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Posts posted by meoima

  1. 1 minute ago, Fay said:

    Flipophobe in the technical panel? 

    Yes if you look at the protocol..

     the specialists might be like: "This freaking jump gave me so much headache when I was practicing it, I have to punish it as much as possible!!! Kill all the Flip!!"


    Yuzuru survives that lmao, only the ! So it's good... poor Javi he got e call for the Flip, Mai too. And their Flip have correct inside edge I am sure. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Serafine said:

    i saw the protocol. the first jump was 1Lz. Is it suppose to be 3Lz or 4Lz? :slinkaway:

    and it's been a while i saw ! on his 3F. 

    The technical specialist of this event hates the Flip. Everyone is getting e call for the Flip. Javi and Mai too. And I assure you their Flip edge are fine (it's their Lutz should get !) 

    I would say Yuzuru's flip is fine. There is no problem with it. The problem is the specialists hunt down all the Flip lol. If Yuzuru only gets ! For the flip here, he is perfectly fine everywhere.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Amura365 said:

    Yup that's exactly what I'm afraid of. Leave it to the Japanese media to make a big thing out of nothing. they will undoubtedly compare Shoma to Hanyu again. Shoma  will be heralded as the new savior of Japan by the Japanese media and they'll probably say something about how Hanyu disappoints again or that this is the year he'll be surpassed.:facepalm:

    Lol I am actually fine with that, Yuzuru will never care for the hype of Japanese especially when most of his time is in Toronto. Let Japanese media hype the unreliable status. 


    Yuzuru will win Olympic and they run after him like crazy. Been there done that.

  4. 3 minutes ago, the50person said:

    Sochi was a similar experience. Hope his team can find a way to overcome it.

    NHK 2015 and GPF 2015 have proven that he can do well both SP and LP cleanly and place first in both SP and LP... but he has to be the one who goes last.


    This time he skated 3rd again so his mentality might not be prepared enough. Oh well.. but he has to learn. No one is going to let him skate last every time.


    Strangely I am not mad at him, if it were me last year I would be like: "People better protect Hanyu or I might strangle him right now and feed him to my cat!!!!"


    But this year I am just: "It's Yuzuru, and his true nature will never change so... meh..."

  5. 8 minutes ago, the50person said:

    I am ok with less than desirable programs rn cos it's still early and it'll be a good motivator, the only thing that worries me is JP media, who are inevitably going to compare shoma's first outing with yuzu's, and may possibly harp on the fact that even though yuzu is reusing his programs, he still can't beat shoma yadayada and all that crap. otherwise, i'm not particularly concerned.

    If I were Japanese media Who are truly worried for Yuzuru I would be happy actually. The last time his LP scored this low was NHK 2014 and he won GPF 2 weeks after that with stellar performance. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, Forcefield said:


    I know Japan's excited and proud, but wow, the pressure. Hope he does well tomorrow because, well.



    It's the big screen at Shibuya, a very crowded downtown place in Tokyo... I feel a bit scared. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


    He really did. Guy I follow on Twitter who hates him even complimented it!

    FSuniverse people are complimenting Yuzuru and it scares me a bit as you know usually he doesn't exist in their eyes... 

  8. 8 hours ago, meoima said:

    If anything maybe a bad practice was just because of fatigue due to lack of training, as he skipped practice for several days, not because of his knee. Of course it's very rare for him to mess all jumps in a run through, it's still possible he will do perfect in competition.

    Quoting myself because I am a witch...

  9. 11 minutes ago, Xen said:

    before he took off his jacket, we did wonder why he had black glitter on his butt.....still, at least not janitor outfit.

    Tessa and Scott are on my list too. Their SD costumes hurt my eyes.

  10. 47 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

    It could also be that people are not used to Yuzu actually mentioning injuries before a competition, so they tend to assume it must be really bad for him to do that... And so rumors are born...

    I actually was ok with all the rumors flying around and thought they're false this and that but then I saw he messed the whole practice RT I got worried that those rumors might have some point. But again, they're anonymous and more likely they're troll. 


    If anything maybe a bad practice was just because of fatigue due to lack of training, as he skipped practice for several days, not because of his knee. Of course it's very rare for him to mess all jumps in a run through, it's still possible he will do perfect in competition.

  11. 9 minutes ago, vagusjw said:

    I'd take those words 0% :P (even if it might be true, it won't be them who gotta know) very probably antis wrote those to render fans in panic... they simply love to do so. I just watched the rt and yea landings are not in their best condition. Let's wait for the real deal and see. 

    Sometimes they're not so far from the event but yeah, even if he practice bad the whole year, what really counts is the time he competes so let he messes all he can in practice. Maybe he will have a flawless SP now that his practice is a mess.

  12. 6 minutes ago, vagusjw said:

    I know the forum you are referring to but I think it's just rumour. The 'pink forum' is anonymous where fans and antis co-exist and you don't recognise their identity. I don't think anyone on the forum gets info more than news out there that we all know, let alone speaking about insider. 

    I don't take their words as 100% but at the same time... it's kinda worrying right now when I saw his practice when he messed all 3 jump passes. Those folk's words were really bad. It's very rare to see this happens.

    but anyway he can still skate clean his SP who knows...

  13. 42 minutes ago, xeyra said:


    I wonder, though, if he spent one week resting it away from practice, does it still hurt now like it did...? 

    He just had the worst SP run through ever, messed up all 3 jump passes. It looks like his landing knee is not strong enough or so... I feel a bit worried of his knee. I truly hope that the Chinese anonymous forum words are fasle now.

  14. Just now, xeyra said:


    I wonder, though, if he spent one week resting it away from practice, does it still hurt now...?

    I guess he's still sore a bit. The Chinese so-called insider in the pink forum didn't say if he's still hurt or not, but their words were quite negative. So I won't quote it here. It seems they think his condition wasn't good. 

    That's why my friends were so worried to see his first practice. It's not his best but not a disaster so it's a relief.

  15. 33 minutes ago, xeyra said:

    I guess Brian is lowering expectations based on the fact Yuzu didn't have much practice these past several days so he's 'rusty'. And isn't doing 'hard' jumps. :facepalm:

    Chinese forum said Yuzuru skipped practice for like 1 week or so... maybe he still hit the gym to maintain his muscles who knows. But apparently his right knee is very important so it's not worth the risk of doing all the quad jumps. Hopefully it's just some light pain that will go away soon. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, sweetwater said:

    Update on his right knee from Asahi



    Rough translation of Yuzu related part:


    On September 21st (22th in JST,) figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu (ANA) participated in an open practice in the ice rink in Montreal, Canada where Autumn Classic International will be held. After the practice session, he revealed that he would not attempt 4Lo in this competition due to mild pain in his right knee. In the practice, he beautifully nailed 4T and 4S combination. Men’s SP will happen in 22nd.


    On his right knee, Hanyu said, “It hasn’t developed into a serious injury yet, but I am going to cut down on my right foot take-off jumps in order not to let it develop into serious one.” However, he is quite ambitious about other things. In FS he is planning to attempt two 3A and 3 quads in the second half. “As for the second half, I think this layout is the most difficult, and I want to nail all these jumps,” he said.


    Coach Brian Orser said that the quad Lutz is “part of our plan, our goal for this season.” About Hanyu’s condition, he said, “He is in the best shape ever. The pain (in his right knee) is a mild one. He doesn’t need to get treatment. However, in my experience, when you feel a pain, your body has something to tell you, so I decided to make him water down technically. He won’t attempt 4Lo. I think the pain was caused by fatigue from training.”


    ETA: I found many other translation already posted. Sorry for not having checked well.

    In short, he will do 3lz and 3lo at this competition due to slight pain in the right knee. Thank you very much for the translation.

  17. 22 minutes ago, Lunna said:

    Not good news today, but really hope Yuzu is wise enough now and listens to his body and coaches, thought I wouldn't be surprised if "simpler layout" = 4 quads and 2x3As.

    Yeah... as much as I want a program with only 1-2 quads from him, save his knee for a while please... but he's so extra... sigh...

  18. 6 minutes ago, xeyra said:


    Slight correction, Brian said that during the two days of media practice back in August. The magazines he said them to may only have come out or been translated in the past month or so but it's not like he's been saying that for the last four weeks. I agree pointing this out is helping adjust expectations, especially if Yuzu does bring in less quads than the ones on his 5-quad planned layout.

    Folks on Chinese anonymous forum (who claimed to know an insider at CC) indeed said Yuzuru's not in his best shape right now quite a while before the Japanese media. But it's like 2 Channel when everyone can hide their identity so there is no way to confirm it. 


    We shall see Yuzuru's watered down layout by practice tomorrow anyway. I will be very glad if we see less than 5 quads in the LP but maybe he will just skip some jumps so we can not tell his layout.

  19. 1 minute ago, xeyra said:


    You know, I was feeling fairly relaxed before this post, thinking everything was fine, it was a minor thing, and a strategy was worked out in advance. Now you're worrying me that Yuzu will just gung-ho and try his full layout. This is no longer reassuring! 

    Hopefully Yuzuru will take Orser's suggestion. That's all. It is just a senior B, no need to bring it all to a competition like this. I am not worried yet. 

  20. Just now, xeyra said:

    So, what shall we be seeing at ACI? What does a watered down layout mean for Mr. Hanyu?

    The point is will he reduce the difficulty because in the news quoting Orser, it was more of a suggestion from Orser, not Yuzuru's decision.

  21. 3 minutes ago, xeyra said:


    I thought Yuzu said his condition was so-so? And, yeah, Brian doing what Yuzu won't and just saying it like it is. So Yuzu really didn't practice for days to let his knee rest. Hopefully Yuzu does start out easier. You don't trifle with your right knee in figure skating. It may not make for a banging start of the season like he wanted but it's only ACI.

    What makes my friend puzzled is that, Orser told one media that Yuzuru's knee in pain. Then he told another media (In this case it's NHK) that Yuzuru's ok. And the English version of the news (Kyodo) quote Yuzuru saying he's ok. So what is happening there? Did Yuzuru tell Brian not to tell the media further? Will Yuzuru listen to Brian's suggestion and simplify his layout? We do not know if Yuzuru would listen to Brian's suggestion though. I hope he will.

  22. 13 minutes ago, xeyra said:


    Well, that was the old Yuzu. The new Yuzu is trying to take care of himself more and lack of training due to injury isn't exactly something you should hide.

    1) Yuzuru said he's ok with the media. It is in the news, the official English news also shows his quote that he says he's ok. He never told the media he had injury before competition.

    2) It's Brian Orser who told the media Yuzuru skipped practice due to knee pain

    3) It's also Brian who told the media he suggested Yuzuru to adjust the difficulty. 

    4) BUT in the same morning, Brian told NHK that Yuzuru is in ok condition. So maybe Yuzuru's team told Brian not to mention his knee anymore? We do not know.

    5) We do not know if Yuzuru would follow Brian's suggestion and reduce the difficulty. Will he? We do not know yet.


    BTW, Yuzuru indeed skipped practice at CC for several days.

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