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Posts posted by azelais

  1. 23 minutes ago, Geo1 said:


    That’s the HATE-NAVI video in March 2014 showing Yuzu’s popularity and, amongst other things, visiting an animation school to demonstrate how Yuzu has the same proportions as anime characters, right? One of my favourite videos!


    Is it still around?

    If you find the link to the video, please send it to me!! That sounds hilarious. :xD:

  2. 1 hour ago, watermelonda said:

    Honestly I think all this speculation about Brian and Yuzuru and the coaching team is pointless. Yuzuru knows what he is doing and if he was upset he would find a way to make the changes that he wants to see. As fans, it's not really our place to dissect everything Brian says and does and make opinions on it. I think we should just try to be as positive as possible and support Yuzuru by not placing pressure on his coaches/team. Saying that there does seem to be proof that he lurks, I don't think it would make him happy to see us gossiping about all of this. 

    Proof that who lurks? Yuzu? What kind of proof? :o

  3. 1 hour ago, Crow said:

    Not sure if it was posted but 

    Straight to the heart :2011112318014775d:


    “We used to worry about his health, but now he worries about ours." So sweet.  :softYuzu:
    Does anyone have the full article translated?
  4. 38 minutes ago, Geo1 said:


    At about 3:05 of this making of CM for Ghana chocolates, this exact point is being demonstrated. Yuzu is coming back to the makeup person and saying basically, “There’s no point, right? The wax has melted because of the sweat. (The makeup person interjects: “The foundation, too.”) Yes, the foundation, too. My lip (gloss) as well.”




    Does anyone know if this video's been translated? 

  5. 1 hour ago, memae said:

    Rewatching Sochi FS while I wait for my hair to dry and had to pause after the 4S fall because apparently I still get worked up and nervous for Yuzu even though I know every step (figuratively speaking and puns all round) in this skate of this program like the back of my hand. 

    I still gasp and get anxious whenever I watch his old programs too, lol. Even ones where I know he skated perfectly and broke the world record like H&L 2017.

  6. 1 hour ago, MeowZu said:

    To those who are going to Montreal, do you have masks? I am not going but I can buy online for you guys. This is my little way of helping everyone out for Yuzu. 


    In this regard, are there any Filipino Fanyus going? Can I send the masks through you? 

    Ah, my roommate and I are going but we hadn’t thought of buying masks... How hard is it to get them online?

  7. With the size of the Japanese figure skating fan base and the amount of excellent Japanese figure skaters in recent years, why doesn’t Japan have more sway with the ISU? Japanese skaters seem like they’ve been more successful than American skaters in the past few years, and Japan certainly has a larger FS fan base, but seems to have less power?


    (Side note that I’m a pretty new figure skating fan so I might be totally off base here)

  8. 2 hours ago, micaelis said:

    As far as Yuzu, I'm quite sure they've kept him wrapped up in every protection they can implement.  One thing we should be thankful for is that Yuzu doesn't need to fly to get there.  Montreal is within easy driving distance of Toronto (roughly six hours and no jet lag) so his travel to there can be as protected as possible.

    Ah, I didn't even think about Yuzu having asthma and being likely more susceptible to it... 

  9. Just now, Henni147 said:

     It's the same with Seimei at MOI. It was just otherworldly - especially with the epic backward crossrolls. I can't help, but Seimei feels somehow incomplete without them. Imo it's an integral part of the choreo, the atmosphere and the whole body language of Seimei.

    Seeing Seimei with the backward crossrolls has almost ruined seeing it without it for me. :headdesk: It’s still beautiful of course, but the backward crossrolls fit so perfectly into the performance it makes me sad when they’re missing.

  10. Side note, but does anyone else love when Yuzu messes up a little during shows/exhibitions? Not big mistakes or while competing obviously, but it’s always fun seeing him be a little amused by messing up a spin or something.

  11. Just now, watermelonda said:

    I know right.....watching Yuzuru's free skate and the quad lutz...I couldn't breathe for a second LOL

    I totally understand what you mean x.x My heart was beating so hard I thought it'd fly out of my chest lol


    On the flip side, watching him skate up to the podium (including the bit where he did the SEIMEI choreography lol so extra), get his medal, and play with the plushie live was awesome!

  12. 2 hours ago, amylance1215 said:

    In case you haven't found it. It looks like the Amazon version has an extra cover so it's a limited edition. 


    Wow, the detail work on those costumes is so gorgeous. I hope he donates them to a museum or something one day, like how Adam Rippon donated his Pyeongchang FS outfit to the Smithsonian. Would love to see them up close in person!!

  13. 45 minutes ago, Geo1 said:


    Yuzu is too strong and too self-reliant to ever consider a therapist. No one has to tell Yuzu what he needs to do and he would never listen anyway. I always trust him when facing a new challenge and he never disappoints me, regardless of the result. Yuzu is one extremely intelligent, tough, and resilient young man!

    Ahh, I know he wouldn't :13877886: Perfectionism just isn't always the mentally healthiest mindset someone can have, and I worry about him. I'm glad he's reconnecting with his skating and feels genuine support from his fans though!! :smiley-happy105:

  14. 6 hours ago, rubyblue said:

    Here's the next part of this long and touching interview after JNats, translated by the great team from Axel With Wings. It will never cease to amaze me how he's been able not to lose any of his genuineness in such conditions he's been dealing with for many years.


    I hate sad Yuzu :sadPooh:whenever I watch interviews of him like this, all I can think is someone please make sure this boy has a therapist...

  15. 1 minute ago, Geo1 said:


    Welcome to the Planet! How did you become a fan of Yuzu?

    I've been a very casual fan of figure skating for a long time, but mostly only women's singles. I grew up in an area with no rinks but I always wanted to learn to skate, so as soon as I moved to a bigger city with rinks I immediately enrolled in lessons. That led to me joining r/figureskating, which led to me seeing Yuzu skating, which led to Yuzu interviews, and now I'd die for this precious man :laughing: 

  16. Hi! I just made an account here. Started loving Yuzu about a month ago, bought last minute tickets to worlds (could only afford men's free skate day asdjkasf), and oh god I'm in too deep. I've been lurking here for a while, but nice to meet you all! :wave:


    Side note, does anyone happen to have a gif of the forward cross rolls in SEIMEI from PC or the delayed axel in Notte Stellata I could set as my profile pic? <3

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