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Posts posted by azelais

  1. 3 hours ago, FlyingCamel said:





    Man that video is such a wild ride. We got:

    - Alex Shibutani ripping off his long black pants to reveal... more long black pants

    - Yuzu in a tutu and hairbow (?)

    - Meryl Davis absolutely popping off + her hair looks fantastic

    - Yuzu doing a round off then almost running over Alex, who is sliding across the ice on his belly

    - Yuzu doing a split, flailing around a little, then sitting up crosslegged on the ice

    - Yuzu dancing in weird black/grey shorts while Meryl is spinning around, plus bonus Yuzu cantilever

    - Meryl beating Yuzu in the dance contest, and Yuzu responding by angrily taking off his shirt and throwing it to the ground? While Meryl pushes him around?


    2012 was truly a different time


  2. I feel like they're keeping 4A BV low in the same way that the International Gymnastics Federation set the value of Simone Biles' new moves low to dissuade her and other gymnasts from doing them for "safety reasons."


    The words of Simone, "Am I in a league of my own? Yes. But that doesn’t mean you can’t credit me for what I’m doing," apply heavily to Yuzu too :hihi:

  3. 12 minutes ago, Dreamer said:

    well, Yuzu is such a superstar...I think I read somewhere that there was backstage footage of him sipping a drink....and fanyus were happy with the footage



    I think I've seen that somewhere too. Maybe that Australian podcast about Fanyuism? 


    I just like reminders that he's real and human! :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

  4. 38 minutes ago, Veveco said:


    Here! :67638860:



    Ahh that's so cute!! Yuzu truly is a man of many talents. :clapclap4:


    I went and watched more of the interview in the link and it was interesting hearing him talk about wishing the road was ice so he could move faster. I started skating as an adult and frequently think the same thing! :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp: 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Dreamer said:


    'Even his ears'.   In a talk show, Yuzu showed that yes, he can move his ears!!!

    Too amazing, but not for Yuzu...he is indeed uniquely made by God:devilYuzu:

    Ahh really?? Do you know what talk show? I wanna see! :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:

  6. 3 hours ago, barbara said:

    That slim, lean body is all muscle.  Even his ears.  We rarely see photos of his back or his bare legs - but his back is a stunning assembly of muscle and his knee caps have their own muscles.  Enviable - though he has worked on all of them for 20 years.


    I was shocked when I saw that pic of him in shorts with Plushenko. Even his knees look so muscled!! Plus that video of him taking off his shirt after a dance competition (?) with Meryl Davis showing him having like a six pack, and I think he's gotten stronger since then. Insane power in such a tiny body. 


    3 hours ago, Fay said:



    Ahh I'd love to hear Yuzu's hydroblade tips, his is so nice. I've been trying (or, was trying) to do one for months but can't get down far enough :yuck:


    Can anyone translate what he was saying while teaching them to hydroblade? At 3:23? 

  8. 3 minutes ago, SitTwizzle said:

    I find it very interesting that nearly nine years after, he still considers this moment (White Legend) the "birth of him as a skater", as this program was meant to be then (a swan losing its juvenile darker feathers).

    If as a person, he was still a teenager then (the wisest and most reliable teenager of course), and I feel he became a "full fledged man" (as he declared himself to be) only last season, as a skater he was already an adult.

    How clear-sighted of him, as usually one is less aware of one's own situation.


    And I am so, so grateful for such a beautiful video, which must have required so many hours thoughtful preparation, and will certainly be enjoyable many, many times!

    Water for the drought, a good refreshing rain, yes!

    (Though by the end, I confess I was so excited as to imagine he could unveil the start of one of his new programs. 0:))


    Yuzuru Sama, if you happen to read this, thank you, thank you, thank you! :SunFace:


    Ahh, I didn’t even think while watching it that he might include the start of one of his new programs. I would’ve lost my mind!!


    Of course he will remain as mysterious as possible until competition time :tumblr_inline_mfy92hO4sm1qid2nw:

  9. He's the ultimate king of avoiding giving out personal information. JSF says make a video in quarantine? Nah, don't talk about new programs or 4A, just show everyone programs they've already seen! :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


    Not that I'm complaining!! It's awesome seeing him do all the program openings. :tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:

  10. 13 minutes ago, FlyingCamel said:


    Ahhh I love it!!!


    It's so interesting to see how he translated ice movements to on the floor, like R&J's back crossovers after the opening. Plus the hair!! And lol at Chopin being standing there unmoving, rolling his head, and gracefully exiting stage left. 


    Also, Parisienne Walkways  :13877886:

  11. 4 minutes ago, mercedes said:

    Is it Yuzuru Hanyu from China moment?😂


    anyjow I woke up early too and I didn’t understand why....guess my Yuzuru senses are awake too Lol

    come on JSF deliver already!!!

    Yes! He had such a good reaction. I remember she also read off Shoma as being from China, and when she correctly read Jin Boyang from China he clapped haha 


    The anticipation is killing me!!


  12. 13 hours ago, Fay said:

    Someone on the reddit came up with this - thank you whoever made it! 


    I love this so much! They did such a great job at shortening the program, taking out mostly small bits that are hard to catch while keeping the feel of the program intact. I'm sad the change of edge spread eagle at 3:21 was taken out and the really low extended leg sit spin portion of the last spin, but I understand why they were cut. I like the really quick pivot at 1:38! It didn't really seem to save any time, but it looks cool. Also, wow, it's amazing how little time he had to recover from the 3F. He landed, took a breath, and went straight into the spin. Awesome!

  13. On the subject of the Olympics, Canada has withdrawn their athletes, and today an IOC member stated they would be postponed likely until 2021. Hopefully Yuzu can be involved with the torch ceremony then?


    It’s definitely the right choice, but I feel so awful for the athletes. So many of them train to peak at the Olympics, or plan to retire right after the games, and this will totally throw them off. The podiums at a 2021 Olympics will definitely be different than they would’ve been at 2020.

  14. Unrelated, but does anyone else just LIVE for that moment in PC SEIMEI right after the last lutz when Yuzu kinda breaks character and just starts smiling and laughing? He looks so happy and so in to it and like he’s having so much fun!! I go back and watch that part of the skate really frequently because there’s so much joy in it. It’s my favorite part of any of his skates because he looks so purely happy. :devilYuzu:

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