando deal. For the life of me I can't understand pianists who do it so easily, my fingers hurt so much when I do it! Poor Kiyozuka-san.
  11. I have already answered all of this in a precedent post, so if you want you can have a read at that... But I will repeat that no, not only die-hard fans travel for ACI, but the fans who can afford a ticket from wherever they live to Canada, which can cost a lot of money. It's important that people understand this. I can admit it easily: I have a complex about this because I grew up poor so people who take for granted things like buying ticket planes and hotel nights don't feel right to me. Yuzuru has aknowledged himself all of those fans who follow him online and cannot follow him physically because of money constraints... that is what I was talking about. That was it.
  12. You got 100% of what I was saying. I am probably very direct when I speak so I get that it sounds like I am faulting or attacking some people.
  13. I think you misinterpreted completely the 'affordability' part. I was saying the opposite. I live in Italy, a lot of people here come from Europe and Asia. It is a big expense to travel to Canada, or any other country besides your own. I saved up my work salary for a year to go to Japan in March, and it wasn't at all to see Yuzuru but because of university studying. I did voluntary work to cover my living expenses. I come from a poor household, and when I say poor I mean it. I'm not sure what you mean when you say you are the poorest of them when, sorry for pointing this out, I know for a fact that you've travelled a lot and seen Yuzu live a lot so you definitely cannot describe yourself as poor. In any case, that part of my comment wasn't in any way correlated to the rest, I wasn't drawing connections between income and reactions, lol. Regarding the rest, I didn't want to drag this out as much as it seems that I did, and I didn't mean to say that screaming fans are like stalkers or obsessive people. Those were examples of bad behavior, extremes. I would be an idiot to compare over-screaming during a costume reveal to people stalking Yuzuru! I simply felt like I wanted to respond to a comment that was only saying 'I felt like this, I felt like that' and did not really talk about how others might have felt. I hope I managed to convey my feelings this time.
  14. You only mentioned your own emotions in justifying the mass behavior that happened at ACI, and of course you are, that's exactly what happens - fans get overwhelmed with emotions and do not think about other people. It happens when they run after Yuzuru's car, it happens when they (any skater's fans) steal other people's seats, etc. etc. Who decides where the line is? Between what is acceptable and what is not? I wish Yuzuru could speak out more explicitey about this and say it bluntly when he thinks fans are exaggerating, but I feel like he kinda did when he said "I am grateful for my fans for letting me concentrate", which from Japanese to English means "I hope my fans will respect other skater's concentration and my own when cheering for me". The context is everything. Again, you only spoke about what I felt, but I am asking you to think about how others might have felt: Yuzuru himself, other skaters. Plus, you said something that is upsetting: it's not the diehard fans who go to non-ISU competitions like ACI. It's the fans who can afford it. Big difference. For example, I was lucky enough to win a ticket for Saitama and be in Japan during the WC of 2019, so I went and I cheered. When Nathan's score was announced, I felt like booing. I was so disappointed. Booing at the judges of course, not at poor Nathan who did a great job. But I couldn't, because I had to think about other people's (Nathan's) feelings. And booing is not the same as cheering, but... come on, I don't have to repeat myself. Yuzuru has been recently, in more than one competition, visibly irritated by some behaviors that went over the line. One other thing, in Helsinki 2017 during the winning ceremony, there was an Italian lady screaming "Yuzuru! Look over here! I love you!" again and again and the desperation that I could hear in her voice was just a little... well, no. That is not the kind of support that Yuzuru needs, that is just obsession and do you really think Yuzuru doesn't feel the difference? I know it's annoying and you don't wanna hear it, but... this is just what I think at the end of the day. You are free to disagree and I don't want you to be ashamed, I just want people to think a little bit more about context.
  15. Actually the content of this interview, we already kinda got snippets of it... I think I got the main sense out of most phrases but I don't feel confident translating it, although I can say some things. He first talks about the protocols a bit (only the Free's I think), the fact that the two 4T's got UR calls felt "painful" to him, even though he knows that he couldn't do 4Loop and 4Salchow well. Then he said that the 3Lutz had all the rotations to it and the entry was the shortest he could come up with, but then I didn't get how he felt about the score he got. He kinda repeats that he has to skate clean and skating clean is the most important thing, even if he does it in practice, he has to do it in competition. Because if not skating clean, the score will not be the one he wants, it will not be there. Then they talk about "Sutokku" and I have no idea what they mean?? hahahaha. But then he goes to talk about GOE and how winning thanks to high GOE's is his type of skating, but he realized that he cannot only win with that thanks to last year's World Championships. He talks a bit about his style of skating, and then they ask him about ranking and I remember for sure that we got some translations about this part of the interview. I think he says that first the important thing about ranking is that he is able to be in competitions without any problems (injuries). And then they go on and talk about the 4A and how hard is it to land it, and how risky is it to practice it... he sounds very serious during all the interview, he must have been very pissed about his scores - not saddened, not angry at himself I think... pissed at whoever URed his clean 4T's probably lol.
  16. Not sure if that gets qualified as "spin out of nowhere" but one of my favourite spins from Yuzuru is the second one in Scriabin's Etude's SP, which I think is a back scratch sit spin. He enters it pretty suddently after few running steps on the ice and fits the dramatic accent of the music perfectly. Love it love it love it. Btw random consideration, and I know we've already talked about this but I think it needs a little bit more talking: I was thinking I didn't watch a lot of ACI fancams of this year so I watched the 6 minutes warm up of the FS and... wow, I was surprised and not in a good way. Honestly, at first I empathize and then I find it funny, but after a while, knowing how Yuzuru might feel, I don't find it funny anymore. All that screaming is just rude and nonsense, has nothing to do with sport and our supposed respect for him. I think that we all should settle down a bit and help other fans settle down as well. Somehow I also think that ACI is always a different competition because there is free seating, so people don't pay +300 dollars to sit in front. I somehow think that in other competitions, being that the viewers are more 'selected' and the atmosphere is more serious, there will never be so much losing control. Or so I hope. I think we should seriously start considering that so much hyping might be hurting him a little. People were screaming at him just for passing by. That's not okay, imo. We're not 2 years old anymore. Two cents shared, I'm out.
  17. I signed. Did you make this petition yourself? I also shared on the Italian Skating Group on facebook.
  18. Sì la injury dell'anno scorso anche per me è stata particolarmente triste perché ero appena stata mollata in maniera bruschissima dal mio ex quindi ho guardato il FS della Rostelcom con un'assenza di voglia di vivere e negatività verso tutto assurda HAHAHA. Eppure Yuzuru comunque era riuscito a farmi provare un po' d'amore pattinando così energicamente come ha fatto. Invece quella ancora prima, prima delle Olimpiadi, maaaaadre mia quanto stavo in ansia penso anche di aver pianto, cosa che non succederebbe più di questi tempi penso perché me lo aspetto troppo che si faccia male di nuovo (il che vuol dire che forse è la stagione buona che non succeda più)... Comunque vedrai che se pattinerà pulito come sa pattinare lui, al momento giusto, non potranno penalizzarlo più di troppo. ACI di quest'anno è stato un caso talmente assurdo che sarà palesemente isolato. L'ISU non è stupida e tutti hanno sentito quanto scandalo ha mosso il suo giudizio. E comunque è così che lui vuole vincere: obbligandoli tutti a dargli 10 in tutto con una prestazione paranormale. E lo farà, sto aspettando quando lo farà, ma ne sono sicura.
  19. Male male, vuol dire che non hai ascoltato abbastanza a ripetizione le interviste di Max! Regà io ci sto per forza al GPF, volevo fare la volontaria ma per lavoro temo che non potrò proprio permettermi una settimana di ferie (ferie per cosa poi, lavorare da schiava come volontaria come feci a Milano, no thanks LOL). Comunque comprerò i posti più sfigati possibili per vedere il Free e forse lo Short??
  20. Mmmh... screaming at the end of a performance is natural and wanted, to lift the skater's tension. Screaming after a jump element has been landed has a positive result as well. Screaming when the skaters are introduced is natural as well. But screaming in any other occasion is rude, period. You can see in Yuzuru's reaction to some "moments" the fan had in different competitions, he feels embarassed for them and for the other skaters he is competing with. Don't underestimate Japanese pride. If his fans do something that is not polite, he will take the responsability for it. During the 6-minute warm up, for example, everyone is doing the jumps so it's okay to incite everyone and react to good jumps. Reacting to first costume reveal? I get it, but reacting with screams every time Yuzuru pulls off a layer of clothing? Damn rude. For him, as well. He is not a model for us to watch. He is an athlete and wants to be treated as such. I compare that to whistling to someone on the street. And the thing that happened this year at ACI, when Yuzuru pointed to the other skater that had just finished the RT... if I had been in the Arena, I would have felt ashamed. And I am sure Yuzuru felt that way too. I repeat myself, do not underestimate Japanese sense of duty, humility and respect for other people. Yuzuru, in particular, personally has these values very dear to him.
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