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Posts posted by meoima

  1. 1 hour ago, xeyra said:


    This was from 22th February which was 4 days ago. He was being dramatic and worried about his ankle. Today he said it’s his best moment of his life. So don’t panic yet. He will take time to heal his ankle as he has repeated that over and over again.

  2. 3 hours ago, LadyLou said:

    I've read some comments about that interview on Twitter and they were reading his words in the negative way, but I don't know Chinese so I can't give a first-hand interpretation myself. Thank you for posting this tho, at least I can have an idea of what Zhao was saying.:thanks:

    I thought he had singled out Yuzuru and talked about reputation scoring but apparently the whole interview was about what Yuzuru represents and what he does, so to me it feels better than I thought.

    That gold is Yuzuru's to lose has honestly been a constant the whole quad and when there were doubts gold could be his was merely because of him being injured or "mentally weak" and not because there really was a better all-round skater. When healthy, he is always regarded as the one to beat. So in that sense Zhao is right. But imo it isn't true that judges are always ready to give him gold, otherwise things like 4cc and COR silver would not have happened, and he would have got a higher WR in Helsinki and he would have got a SP WR in PyeongChang, too, just like Med got her WRs at WTT last year despite technically more flawed skates that her previous WR,  and P/C got a WR at Euros despite sloppier twizzles. Or some of Javi's scores at Euros in the past few seasons too. That's what I'd call "judges like you and they want to give you gold". Imo judges like the skates Yuzuru produces, more than Yuzuru himself, so when he produces great skates, that's what they reward. It is usually enough to make him win, but that's kind of a collateral result :biggrin: 

    Also, I 'm still kind of surprised when people puts consistency and Yuzuru Hanyu in the same sentence. The narrative has been the opposite for such a long time, it's astonishing how a single competition can change people's perspective :laughing: ( though the inconsistency talk was in western media, Idk if it was the same in China)


    The interviewer sounds quite hyped about Yuzuru, so I understand why Zhao want to defend their system downplaying him a bit. It's likely he doesn't know that Yuzuru studies human ergonomics so his interest and knowledge about e.g. body and its movements isn't only that of an amateur, tho he isn't a professional either. And Zhao is right about choreo, music and costumes, Yuzuru is involved in those but he doesn't do everything alone, and he wants to be involved because skating isn't just something he does to win medals. He loves figure skating and wants his programs to reflect his own vision.  Tbh that Zhao repeats many times that yuzuru does more than other skaters because he loves skating is quite a thing tbh it could almost sounds as if he's implying some of his skaters lack the same committment...:animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:  but this is just my impression from the translation:)

    If you notice, all the winners at Olympics this time got World records. Aliona/Bruno. Then both V/M and P/C. Both Zhenia and Alina. They all have World records either in the short or in the free.

    Only Yuzuru didn’t get World record. And Hao is thinking the judges are ready to give Yuzuru the gold? Isn’t that too much. Had they really wanted him, they would have scored him like 113 or 114 in the short. 

    Frankly, judging from NBC’s investment in IOC, I would say the word records were supposed for Nathan. 

  3. 8 hours ago, LadyLou said:

    I'd say 3Lo is Zhenya's specialty, but I don't see 3Lo there and I'm honestly surprised :shrug: if she hasn't got any +3 on that, than it's a pity, she has a very fine 3Lo:smiley-love017:

    tbh I'm still LOL about all those stsq lv3 Yuzuru got:laughing:

    kuyashii kuyashii, Seimei stsq4 was just not meant to be...

    oh wait, I made a nice rhyme:P


    Anyway, a few days ago I think I've seen floating somewhere on twitter the pic of a jpn newspaper comparing Yuzuru's and Shoma's FS. I'm not sure what I was reading, since I can't read Japanese:tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:but I watched the pictures and the numbers and it looked like they measured the speed, the average speed and ice coverage and there were also drawings of the skating patterns. From what I could understand it looked like Shoma was slighly faster and covered something like 100m more, which tbh I might believe, since Yuzuru was still nursing an injured ankle and also he has more transitions, so of course they can account for a bit of slowing down (I know that in other events Yuzuru was much faster, but he wasn't skating on painkillers on still injured ankle:tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:)

    I haven't seen any debate about that, so I was wondering if I misunderstood the article or if maybe the newspaper wasn't reliable... (as I can't read japanese, I have no idea what newspaper it was:13877886:)

    Yuzuru was really fast during step sequence and choreographic sequence, I was like: please don’t rush please because whenever he rushed and skated too fast he tended to lose one level. Hence he got level 3 in the step sequence. It’s too fast so the turns he did were rushed, one or two might not be counted that’s why.

    And all these data don’t make sense if people do not take into account of the transitions and crossovers skaters do.

    For example, if we look in the fancam, Eteri girls are not fast. Their speeds are just so so but they’re getting the highest PCS score. It’s because they actually use the least amount of crossovers and they have packed transitions. My coach even says 3 more crossovers in a row is a crime. So there’s that too. It’s not how fast you are but how you gain speed, from the edge alone or from the crossovers.

    Yuzuru is the only guy along with Patrick Chan that I see they gaine huge speed during the step sequence alone, and you know the step sequence is consisted of the hardest group of turns. So there’s that. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Smultron said:

    I'm just so happy for Brian. Remember that recent interview where he was talking about his approach to coaching and the importance of skating skills and balance... And both of his students got medals :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: 


    Brian right now: “He wants the 4A? There goes my hair.” 

  5. QUOTING MYSELF HERE TO PROVE WHAT I SAID IN NOVEMBER. I told ya, years in this sport, I know the history.



    On 11/15/2017 at 9:41 PM, meoima said:

    It is not about whether you won WC the year before Olympic or not, it is the human mentality. When you win the biggest events right before the Olympic, you suffer the hype and the expectation from the media and your whole country if you're the star. 


    Usually, the reigning WCs or the GPF winners get a lot of hype before Olympic. Everyone expected them to do well at the Olympics, the attention can be over the top. In my opinion, that kind of attention and hype were not ideal.


    Evan was the reigning WC and GPF was an exception as the risk of a high BV layout plays a huge part as well. Evan did not jump quad at Vancouver, so the chance to mess up was very low. So overall the hype and attention on Evan were low... overall the less hype the better. 


    Attention and hype can be a double-edged sword. Too much pressure is very harmful. Yuzuru clearly felt that at Boston. And the Russian commentators at GPF 2015 nailed it so well, the God mentality (the pressure to repeat WR) is not easy to handle. People praised Yuna for her Vancouver performance, but not many people remember how she bombed totally at WC 2010 one month after that. People praised Yuna for skating clean at WS 2013 and Sochi (tight landings whatever) but in my opinion, avoiding GP was one of the reasons. At Sochi, even though under pressure as the reigning WC and Olympic champion, Yuna did not bear the highest expectation. She came back from injury so people who bet on her were not overwhelming, and Mao won all the events before that, so it somewhat calmed Yuna down too.


    I think as Yuzuru does not have to suffer the hype of GP series anymore, he will have more time to calm his mentality down and analyze what should be analyzed. Yes they will still pay attention to him as the reigning WC and Olympic Champion, but less hype from GP series is still somehow useful. Yuzuru will be fine. 




    On 11/11/2017 at 4:37 AM, meoima said:

    Just saying it might be one of the possibilities. For example 

    1994, Urmanov won by simplifying the layout. He turned 4T into 3T.

    1998, Kulik won by simplifying his programs

    2002, Yagudin won also by simplifying his layout

    2006, Plushenko simplified his layout 

    2010, Evan simplified his layout 

    2014, Yuzuru won not because of his BV, he scored the same with Patrick in the free (because both were messy), he won because his SP was cleaner (and, in a way, not doing 4T3T but 3lz3T for SP instead is also simplifying the layout). 



    So yeap... IF (just IF, because I don’t know the true context) Plushenko intentionally told NBC that Yuzuru only need 4T and 4S, he might have a point. 


    Of course I still expect Yuzuru to do all the quads he can if he recovers fast in time, because he wants that. Challenging is what he is. 


    And of course, I don’t rule out the % that Yuzuru will skate clean his 5 quads layout at the Olympic. So... fingers crossed.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Hanmgse said:

    We just can't know that. People say if he didnt have that short he would have won BUT if he skated well in his short he probably wouldn't have had that long because remember he said he was able to give that permornace because he had nothing to loose. Had he still be a contender things would have been different. 

    Let’s just make it simple as this: Had Yuzuru not been injured and skated well both SP and LP with his ideal layout (5 quads), he would have scored like 340 and the rest would eat dust. Nathan would be clean so what? 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Pamigena said:

    Puh-lease. Yuzu could figure out how to cure cancer with puppies, and there'd still be some saying "meh :dozey: would have been more impressive if he'd used kittens"

    I truly love their bitterness. So enjoying it lol

  8. Everyone, on facebook they have a praying circle, sending good thoughts to Yuzuru. I think we should do the same. The SP is finished but the free skate is the TRUE TRIAL.

    Someone on other forums is actually worried because Yuzuru also placed 1st in Boston but did badly in the free. I think this time it is not the case as Yuzuru seems to be much healthier and calmer. But still, we should hope for the best that he will pull through.


    This time, Yuzuru will skate before the other top guys at this Olympics. So PLEASE KEEP SENDING GOOD THOUGHTS TO YUZURU. It's not the 1st day of Lunar New Year anymore but it's still 2nd day of the Lunar New year, we people believe in miracle during 3 days of new year.


    We should do this: Send good thoughts to Yuzuru from then on. He will feel it. Yuzuru is a sensitive person, he can sense the energy from the audience. Please make it happen.

    This might sound superstitious but she did it and she believed it worked. 

    I only wish to see Yuzuru being happy on the ice. I wish all the good for him.


    We should all think for the best. Let's not forget, Seimei is the real trial and Yuzuru needs a lot of support to go through it. Do not worry. Think positively, think that he will be healthy in both body and mind. Trust Yuzuru Hanyu himself and think of all the best!


    Thank you, everyone.


  9. A great talk needed to be shared: 



    I feel like... Yuzuru is showing the happiness he feels to be on ice and skate for people again. He feels grateful to be supported and loved, and he feels the power of positivity. 
    I hope this power of positivity and calmness will speak up on ice in competition. Shizuka told Yuzuru to "Have Fun" instead of "Try your best", and he said yes. They both understand it. 
    After all the struggles Yuzuru has gone through the last 4 years, to have fun and enjoy the Olympics is the most important experience. That's what we should hope for him.


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