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Posts posted by azelais

  1. Crazy idea, but I wonder if he's tried 4A with rippon? It seems to work well for the Russian girls and getting an extra little boost on their quads. Plus a 4A rippon would just be insanely cool.


    Has he ever done 3A with rippon?

  2. Wow, it's crazy that he's never landed it but still almost took it to worlds. I wonder if he thought the pressure might make him anime-protagonist whip it out at the last moment? 


    34 minutes ago, barbara said:

    And also indicates just how much he could benefit from spending time with his jump coach (Ghislain).  If he can almost get it landed smoothly, then Ghislain can help him over the hump and the Yuzu can practice his 4A 1000 times landing it safely.


    I completely agree! I hope he hasn't convinced himself that he's fine training alone and doesn't need assistance... Sure he probably can self-train better than the vast majority of skaters, but I feel like having a coach's assistance would be immensely helpful. I hope he can go back to Canada soon.

  3. 1 minute ago, LAY said:

    If he manage to land 4A successfully at Olympics, give him gold! Some said its easier to land 5T than 4A because of the forward take off and keeping axis stable in the air while rotating.


    I wouldn't be too surprised if this was the case. I know Trusova initially started trying to learn 3A before realizing it was easier to learn quads instead, and I've heard other skaters of all levels talk about how doubles/triples/quads are easier than single/double/triple axels. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    So does Yuzu (and the rest of Team Japan) have to quarantine when they get back to Japan? If so, WTT is out of the question for them, no? It'll have to be a whole different team. 




    I'm pretty sure Yuzu mentioned in some interview in the past few days that he plans to quarantine. Not sure which interview though or if he mentioned how long he'd be in quarantine.

  5. I'd just like to point out how insanely impressive it is that Yuzu did as well as he did yesterday. Yuzu was one of the oldest men's skaters there with one of the longest careers, has had multiple major injuries, spent the past year-ish coaching himself, performed an insanely complex and difficult program with multiple ultra-c elements, and finished 4th in the long program and 3rd overall while on the verges of an asthma attack. That's insane!! Any one of those would be impressive, but what other skater could do all of that while also having trouble breathing! 


    Sure, Yuzu didn't win yesterday. But my god that doesn't make him any less impressive.



  6. 11 minutes ago, Melodie said:


    On his 4A :) 


    Also, I LOL that question about retirement.





    Lmao that interviewer just flat out asked him rather than playing around it, even he thought that was funny.


    I'm glad to see how much confidence he has in his general skating improvement. It's amazing that he's (presumably) sacrificing training for non-4A things and still doing so well in competition. 


    As much as I want to watch him skate forever and still think he's incredibly competitive for gold in any competition he's in, part of me hopes he lands it cleanly and can retire to rest his body.... god knows he's gonna have chronic pain and health issues for the rest of his life, and as someone with (non-sport but still joint and muscle related) chronic pain, I know how absolutely exhausting that is. 

  7. 49 minutes ago, Yuzurella said:


    And yet Yuzu got his second Olympic gold medal against all odds.


    I seriously don't get it. What could possibly be the ISU's reasoning to push out established skaters with large fan bases? Any other sports federation would thank the universe for having athletes who successfully compete over many years and are very popular. After all, they are the ones who draw in people and money.


    The ISU should worship the ground Yuzu walks on and send prayers of thanks to the universe for giving them such a unique, precious star in Yuzu. Instead, they treat him like dirt. I wonder if they're really so delusional and disengaged from reality that they seriously believe that once Yuzu should decide to leave, they will continue to have as many people who are willing to pay all that money and go to watch competitions.


    I feel like they realize that figure skating is a sport where athletes have a generally short "lifespan", and they're trying to find a way to replace him with someone else before he retires naturally?? They're trying to hold on to the money but instead just pushing it further away. 

  8. Sad, but really the best decision. I was getting nervous thinking about him going to any competitions. Even if there's not been any really conclusive links between COVID and asthma (at least not that I've seen), I hate the idea of him getting sick and suffering from even more lung problems. Very smart of him to recognize how some fans will go to see him regardless of health risk.


    Hopefully we'll see him in next year's GP... yuzu please don't leave us yet

  9. 3 hours ago, suihan said:

    Hello everyone. I hope it is okay to post here.
    I am making Yuzu enamel pins and crowdfunding my project on Kickstarter. It might be of interest to you so please check it out, thank you! :snonegai:
    Link: https://t.co/HUgJVWHe1m?amp=1


    I saw your posts on reddit and loved your pins!! I just donated to kickstarter, I can't wait to see how they turn out :tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:

  10. 10 minutes ago, holina said:

    My ring tone is Haru yo koi!  It’s also my alarm tone (so, I wake up every day to the calming and hopeful tune of this song :softYuzu:)


    Whenever I hear my alarm songs they immediately fill me with irrational rage and hatred haha, I couldn't ruin a Yuzu song like that! 

  11. Which Yuzu skate do you guys rewatch the most? I always find myself rewatching 2017 Worlds Hope & Legacy for obvious reasons (specifically I like this video because it cuts out the cheering and stuff so it's just him and the music <3 ) and 2018 PC Seimei for its power, history, and that part after the last jump where Yuzu breaks character and is just smiling while he skates. :devilYuzu:

  12. 6 hours ago, micaelis said:

    Sometimes forgetting something is required to remember a more important something.


    Yuzu's moveslots were full, he had to forget 2A to learn 3A. Yuzu is a pokemon confirmed! :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

  13. 52 minutes ago, FlyingCamel said:

    Well he has won 100% gold in Finland competitions (WC2017, GP Helsinki, Finlandia 2012, Finlandia 2013) so yes you can bet he loves Finland a lot X)


    Happened to chance across this VERY old video of Yuzu... all the way back when he was doing single jumps lol


    And wow he already seemed like an ambitious child then! The way he raised the trophy haha



    Ahh, it's crazy to watch that and think that kid stumbling on singles would one day be the GOAT of men's figure skating.


    I wonder if the next decade's figure skating champion's parents are uploading videos like this to facebook or anything right now...

  14. 2 hours ago, barbara said:

    I love how the entries and exits are detailed in this video - we can really see how 1)exquisite and difficult Yuzu's jumps are and 2)how insanely underscored he is - even compared to the next closest skaters.  No one skates a complete, difficult FULL program like Yuzuru does.


    Honestly Yuzu's entries and exits are probably the single most stand-out thing to me about his skating style. It's what first attracted me to him as a skater in the first place. I hate when skaters take forever to set up a jump - it always feels jarring in the context of the music and totally ruins the immersion and flow of the rest of the program. Of course, I understand that jumps are an immense athletic effort and require some sort of set up, but the way Yuzu does them makes them feel more like part of the choreography and expression of the music rather than just something shoehorned in there. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, EternalSpin said:




    We've lost something precious today: our ignorance. :sadPooh:


    Unrelated, but is there anyway to view the little descriptions of each result without just taking the test over and over? I know you can see what all the possible results are and what percentage of people got them by scrolling down, but I'm curious on what each result's description is. 

  16. I got THAT Olympic practice (aka the one where he just did singles plus one (1) 3A). Very fitting because I saw a video of that practice and thought it was amusing before I even became a Yuzu fan!

    On the other hand, because of this quiz I have in my google search history "yuzuru hanyu sp*rm tweet" and now I want to die. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, Geo1 said:


    It would be interesting to see what would happen if Yuzu ripped off his shirt and went bare chested at an ice show now...


    Absolute pandemonium. Hundreds of people screaming, probably a few crying. Gifsets for days. Everyone clamoring for the highest quality fancam of it. If he does something really spicy like throw the shirt into the audience, it either gets A) ripped apart, B) sold on ebay for thousands of dollars, or C) cherished as a family heirloom for generations. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

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