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Status Replies posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Hi, my daughter works in Singapore.  Maybe one day we will meet when I go visit her in Singapore.

  2. Hi, my daughter works in Singapore.  Maybe one day we will meet when I go visit her in Singapore.

    1. rockstaryuzu


      You might have me mixed up with someone else - I'm from Canada 🇨🇦.  But I'd be delighted to meet a fellow satellite at a Yuzu skating show any time!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.

    In retrospect, if I had stayed with my previous position, I would have an extra week of vacation now and many other things which I didn't consider because I thought I would have retired in 3 yrs.


    I am an adult nurse practitioner, did my masters in the US and am board certified in family practice.  I was board certified as an Advanced Oncology Certified NP, but since I realized I wasn't moving to the US and no one really cared to reward that credential nor did it give me any advantages: I let it lapse.


    In Alberta, I hold dual licences to practice in family stream or specialty stream.

    My education in the US was excellent and my experience in hospital medicine and hematology/oncology makes my life easier now...it is such complex acute care medical decisionmaking that most of my colleagues won't touch it with a ten foot pole despite paid supervised 3-4 month orientation to inpatient/outpatient and ER settings. I enjoy the work because it is good brain exercise and I enjoy the patient/family contact.  I also enjoy the problemsolving process.

    1. rockstaryuzu


      Ah, interesting. I always find it fascinating how many specialties there are in cancer care. 


      In my case, the reason I'm looking over the fence in search of greener grass is just sheer exhaustion. I've been at this job for 20 years, have a Bachelor in physics and some engineering education. Not enough to move up or even to go back to school to move up (I would need a Master's, at minimum) but enough to do a lot of highly technical data collection. No decision-making, no autonomy, and no respect for my experience. But I could cope with all of it weren't for the workload. We've had the same number of staff in my lab for the past fifteen years, while our workload has increased by at least a third, if not outright doubled. I can't get my job done within the bounds of an eight hour day anymore, and I'm regularly doing unpaid overtime. And so I'm exhausted all the timr

  4. Hello, rockstaryuzu;

    Are you going to skate Canada Kelowna? 


    1. rockstaryuzu


      Oh, that means there's a chance Yuzu and Shoma could be at the same GP this year, because Shoma was out of the top 3 at Worlds. Interesting. 



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hello, rockstaryuzu;

    Are you going to skate Canada Kelowna? 


    1. rockstaryuzu


      If Yuzu goes to Skate Canada, I would go for sure. And I would be happy to take you up on your offer, in that case. 


      Yuzu hasn't done Skate America since 2012...I keep wondering why people think he won't go there again. I wish I knew how they decide the assignments. Then I could book trips with confidence. :) 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hello, rockstaryuzu;

    Are you going to skate Canada Kelowna? 


    1. rockstaryuzu


      >Kelowna's the other side of the country from me. :( It would actually be a shorter and cheaper trip for me to go to Skate America in Vegas this year. So I'm torn. 


      I'm definitely going to Worlds in Montreal though. 



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hello, rockstaryuzu;

    Are you going to skate Canada Kelowna? 


    1. rockstaryuzu


      I haven't fully decided yet. I'm about 80% in favour at the moment. 


      Why do you ask? Are you planning to go? 



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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