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Posts posted by meoima

  1. 2 hours ago, Winnie_20 said:

    I’m happily ignoring all the Shoma blabla. Just wanted to say I thought he was amazing, I love Winter, love  Shoma’s skating and jumps, and want to start a petition to the ISU to make a tie something more than only virtually impossible for the OGM. :heart: 



    Don’t be sad when Yuzuru wins Olympic. Because Yuzuru will win, and there will be no tie. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, Sammie said:

    Are they the same “wrap him in cotton wool” guys? It would be sad cus they seem to be fans. :yznotimpressed:

    British commentators are directors, coaches at the rink Uno is training. 


    Easy to understand. They are also doing politics for their student.

  3. 1 hour ago, Murieleirum said:


    I won't listen to them. I won't harm myself in that way :rofl:Yeah, of course, no content... although @meoima shared just a couple of days ago that video in which very interesting numbers were explained... like the fact that Yuzuru travels more than 50 meters more than the other top 5 on average... or that he lowered the number of crossovers this season, which is the lowest among the top 5... the fact that his turns and steps are in higher number than everyone else among the top 5... 

    We could keep going and remind them all of these things and they would still continue to say what they want to say. 

    Yuzuru at his peak can travel 720 meters in a free skate.

    at CoR 2017 he traveled 705 meters, it’s no where near his peak.

    and average top 5 men at WC travel 620 meters.


    you see the difference.

  4. 16 minutes ago, xeyra said:


    This is an interesting analysis. I wonder if the reduced crossovers (which I guess is very visible in the second half with how packed the elements are together) is what's making those two 4Ts more difficult to land right now. I'm sure he'll get them done. He already managed to only pop 1 instead of both at Rostelecom AND hit the 3As. :biggrin: 


    I'm confused about what he means by revolutions by spinning and why a lower number is better? As well as what rotations by skating means here. 


    I do not think he says lower revolutions by spinning is better, it just means that Yuzuru can hit the level of the spin faster than others (or that Yuzuru feels he hits the level enough). And it varies, for example, I think Javi does more spin revolutions to ensure that he gets the level done.


    And rotations by skating means the total number of times Yuzuru turns his body or simple, the number of times he uses "turns and steps". 

  5. 1 hour ago, xeyra said:


    Sorry! I updated the link. Should work now. 

    There is this analysis video of a guy in Sweeden. He has calculated a lot of numbers regarding Yuzuru here in this video:

    So apparently, Yuzuru has reduced his number of crossovers: 28 crossovers in the free skate compared to other guys who do 36 crossovers in general. Yuzuru does 53 rotation by skating, compared to the number of 40 that most other male skaters do. Yuzuru's ice coverage was 705 m in his free skate, while most guys are 620m. And this is just the number of the early season. As Yuzuru at his great condition in GPF 2015 did travel up to 720m.


    For your reference, I talked with the guy and he said, in the free skate Shoma Uno does 44 crossovers (as he counted them all). 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Danibellerika said:


    Same. When I saw that I realized Yuzu doesn't have it easy for any competition he enters this season.  He'll be fighting for everything he gets.   



    Cue my obligatory Alex Shib ogling. *sigh* <3<3<3<3<3

    Greatness has to obtain by trials and hardships. In fact I was afraid if Yuzuru won too much at the beginning of the season he might have lowered his guard down. But this is all good. He isn’t peaking yet and he will do better as the season goes. I do think Yuzuru is the chosen one, that’s why so many difficulties are thrown at him. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, Mastyaeva said:

    Apart from those pooh-deluges (I'm sooo proud of us :biggrin:), the second moment of craziness surely was stsq with drums. It seemed that the whole arena resonated. I still can not just hear but feel by my whole body this rhythm when I close my eyes. Taking into account that Yuzu was absolutely in music and character, it really looked like he created this commanding enormous sound by some kind of spell. 

    The Gala and especially its ending was also absolutely his time. The recording was the first time I saw the winners were taking pictures in the end. Sorry not sorry:facepalm:

    Seimei is a great choice for the Olympic, the music sounds amazing in the arena. I hope Yuzuru will skate last at the Olympic. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Joey said:


    I'd still bet actual money on seeing the 4Lz in the SP as well :biggrin: His 4Lo was a bit iffy at CoR overall, Yuzu is Yuzu and loves his risky things, and he even tends to be more successful with higher risk (look at Chopin with 1 quad vs 2 quads :laughing:). If so, RIP Brians hair!



    @kaeryth I'm late, but I can share some of my impressions from CoR (aka I will talk your virtual ear off I'm afraid!). Regarding Yuzu, I thought he looked in really good shape. He focused quite a bit on the lutz in practice, and his succession rate with it increased throughout the practice days (I saw all 3 from thursday to saturday). At first, he popped a lot, last day had more low landings/step outs. When he lands it, it is absolutely wow - the highest jump I've seen in FS I think! What really makes it special, like meoima said, is the short prep time Yuzu takes for it compared to every other 4Lz we've seen so far. It gives the take off even more oomph to me (the reason I love lutzes anyway - the outside edge and counter rotation make the take off so explosive, where flips for example look softer to me. Yuzu's shorter entry into the 4Lz makes it look like a gunshot/bullet, it's awesome!). In good old cranky jealous girlfriend style, his 4Lo was on and off too. IMO it might be related to after effects of less training time caused by the knee troubles, and maybe the 4Lz also interferes a bit with his loop timing. Everything else was spot on. And that would be 3As, 4Ts, 4Ss and one lonely 3F (because practicing non-axel triples is for whimps I guess! as is practicing spins, lol, who practices spins?! Jk, normal people do, normal people do). Yuzu was actually the first to jump, every time. He starts off with a bit of stroking, then bam!, 3A. Perfect every time. Then he went to 4T, 4S, then 4Lo, lastly the lutz. He didn't miss one 3A throughout CoR. The worst 4T he had in practice had a scratchy landing, and that was it (which is why his competition 4T mistakes really frustrated me "xD). And his 4S is still my favorite non-3A of Yuzu, the ice coverage and flow he has really are insane. Outside of jumps he was a bit low on energy (probably also related to early practice times), but every time he focused on a bit of choreo/steps, he locked really sharp. Honestly, he looked great. In competition, he was a bit more tight IMO. Especially in the SP, but also the 2nd half of the LP. Guess most of his energy really went into the 4Lz, which is fair, given that it is a big new element and when it comes to Yuzu, there is so much anticipation and hype around everything.... he must have had so much pressure to land it. Regarding Chopin I still have to say I'm too meh about it being back, so I don't really know what to say... the 4-3 placement really is divine, but only when he lands it :laughing: as for Seimei, it is an improved version compared to 2015-16 in every way, IMO. The placement of the last 4T and 3As so close to each other, it's a real climax moment and showcases Yuzus skill perfectly by highlighting the non-existent set up. Given the great shape he's in right now, I think he'll get those perfect programs he wants, and they will be even better then 2015 NHK/GPF. Let's hope it will be at the Olympics!

    Yeah... his 4S in practice is still the biggest quad I have seen. I can’t tell about the 4lz as It’s still not his best attempt yet. And his best 4lz I was sitting above and not sideway, so I a, unclear about the distance, unlike like when I saw he landed 4S. However, we all agree the 4lz was really high and wow. Image when he finally masters it...


    Btw, knowing Yuzuru... he might add 4lz in the SP... or put 3A as the first jump and do both quads in the second half. And there goes my sanity. 

  9. 26 minutes ago, SSS said:

    Is it true that Yuzu entered his Lutz with not much speed maybe because of the transitions he did?

    No... mostly because Yuzuru didn’t stalk his way into this jump. He skated straight into it, turned around and snapped right away. The moment he turned around for the lutz, he didn’t prepare anything. 

    It is obvious in the arena to see who were going to prepare for which jump.

    For example, during practice, I saw Nathan paragraph into 4lo (which he didn’t try in competition) for almost the length of the ice rink. 

  10. 57 minutes ago, Mastyaeva said:

    Absolutely not a specialist so I'm a little afraid to tell my opinion here, but I saw Boyang's luz live in Helsinki and Yuzu's ones in practice and during the CoR. I'm basing only on my eyesight but Boyangs's one still seems to have the biggest distance. And speaking about Yuzu's luzs, the rotation of the one from practice really was more quick than of the one he made during the competition. Frankly, I've never seen such a quick rotation as I saw that morning (I also saw Nathan, Aliev and Kolyada that day and they didn't seemed so quick; Nathan's luz is maybe the closest one speaking about speed). Again, sorry I don't have enough experience or knowledge. But this is what just jumped out at me when I saw it.

    Yes. The Lutz during the competition was less fast in rotation but higher.

    The lutz he did in practice had better body angle that’s why the landing was good. 

    Overall Yuzuru still needs time to get used to the 4lz in competition. Since he said he knew he won the free skate due to landing the 4lz, I don’t see him backing down on the 4lz...

  11. 3 minutes ago, SSS said:

    I think all three should be put into one post. I want Boyang to be there. and height should be adjusted correctly in order to be a correct analysis. wrong data just made me uncomfortable..lol...Sorry I am always into those tiny data... besides that, it was a good analysis. 

    The guy does the video analysis for a living with other European athletes so he is pretty serious about that. He just doesn’t know the true numbers of their heights, and the cameras being so unstable doesn’t help as well. Who could have said ISU and co are so unreliable when it comes to biographies and recording... lol

  12. 18 minutes ago, Xen said:

    Yuzu is almost there, but he starts his 4Lz a bit earlier than Boyang I think.  These photos from CoR don't have many markers so it's harder for me to eyeball the distance. T_T

    I would say Yuzuru’s air time is very much the highest. Hopefully we will see better 4lz from him soon. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Danibellerika said:

    Regardless of these, I wouldn't be shouting any stats to the rooftop as proof of much.  I know what my eyes tell me and watching both Nate and Boyang do several lutzes in the same spot at worlds for practice, there was no comparison.  Kolyada too even though he fell.  Boyang and Kolyada's are both wow moments. Nate's not so much. Yuzu's looks like a slightly less wow, but still a wow. 

    And the guy who did the analysis also said the numbers depend quite a lot on the camera angles and so on. Unless we have a still view camera which doesn’t move along with the skaters and record from floor views, it’s impossible to compare just from several videos. For example I sat right beside the 4S3T Yuzuru did in practice and I saw nothing bigger than that. It was like 4 meter or longer. But we don’t have that kind of views all the time.

  14. On the plane back to my country, I sat beside an auntie who came back from Sweeden and transited in Moscow. I told her I came to Moscow to watch skating competition. We were bored on the long flight, thus I showed  her Yuzuru’s best performances. She was just reacting like: “OMG he’s sooooo amazing. Omg such a great jump. Oh he is such a great athlete.” 


  15. 4 hours ago, SSS said:

    just noticed that Boyang is as tall as Yuzu now...

    170cm is not enough for both of them, this video needs to be recalculated...we will see magic number.

    The guy made the video said he would check out the 4lz Yuzuru did in practice from a fancam. Hopefully he will give out something soon.

  16. 1 hour ago, SSS said:



    Sharing my story today about the US propaganda.


    Today when I arrived office, my teammate gave me some super excited face expression... I knew he watched the program because he sent me some Yuzu TV photos during weekend. (NBC confirmed)

    My teammate did not know figure skating until he knew I loved Yuzu. He finished Yuri on Ice...(I didn't)... and he knew Nathan Chen (I told him). To him, when mentioning Nathan Chen, he brings up quads. (because of news. US propaganda is strong) How cool Nathan Chen is...so many quads...

    He was expecting some frustration from me and I didn't have any.:xD:

    I asked if he watched the competition. He said when he turned on TV, it was right Yuzu's turn (SEIMEI). He also watched Nathan's program.

    As an American, he said he wanted Nathan Chen to win Olympics.


    He also said he loved Yuzu's music choice.  

    I also asked how he felt. He said he remembered Yuzu's program but did not remember anything except some music in Nathan's program. (Something like that, forgot what he actually said)


    After several hours, another teammate shared an instagram post to me. It is the 9gag Yuzu fighting with ribbon, trying to get into gala photo and lifted by a guy video.


    :space:It is a good day.


    As I was in the arena, I would say both of Nathan's programs were nice but I feel underwhelming a bit? I like the Sp music as it is cool but the performance is not something that makes you feel goosebump or something.


    And I love Rite of spring but Nathan's LP is made of mostly Chinese-ish music cuts anyway. So I asked a Chinese girl how does she feel and she said it's a bit underwhelming too. 


    Seimei is certainly much more memorable when it comes to the music choice, costume and choreography. I think The Skating Lesson said something about Yuzuru has a huge presence on the ice and that Seimei is very complimentary of that? I dislike them so I do not watch.


    Overall I think Chopin is a safe choice but it is beautiful nevertheless and it embodies the softness in Yuzuru's skating. While Seimei is too powerful and people cannot stop their eyes from watching it. 


    Phil Hersh once said he felt pity that Seimei should have been shown at the Olympic so casual viewers would know the beauty of the sport... I am sure he feels kinda regretting now loll 

  17. At this rate I am not surprised if Yuzur wants 4F someday just to get all the quads done. He said that when he was junior. I was laughing and did not believe but... yeah if he gets that 4A done then why not 4F to be the last quad to master...

  18. 28 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

    I used feel incredulous and amazed at my friends’s passion their fandoms because I had never been a fan of anyone, I mean I understand the general feeling but just don’t get the level of intensity or passion until I was pulled into the gravity of Planet Hanyu:joy:.  Now I’ve experienced all the roller coaster emotions and heart palpitations and mood changing during the season, missing him in off season, I mean,  knowing Yuzu evokes lots of deep and intense feeling that I’m not aware of before , and I’m loving it . I learn to never say never before but this I know for sure , I will never be this crazy fan for anyone else but Hanyu who never ceases to amaze me with his personality, his dorkiness , his talent , his perseverance,.....seeing him live in ACI is magical:sadPooh:

    People are lucky that at CoR, somehow I did not see Yuzuru on the same floor as mine. I was looking down on him on the 2nd floor and I am scared of height. Or if we're on the same floor I might strangle him like this for all his stubbornness lol. funny-angry-face-meme-i3.png


  19. 2 minutes ago, beki said:

    There's starting to be some interesting overlap where fans of Yuzu become fans who appreciate Boyang as well. Which wouldn't be immediately obvious. I think it's because if you look closely he's the younger skater following the Yuzu path. His artistry and PCS is very much a work in progress, but he's not given credit for his improvement. His first year senior he was a pure jumping bean with not so good skating skills and empty programs, but he's working on everything, not just quads.

    Boyang has all the time do develop himself because... he is not pressured by the media hype and fan attention. I think somehow he knows that his best chance is 2022 and he does not have to rush (like the other guys). Everything needs time, especially when it comes to tangible skills. Many artists say they disliked how they play some music pieces when they're young (and yet people praised them for it). Only later in life, when they're more experienced, they finally can say "I understand it now." 

  20. 43 minutes ago, Xen said:

    I went to the facebook page and there were only 8 comments. Not sure if I'm missing something, but there was never a hint about why Yuzu's 4Lz landing was unstable?

    Compared to Boyang's the things that stand out to me are a) not as much distance; b) more pronounced tilt in the air (25 vs 16 degree body angle in air). So is the prognosis for Yuzu to increase distance or what to fix that tilt? 


    Yuzuru's 4lz in practice is much better but I wonder if the fancam is enough for him to do an analysis. Or someone should send him the video of Yuzuru's first 4lz in practice that got recorded by Japanese media. I think it was a good angle. 

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