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Posts posted by Anni

  1.  Many thanks for the updates.  :happy:


    5 hours ago, BWOZWaltz said:

    I'm crying ... : tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: Yuzu finally finished his thesis for the university.


    Wow ....Congratulations to Yuzu.  I’m so happy for him.  :heartpound:



    5 hours ago, IceWings said:

    Here's a quick translation of the segment. Congrats Yuzu!! 



    This sounds really interesting. So proud of Yuzu. :tumblr_inline_nhkezmYSxk1qid2nw:




  2. 16 minutes ago, Yuzu_legend said:

    Yuzu officially launched the program about an hour ago. A dear Japanese friend translated it for me and I want to share it with you: 

    “In 2020 the world has changed. But slowly everyone is moving forward. Although we are physically separated, we want to unite in our hearts and move forward. My first step, and your first step, could be a step forward in changing someone's tomorrow. So here we are now, it's not the 43rd, but it's the first time in this "new normal" era - 24 hour TV, "Moving", starts now. "


    : tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: beautiful words!!! : tumblr_inline_nhkezmYSxk1qid2nw:


    Many thanks for sharing  :img_20:

    : softYuzu:

  3. 7 hours ago, yuzuangel said:



    His smile : img_21: 



    6 hours ago, Fay said:

    Right, is there any glimmer of hope that he could tell us something we didn't hear? : D. 


    His new programs would be interesting  : wink2:

  4. 12 hours ago, Fay said:

    : smiley-laugh021:: smiley-laugh021:: smiley-laugh021:



    lol  :giggle:



    15 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Oh God. I'm struggling to achieve even one of these ...: tumblr_inline_n2pjd9Lx401qdlkyg:


    Me too.  : S.


    15 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:

     So happy to see him again after so long! : img_20:



    Yes  : tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:


    I'm looking forward to the new video tomorrow. : happy0065:

    Maybe he'll show us a plank exercise    : 68468287:



    1 hour ago, sweetwater said:

    An excerpt from the interview

    Looks like he's wondering if the world is going to die. He said he heard about wearing masks as often as possible and disinfecting things as often as possible. He also says that he heard that it works every day now.


    Thanks for sharing and for your translation.

    What a nice start to  the day : Love:

  6. Vor 4 Stunden sagte Melodie:

    Crumbs? : peekapooh:


    PS: The white wall is back in full force. I think that means we all get up at dawn, yeah? : Grinsen:


     Ahh ... Yuzu 💕





    Vor 1 Stunde sagte Sallycinnamon:

    Yuzu will be on 24/7 TV this weekend : smiley-happy093:




    AND :





    : clapclap4: : Loveshower:





    Interview with Koshiro Shimada






    And of course, I have great respect for Yuzuru Hanyu, both in terms of technology and the spirit of the athlete. I'm playing games together, but I think that it's good if something like that that can't be expressed in those words will come to me in the future because the aura is completely different.


    Google translator


  8. On 8/17/2020 at 9:30 AM, IULIANA said:

    Welcome and don't worry about your English skills, they are fine, the planet is a known place, you will see! We are all here to share pain and bliss!



    On 8/17/2020 at 12:56 AM, Hope_and_Legacy said:


    Hello too and very nice to meet you! : 665e343793b9:I have your own decisions for Yuzu very much as I am sure and know that he is ours. And don't worry about your English! 

    Would it give you something like you heard from Yuzu? I always like to hear stories, but no pressure. Thank you! : tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:




    .... I'm actually relatively new too, don't have much right to say hello, but I think I'm so extra ...: Laugh:



    Thank you for the warm welcome : img_20:




    Oh my english is not perfect. Maybe I can write it in my mother tongue to make me feel better. I hope it's okay



    Google translator



    I've been watching Yuzu for a while, but mostly just admired his performance at Eurosport. Last year I saw a video from R & J on Youtube and got more curious about Yuzu and have lurked here. He is really a very humble person, despite his successes, who always impresses me.. : loveeyes:


    I don't know much about the ISU grading system. That's why I always find it sad to read that he was often underestimated, even though his skating looks so beautiful. Seimei & Chopin are one of my favorite performances .: Heart:



     This is my first off-season. Many of you already know. It's tough. : SaD4: I hope we hear something new from him soon.






  9. 1 hour ago, FlyingCamel said:


    And yes, Believe is an amazing underrated exhibition ... I really like Story too !!  








    3 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:



    1 hour ago, FlyingCamel said:

    Welcome!! 🥰 ❤️


    Thank you so much :tumblr_inline_mto5i3wxFW1qid2nw:

  10. Evgeni Rukavitsin: The risk of going for quad axel is not justified when it costs only 12.5 points. But Hanyu will try it anyway.


    Yuzuru Hanyu, in particular, is trying, good luck to him. But the risk of going for this element with its cost of 12.5 points is not justified. Yuzuru will certainly go for it anyway, he is in his own league, and moves figure skating forward, contrary to any rules. He will go for it just to test himself. But still – not at the Olympic Games! Even he won’t risk there.






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