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Posts posted by meoima

  1. 1 minute ago, yuzuangel said:

    Yeah Japan is historically rather xenophobic. It's admirable that Yuzu acknowledges his foreign fans and does so quite often; it shows he does care, but the language barrier perhaps makes it hard for him to truly understand them. 

    I think Yuzuru will tour Europe. I think money is not the case if he wants to. And he did say he would want to travel a lot and skate in many tours. He does not like staying in one place. I remember that interview vividly. We will see him around the world. I do believe so.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Xen said:

    I don't think Marin is going to quite fill that hole. Nationally yes, but Yuzu's international fame isn't quite matched by Marin. Especially since Marin will soon have Trusova, Kihara, You Young, Eun Soo, and Anna S. coming up. All these ladies with their quads and 3As will probably start eclipsing Marin, internationally at least.  Ladies field going towards 2022 will be a crowded hot mess. 

    That's the impression I get too. First place in his heart is the Japanese fan crowd, and I'm somewhat resigned that ACI 2017 might be the first, last and only time I'll see him live. 

    I might sound negative, but after years of following Japanese culture, I have to say foreign attribution is not that much considered. Does it matter to JSF if Yuzuru is famous in many Asia countries and the general skating world? I doubt. Even Western media still see Asian fans are Japanese, thus our contribution is counted as Japanese's fans contribution. Which is weird of course. 


    Do you think JSF care for the international fans that are following Yuzuru? I doubt they care. Of course, we contribute something to the magazine sales and CMs with Yuzuru appear, as well as competitions that Yuzuru competes in. But as far as I can see, they live off the domestic field. Look at Japanese music industry or dramas etc... do you see they make it big outside of Japan? Unlike Korean showbiz, Japanese showbiz, music and all are quite close up. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


    Yeah there's really not much they can do about the slump that is bound to happen when Yuzuru retires. Shoma might be able to carry the mantle for a while since he is medal potential, but if he doesn't straighten out his technique i do really fear that he will suffer an injury or the judges will start coming down on him. Who knows how he will fair when the ISU starts implementing changes to scoring... And right now there's no one who comes close to touching Yuzuru's overall talent, impact and star potential. JSF is really, really, going to miss Yuzu when he's gone.

    I doubt that JSF is going to miss Yuzuru. They have Marin Honda and many talented young girls who will do the jobs. Which is fine anyway.

  4. 3 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


    Yeah I think they are being real mindful of the possibility of Yuzuru retiring, if not at the end of this season (which I do not think will happen) then maybe next season. Yuzuru is a big star and hugely popular with big sponsors and a lot of media attention, he also pulls big audiences. Whenever he does retire, it's bound to be a big blow to the JSF because he's going to leave a huge hole, even if he goes pro and is still doing skating things that can be covered and keep money coming in to the sport in Japan. It'd maybe be better to encourage more evenly distributed coverage between Yuzu and Shoma than to seem to be avoiding covering Yuzu in favour of Shoma but I think they feel like they need to build up Shoma because whenever Yuzuru does inevitably stop competing it's going to leave a hell of a vacuum.

    Russian fed has a huge slump of men after Plushenko. JSF will be the same after Yuzuru. Their men will be down for a long time as long as Yuzuru retires. They can not pull it up. There is up and there is down for everything. They should be happy they have many talented young ladies right now who can carry the touch. Girls always attach more attention anyway. Had Yuzuru been a girl, he would have like double the attention and love he is getting now. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Xen said:

    I think they're just resigned to Yuzu R******g. But it's probably some sense of "fairness" which goes along the lines of "Yuzu has a lot of sponsors he doesn't need to hog up more space, but other budding skaters who will be with us for another 4-5 years, they need more visibility to help their financial stability, so we need magazines to promote them more."  Realistically, they're right in that Yuzu has a LOT of visibility, and other Japanese skaters do need more sponsors. However it ultimately comes out as "unfair."


    The media drama will die down once he decides to R**** but that might be a while since JSF doesn't have many new male skaters to promote yet. 

    I do not wish for Yuzuru to continue to WC 2019. All these disgusting tricks from JSF aka Nagoya side. they want to be famous and more control, they have it. Yuzuru doesn't have to stay and endure their game. He can retire safely in shows. He can tour around the world and let the storm at home for JSF.

    Let the rest to enjoy the media pressure and attack. I assure you, it is not nice up there on that seat. JSF is NO MATCH to USFA. They want to be Japanese No 1 to get attacked by USFA and Skate Canada, deal with it.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

    Oh noooo does that mean no PH banner at NHK+GPF? :sadPooh:

    NHK still allows banners my friend said. But NO banners at GPF and Nationals. I have asked my Chinese friend who ordered the magazines from Japan and she said: 


    "There is a series of magazines is called 通信 which I ordered this time and was disappointed. That magazine always had about 90% or more about Yuzuru but this time they have less than 50%. Some people complained and said JSF pressured the magazine to not focus on Yuzuru. And the magazine said they got lots of pressure from many sides."


    I am so done with this. I did think Yuzuru should stay for WC 2019 as it will be on home ice but at this rate, I'd rather he will stop and go to shows right after this season end. Let JSF alone with their xxxx.

  7. Sorry, this is too ridiculous I have to share: 



    I have asked my Chinese friend who ordered the magazines from Japan and she said: "There is a series of magazines is called 通信 which I ordered this time and was disappointed. That magazine always had about 90% or more about Yuzuru but this time they have less than 50%. Some people complained and said JSF pressured the magazine to not focus on Yuzuru. And the magazine said they got lots of pressure from many sides."

    and this



  8. 2 hours ago, WinForPooh said:



    I must test this theory by watching a million videos. Yes, I must. Deadline? What deadline?

    Flutzer always try to switch to the outside edge then the last mili second before leaving the ice they switch back to the inside edge so it’s easy to see. Or maybe it’s just me. 

  9. 29 minutes ago, Xen said:

    hmm...but his SE direction is not optimal for setting up a 4Lz, since he's on a left forward outside edge, if he 3 turns from the SE sandwich he'd be on a left back inside edge, so he'll have to do a counter or rocker into it, which is hard and sounds amazing at the same time, and wait...I should stop giving him ideas in case he lurks....:facepalm:

    Yuzuru did besti squat into Lutz before, in NDP the program most people hate. He can do the similar entry before the 4lz now I guess. 

  10. 16 minutes ago, Pamigena said:


    you get the finger paint, I bring the glitter! We can totally out-coaster the French!

    I have the thrown away boxes of Mooncakes I ate. Hey they’re really pretty. You can use the boxes to store those medals.

  11. 1 minute ago, SSS said:

    Should I praise them for exactly 1:25 video length or complain that no swan in the actual video plus Yuzu does not exist in the first part of the video...Through zhenya, Javi and Yuzu all get 3 clips...

    I know right, I mean why use Yuzuru's swan as the thumbnail when they have no intention of showing it in the video... lol

  12. 22 minutes ago, Hannah said:


    We'll survive! I'm sure that he will skate good. Right, @meoima ? We need your good predictions to stay mentally healthy till then...

    I will be there with her to accept her will that her bank account will belong to me if she couldn't survive it. No worries. 

  13. 27 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

    Just noticed the unintentional synchronised jump with Misha! /his airtime for his 4t is same as a triple  :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:/




    It's actually Misha who lept his body up onto the air later than Yuzuru. In fact Yuzuru's 4T has more air time than of course a triple.

    the biggest difference is Misha has a pause into his triple while Yuzuru snaps right away, immediately into his quad. 

    Yuzuru indeed is the king of agility. 

  14. 21 minutes ago, PomeloPooh said:


    Maybe they didn't follow the news close enough and just took Max's "planified layout" too seriously:P After all it's too easy to get carried away with any mention of 4Lz, don't we all know that very well?:laughing:

    She is a good translator but she applies her view too much in the context.

  15. 1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:

    I'm so completely dead from this weekend. The happiness, the worry, the sadness, the delirium, the hertwarmingnessness, The Great Pumpkin Robbery.


    I don't know if I'll recover in time for CoR. :13877886:

    He will win CoR, believe me. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

    You know what, that's the exact moment I crossed my toes and the rest of my fingers (the regular crossing of fingers is routine for everything), too. Felt something wasn't quite right and it wasn't going to go very well. But, well, it wasn't his body. Or if it was, it's nothing that can't be fixed with the right attention, which he will get. It's in his head, and this boy is so strong. Mental strength is up there with the best (unless he's walking and he falls in which case he apparently wails in fright). This is skating, he's so strong as long as he's on the ice. He'll bounce back. I'll wager he's already calculating it.

    After all these years watching FS I know what I am talking about. Orser understands Yuzuru's peak condition very well. He will manage it so Yuzuru will peak right at the Olympic.

    And after all these years watching FS I am telling you, those who go out full in the early season might lose their breath soon when it's needed the most. 

    The season is long and there will be many obstacles.

    What matters the most will be several minutes at the Olympic, not here.

  17. 11 minutes ago, Yuazz said:

    Remind me of Boston.. :sadPooh:

    He peaked too early and suffers at the end (injured). He expects himself to do better that only made him over training and then injured. I hope he always remember what he learned from that season and take care of his body. (He can last season, I hope this season too) 


    So glad Brian in his team. Brian is a wise man and an experienced skater. He knows what his students are needed to prepare going into Olympic. 

    Yes I would say Orser is trying to delay Yuzuru's peak as much as possible for the Olympic. We might not see a clean back to back Yuzuru for the whole season until Olympic. Believe in him.

  18. 22 minutes ago, Katt said:

    I think Brian did a great job at protecting Yuzu from media this time. He often goes all out, saying he's in perfect condition, and then he mess up the FS after great SP, people will bash him way more than this. And after everything's done, they reveal the reason behind and its too late, no one beside his fans care. And Yuzu himself took the result easier than he was in the past. Of course, he's disappointed and regretted, who's isn't but I think this might be good for him in the long run Last year after ACI, he promised he would do great/perfect performance at next event again and again and its scary. He's mature than before, and he get over a bad skate faster too. 


    lol I think Orser didn't expect Yuzuru to mess this badly. Orser just tried to delay Yuzuru's peak and to stop him from overworking his body so it's all good. Yes it's a messy skate but:

    1) it's autumn classic, just a senior B, it doesn't matter that much especially when you see the tech specialist tried to kill all the Flip it's so funny not serious as people think.


    2) it's important to delay his peak and take it easy for now. I think the fandom should be more worried if he went all out. I am sure if Yuzuru were allowed to jump 4lz and 4Lo in this competition, he would have won. Reading his interview and we see through that. He needs challenges and challenges fire him up. Orser wants to save that challenges for later.


    3) the goal is to peak at Olympic, not here. I am sure his health in general is very good, but his slight pain in the right knee might lead to bigger problems if he went all out with all gun blazing, all quads landed etc, it might cause strains on his body.


    4) the media hype might go up to the other side of the galaxy if Orser allowed Yuzuru to go for all quads here, so let them die down a bit.


    in short, it's good he wasn't allowed to go all out, and it's good because he will stay in Toronto for long for the rest of the time.

  19. Reading his interview, It's indeed a good move of Orser to stop Yuzuru from doing 4lz and 4lo for this competition. 

    Knowing Yuzuru, I am afraid had Orser not been there, Yuzuru might have jumped 4lz and 4lo in the beginning and won this competition with a bang. The media hype will be much much bigger and it's no good for the long run.

    He might push himself too much and it might affect his knee. 

    No one wants a bad free skate, of course everyone prefers that he wins but after all this is just a senior B, this messy skate also means it delays his peak then I am all good. 

    He will bring 4lz and 4Lo to CoR because that's what he is!!

  20. 7 minutes ago, anyanee said:

    I really love you @meoima. Your word alway make me relive from stress. :8232307: 

    But your prediction scared me too.....:dpooh:

    Yuzuru will be fine and he will win Olympic again.

    and the skaters whom most people think will do well might not do that well. I don't want to name them here. Just believe me. 

  21. 24 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:


    Thanks meoima :10742289: I will always believe your words haha.

    Being his fans for years, I kinda give up to the pattern. I mean... knowing him... this is just the Yuzuru we all know and love. Breaking records yesterday and making some mess the next days. When he said he wanted to raise the average and be like Zhenia Medvedeva... I chucked a bit. I have said many times he can't be like her. Really, people are born with their true nature and I never see anyone changing that. The point is he will take all of this as some lessons and turn it into advantage in the most important moments. He did it at GPF 2015, WC 2017, he can do it again. 

    He will be fine, as long as he is healthy, he will find a way to win big. The rest is just dust in the wind.

  22. Well I guess I am the only one who feels relieved? Didn't I say something a while ago if he did too well in his first competition of the season I would be scared?

    now this is ok. Let him go back to Toronto and heal his knee properly. He will be fine by Cup of Russia.

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